Okay things for baby to sample.


New Momma
Jun 20, 2012
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My LO is 2 and a half months old now (yay) and she's a BF baby.

Last week I let her lick a couple fruits - strawberry, cantaloupe and blueberry. Last night she sucked and gummed on half a seedless grape (very carefully in mommy's hand) She loved it! It was like a super sweet nipple lol!

I didn't think much of it at the time I let her lick different fruits, just didnt want to give her the pineapple because of how acidicy it is, but afterwards I thought - if she has an allergic reation I wont know what friuit caused it!

So, I know even as an infant some moms let their babies taste bananas and mashed potatoes, etc. What kinds of things do your babies like and has anyone had a ban experience with a reaction?
simon just started solids now, but i did what you did and let him lick and suck on some fruits - grapes, cherries etc. (things with a skin), then I would let him lick stuff off my fingers carefully. Now he has tried sweet potatoes and squash and loves them. I figured if he got used to flavours before he had a full mouthful of them, hed be less likely to spit them in my face.
I know there are lots of moms here who won't let babies try new tastes early, but I did (thats MY parenting style, but there are loads - so do what feels good for you)!
Oh yes, I'm not looked to be judged or judge others, just looking for peopel to share expeiriences!

Because she is a BF baby, I know she has some variety of flavor depending on what I eat, but I do like to think I'm giving her a little treat since there is so little we can do right now. Just because she wont remember everything doesn't mean I shouldn't expose her to new things.
couldn't agree more!
I wanted my son to be a good eater (i.e. like a variety of foods) and I thought to myself,, then only way to do that is to expose him to tastes (not necessarily 'foods') early on.
The same goes for when we take her out. Some lady yelled at us for taking her to Walmart where we were getting newborn pictures for her because "we were going to get her sick" -_- If you dont expose them to germs they cant fight them off and cant build an immune system! We also take her to charity walks, and to play with my mom and dad's dogs and we've taken her to our old high school's marching band practice. Yeah it was a little loud but she LOVED it. We want her to experience the world and better to start now while she is fearless!

We havent tried any semi solids yet like sweat or mashed potatoes, just licking and sucking on fruits. I want to try some mushed banana. Just a little taste! I just want to watch the sugar!
I personally didn't give anything before 6 months, she didn't show any signs of wanting/needing anything other than milk so I felt there was no point.

Two and a half months is really young to be giving food of any kind. I know you're not looking for judgement and I'm not trying to judge you, just wanted to mention that their little bellies are not really equip to handle solid foods (ie. Banana) yet. :)
Yeah I am a little worried about her tummy, which is why she has only licked fruit or sucked on juice. I would probably have her do the same with the banana but we were waiting until her next Dr. appoitment before giving it to her. especially since she had the grape yesterday, I dont want to overload her with sugars! Thank you for your opinion and for voicing it politely!

She watches me eat everything so I always feel bad! We think she may also be teething already and i thought the grape might feel good on her gums and be a nice distraction for her! She doesn't seem to be too into her teethers, but she ikes to gum on my fingers. Hehe.
A lady got mad at you for taking him to get newborn pictures? Sheesh. I took LO to a MLB game when he was 6 weeks old, and got some ridiculous looks. :haha: He was fine though, never got sick, and slept through most of it.

I would occasionally let him taste things, but my DH would get mad at me. Now that he's older he's actually starting to chew and eat real foods, last night he ate a green bean. :) In the past I think I mostly just let him lick watermelon or apple, I only did it a few times though as like I said I would get mean looks from DH. :blush:
I took my LO to a beer festival at 8 weeks. What does the lady think you are going to do - stay indoors all the time and never go to a shop?

However, I'd hold off the food with your LO for a couple of months. She doesn't need "treats" at this stage and the fruit sugars could interfere with her tummy.
I really love hearing that I'm not the only one taking my LO out, I wanted to take her to a marching band competition that my little siblings are in, but its like 5 hours and a little chilly. I think I'm gunna go though, She has warm clothes that I can bundle her in and if it gets unbearable for her I can always leave! Plus Mom-Mom and Papa Doug (Mom's fiance) will be there and she loves to visit them.

I understand everyone's concern about letting babies eat food, but I personally am still going to let her try things like licking pieces of fruit. I think that small amount will be just fine for her, but I am going to hold off on the banana because I dont want her to get a chunk of anything. Also, moderation. I just gave her the grape last night so i think I'll wait another week or two before letting her get anymore sugar from fruits lol.

Has anyone's baby had an allergic reaction to food they tried? Thats my biggest fear. To find out shes allergic to grapes or something because i let her lick it. As a BF baby I believe if I eat it and feed her she can have a reaction, but does that mean if I have peanut butter and she doesnt have a reaction thats she not allergic or is it still possible? I'm not sure. I'm not giving her peanut butter by the way, just using it as an example lol.
Really at your LO's age nothing, even licking food gets food particles in their mouth which end up in their tummys. Giving foods before 4 months increases the risk of allergy's even if its the tiniest particle.

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