My only regret is that I gave up so easily with my first, I wanted to give up a million times this time as well but my husband knew I would be angry and regret it later and I am so happy he helped me push through those first few weeks. There were so many times I could have stopped wanted to stop, so many emotional break downs and I didn't know if it was worth it. There would always seem to be those days though at 2 am where he would wake up and just be a smiling happy baby who would latch no problems and fall back asleep cuddled up next to me, that made every bad moment worth it. Now it's like one bad day a week, and he's just being stubborn most the time it's not like he won't latch or anything he's just distracted and wants to do other things. He's great at nights now though we just lay side by side I leave my breast out and whenever he's hungry he latches on. Just try and be patient, I know it's hard when you are sleep deprived with a sleeping baby and only you are able to get up and feed them but I promise it's worth it. Make sure you have a good support system and that your doctor knows how strongly you feel about bfing. Lots of skin to skin and remember to be happy for each of the little things you baby does. Like the first time they smile while asleep on the breast, not to mention money saved, health benefits and not just for baby but for you too! Good luck hope to see you around these boards after your lo comes!