I can't be much help since DD never had any issues on her cow and gate but some women on here have said that they've got prescription milk so that's one possibility. Also I read another women's LO had an issue with the cows milk protein in the milk so you could also try a goat milk based formula. Good luck!
It can take a couple of weeks to notice a difference with changing formulas. My dd got badly constipated and had terrible gas (along with reflux). What worked for us was burping after every 2oz. Also baby massage twice a day (get the videos on yourube) Worked so good getting her wind out.
For constipation I was advised by GP to give her 1oz of water throughout the day. I chose to put it in her bottle as she always drained them but obviously that's not medically advised It worked to soften her poo making it easier for her to pass. GP can also prescribe lactose if needed xxx
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