Congrats on being 12 weeks 5 days Anchor! That's incredible and must feel so good, although I am sure the anxiety never completely fades.
Red, I can promise you that after your first scan, it does get somewhat better. After I heard the heartbeat although I am still very anxious about it sticking it did relieve some of my stress. The other thing (EVERYONE SAYS THIS AND ITS HARD TO BELIEVE SOMETIMES!!!) is that every pregnancy is different. And early on, it is sometimes hard to tell you're pregnant and that BY NO MEANS is a prelude to something bad. Around 4-6 weeks I was having incredibly vivid dreams. One night I would hear the heartbeat in a dream, the next night I was bleeding. It was hard. My vivid dreams arent every night anymore (which of course, worries me, but I think that initial surge of hormones is gone. Hang in there, I have faith you will meet your rainbow.
AFM- I am 8 weeks 3 days now. Due 12/17/13. Christmas baby :-D I had an appointment on the 2nd, where I heard the heartbeat. It was- by far, the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. It was completely taken by it. I didn't want her to stop it. I wanted to keep listening and listening. The one thing about the appointment that freaked me out is that the baby was measuring small. About 6 weeks 5 days. My doctor has been my doctor since I was 16- so knows all about my miscarriage and kept reassuring me "It's normal Rachel, I swear it's normal. This appointment is cause for a party!" I kept asking and she kept saying it was okay. Then I of course did internet researching and found that as long as there's a strong HB and your doc says it's okay, it's okay. As far as symptoms go, my boobs are extremely sore and a lot bigger. It's pretty funny. I pee so much more, I have the white CM, I'm exhausted. Only nauseated sometimes, but haven't thrown up. Trying to be so happy!