Hi all, this is my fifth month ttc. I have been charting BBT and periods and I'm just not sure my body is operating properly! I was just wondering if anyone else has any similar stories, and if so, what happened? ie. fertility help req, successfully conceived.
My cycles have been 34, 34, 37, 33, 33, 31, 33. I have only had two +opk's - one in Feb 13 and May 13. My luteal phase for Feb was 13 days, May was 15 days. I couldn't really pinpoint ovulation in March and April. I have had no success with saliva testing for ovulation (Maybe baby).
My period for February, March and April have concerned me - there was absolutely no flow, just dark blood clots deep at cervix. I did not have to wear any liners or anything, however the blood was evident for 4 days each time. This last cycle, my temp stayed just above coverline until 15 dpo, but I had what I thought was my period arrive on 14dpo (there was blood the evening before following sex, but the flow didn't arrive til the next day - I had been having tender breasts and increased size of breasts as well the day before). This blood was different to my last periods in that it was bright red, very little clotting and I wore a liner - but the flow was still what I would consider very light. This lasted for only one day.
I have asked my doctor about my periods but because we haven't been ttc greater than 12 months, they dismissed it. I just want to know if my cycles are happening properly so that I can conceive - there's no point waiting out the 12 months if the body isn't even doing what it should be to allow conception! I am currently 19 dpo and have done hpt to confirm not pregnant. My BBT dropped yesterday and although slightly rose today, is not above coverline.
Anyone have any thoughts?
My cycles have been 34, 34, 37, 33, 33, 31, 33. I have only had two +opk's - one in Feb 13 and May 13. My luteal phase for Feb was 13 days, May was 15 days. I couldn't really pinpoint ovulation in March and April. I have had no success with saliva testing for ovulation (Maybe baby).
My period for February, March and April have concerned me - there was absolutely no flow, just dark blood clots deep at cervix. I did not have to wear any liners or anything, however the blood was evident for 4 days each time. This last cycle, my temp stayed just above coverline until 15 dpo, but I had what I thought was my period arrive on 14dpo (there was blood the evening before following sex, but the flow didn't arrive til the next day - I had been having tender breasts and increased size of breasts as well the day before). This blood was different to my last periods in that it was bright red, very little clotting and I wore a liner - but the flow was still what I would consider very light. This lasted for only one day.
I have asked my doctor about my periods but because we haven't been ttc greater than 12 months, they dismissed it. I just want to know if my cycles are happening properly so that I can conceive - there's no point waiting out the 12 months if the body isn't even doing what it should be to allow conception! I am currently 19 dpo and have done hpt to confirm not pregnant. My BBT dropped yesterday and although slightly rose today, is not above coverline.
Anyone have any thoughts?