One Month In- Still Struggling with BF - HELP!


A Mom At Last!
Mar 21, 2013
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this might be somewhat of a rant but if you can give advice on any or all of my issues please do so! Here are all of the struggles:

1. My nipples: In the beginning when we were working on our latch, getting used to nursing, etc., she would use her gums to chomp down while nursing making nursing painful and my nipples became sore. Over the last week or two nursing has become painfree (besides the initial latch) and my nipples are still very sore. They are red and inflamed and tender. An LC has checked my latch and said it seems fine but when the nipples come out of her mouth they are creased or lipstick shaped with some white. EVERYTHING i've read said they shouldn't look like that. The LC looked at them and said it doesn't always mean a bad latch... that it migh tjust be the way the nipple fits in her mouth. SO my questions are: If nursing is pain free (finally!) why havent my nipples healed? If my latch is okay why do my nipples look creased?

2. She has a lip tie (no visible tongue-tie) which I think what was making her chomp down. She does this occasionally still during a feed but for the most part has stopped. If the latch is okay and nursing has become painfree for the most part is this something I should still remedy?

3. Lastly - I have developed mastitis. I don't have any hard lumps or what seems to be clogged ducts. My one breast became VERY painful and swollen and I have a fever. I am starting antibiotics today. If no clogged ducts- what has caused me to get this? Does this mean I am doing somethng wrong?

All in all I am stressed out and exhausted with trying to make this work. I don't want to keep damaging my nipples and getting mastitis but I don't know what I'm doing wrong? I am desperate to have the BF relationship with my baby and honestly the thought of giving her a bottle/pacifier just seems so unnatural to me.

DO you recommend seeing another LC for a second opinion? I paid $200 for the first visit.
Hmm I'm not a breastfeeding pro, but had a look on kellymom for a few ideas, sorry if you've already done this

It may well be worth getting the liptie fixed, at least so you can stop worrying about that aspect.

I'm sorry not to have any real advice, its hard to say if you aren't having any real pain, and baby is gaining weight well, but the mastitis/engorgement bit would worry me.
1. ...An LC has checked my latch and said it seems fine but when the nipples come out of her mouth they are creased or lipstick shaped with some white. EVERYTHING i've read said they shouldn't look like that. The LC looked at them and said it doesn't always mean a bad latch... that it migh tjust be the way the nipple fits in her mouth...

The LC might just mean that it isn't the kind of bad latch that can be corrected by repositioning. If LO is small she may struggle to get the correct amount of breast in. My nipples were like this and it took LO getting bigger to solve it. I'd be a bit peeved to PAY for someone to not help me though! Are there no voluntary/charitable organisations you could call like La Leche League??

2. She has a lip tie (no visible tongue-tie) which I think what was making her chomp down. She does this occasionally still during a feed but for the most part has stopped. If the latch is okay and nursing has become painfree for the most part is this something I should still remedy?

It is a quick procedure and won't make feeding any worse, so I'd do it just to rule out it being the cause of your issues.

3. Lastly - I have developed mastitis. I don't have any hard lumps or what seems to be clogged ducts. My one breast became VERY painful and swollen and I have a fever. I am starting antibiotics today. If no clogged ducts- what has caused me to get this? Does this mean I am doing somethng wrong?

You could have had a blocked duct on the inside of the breast where you wouldn't feel it. Having a less than great latch or sucking action is a big cause of mastitis but some women are just more prone to it than others (we all have a different breast construction). It'd be another reason for me to consider getting the lip tie snipped if I were you, but it needs to be your choice.
I'd definitely get the lip tie snipped just to be sure. My LO had a posterior tongue tie and in the early days it caused me very sore and misshapen nipples just like you described.

I'd say there's a good chance the lip tie caused your mastitis too
If the lip tie is preventing a good latch then yes it can cause the mastitis by not allowing LO to fully drain the breast x
Thanks for all of the replies. I had the pediatrician check her lip tie today before I made an appt. With the specialist (spec is over an hr away and I think out of pocket). He thought it was minimal and not restricting any mouth movement. Since my nipples are mishapen n still sore I can't help but think it's my latch. I have an appt. With an LC tomorrow. I also have reynnauds in my feet and hands. I've had it since I was a little girl, I just read you can have reynnauds of the nipples so that's something to explore. I'm hoping I get some answers with the LC tomorrow
It took a full 6 weeks before nursing was completely pain free for me. I think there is some truth that some babies' mouths just have to get bigger before it stops hurting. The pinched-looking nipple means your LO's mouth is still too small to cover all of the areola. I hope it gets better soon! Once we finally got over that 6 week hump, it's been great!

Also, most insurances in the US cover a LC. It might be worth a call to your insurance to find out. I saw one through our hospital, but my DD's pediatrician also had a group they referred to.
Okay so I had a good visit with the LC. She thinks I'm doing great but I may have some things going against me. Once again, my latch looks great from the outside but something is def compressing my nipples by the way they look when they come out of her mouth. She thinks my nipples may have just toughened up which is why I don't feel the pinching anymore. For this reason she thinks I should at least have a consultation about the lip tie and possible posterior tongue tie. She knows the doctor and assured me he won't perform the procedure if he thinks it's an unnecessary. At least it will rule one thing out. Also it appears I do have reynnauds in my nipples but I have no pain with it so not sure if it's causing anything or not. Weirdly I only have symptoms during pumping not nursing. Lastly she said I have to be more diligent about nipple care an taking her off If she falls asleep and gets lazy with her latch or starts to hurt me. So no definitive answers but at least I know I'm doing everything rigt on my end.
It took a full 6 weeks before nursing was completely pain free for me. I think there is some truth that some babies' mouths just have to get bigger before it stops hurting. The pinched-looking nipple means your LO's mouth is still too small to cover all of the areola. I hope it gets better soon! Once we finally got over that 6 week hump, it's been great!

Also, most insurances in the US cover a LC. It might be worth a call to your insurance to find out. I saw one through our hospital, but my DD's pediatrician also had a group they referred to.

Agree with everything she said...also you may check with your local health department. Though they have a WIC department (that you may or may not qualify for) sometimes they have a lactation consultant or a peer breastfeeding worker that can help or little or no cost.
Okay so I had a good visit with the LC. She thinks I'm doing great but I may have some things going against me. Once again, my latch looks great from the outside but something is def compressing my nipples by the way they look when they come out of her mouth. She thinks my nipples may have just toughened up which is why I don't feel the pinching anymore. For this reason she thinks I should at least have a consultation about the lip tie and possible posterior tongue tie. She knows the doctor and assured me he won't perform the procedure if he thinks it's an unnecessary. At least it will rule one thing out. Also it appears I do have reynnauds in my nipples but I have no pain with it so not sure if it's causing anything or not. Weirdly I only have symptoms during pumping not nursing. Lastly she said I have to be more diligent about nipple care an taking her off If she falls asleep and gets lazy with her latch or starts to hurt me. So no definitive answers but at least I know I'm doing everything rigt on my end.

Good to hear!

(and sidenote: I always feel like pumping is "harsher" feeling than nursing, if that makes sense. We might be pumping correctly, but nursing always "feels" better...)
You are still early on so soreness is still common. Sorry though as I know how much it can hurt! Does baby take in the entire nipple and sore of the areola? That is all I know of for bad latch. I have never had mastitis...Kudos for hanging in so far!
She did say that my nipples may just be more sensitive and that's why they are still sore. My latch looks to be okay she has a lot of my breast tissue in her mouth. Both LCs said my latch looks great and she appears to be draining my breasts well. Thts why the soreness and lipstick shaped nipples are so frustrating! I'm praying that maybe it will just get better over the next few weeks! How long do you think I should wait ? Maybe if my nipples are still red and sore by 7 weeks then I'll explore the lip tie?
We're 11 weeks in with a good looking latch but damage to one nipple and no answers. You're not alone x me it sounds like the latch is not right but I don't know how to help if that is the case. However, if the latch is fixed but your nipples still hurt, my biggest advice is to do lots of different breastfeeding positions! I had one nipple that wouldn't heal even though my dd's latch was fine but it just never had a chance to get better before I nursed started doing side-lying position sometimes and even the football hold once or twice (I usually do cradle hold). My nipple healed up right away! Sometimes having them latch a bit differently each time helps everything heal up.

Also, once your LO is latched you can usually gently tug the lower lip down further while she nurses. I had to do this for the first week or so because my dd couldn't quite get a wide enough latch on her own. I assume you are putting on lots of lanolin cream in between? Also - after you're finished nursing, express a little breastmilk and rub it around the nipple. Helps a lot!

Also - could she be clamping down because you have an over active letdown and she is trying to slow the flow? This is possible and if so sidelying position would probably help. me it sounds like the latch is not right but I don't know how to help if that is the case. However, if the latch is fixed but your nipples still hurt, my biggest advice is to do lots of different breastfeeding positions! I had one nipple that wouldn't heal even though my dd's latch was fine but it just never had a chance to get better before I nursed started doing side-lying position sometimes and even the football hold once or twice (I usually do cradle hold). My nipple healed up right away! Sometimes having them latch a bit differently each time helps everything heal up.

Also, once your LO is latched you can usually gently tug the lower lip down further while she nurses. I had to do this for the first week or so because my dd couldn't quite get a wide enough latch on her own. I assume you are putting on lots of lanolin cream in between? Also - after you're finished nursing, express a little breastmilk and rub it around the nipple. Helps a lot!

Also - could she be clamping down because you have an over active letdown and she is trying to slow the flow? This is possible and if so sidelying position would probably help.

I've tried diff positions- nothing seems quite as comfortable:-/ I noticed with side lying, she slides off the nipple more. I have been using lanolin and gauze between feeds, prescription nipple cream, breastmilk- nothing seems to be working:-/

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