I woke up to only one hand being swollen, I can not get my rings back on. It is not severe but I read swelling could be connected to pre-eclamsia (spelling?), so I thought I'd ask.
Swelling that early in pregnancy most likely isn't pregnancy related And pre-eclampsia wouldn't happen until into the 20 week+ range so no worries there!
Did the weather change recently? That could do it!
Swelling that early in pregnancy most likely isn't pregnancy related And pre-eclampsia wouldn't happen until into the 20 week+ range so no worries there!
Did the weather change recently? That could do it!
The weather has been the same but good to know it can't be bad. May be lyme disease related. I have not had it but some get it and I know rising pregnancy hormones can aggravate lyme at times.
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