Our blessing, Easton with pics :)


Wife and mommy!
Dec 4, 2009
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I am going to try and not make this too long :)

My pregnancy was rough from the get go. I fortunately became pregnant only a month after getting the Implanon implant removed, and we got our :bfp: in Jan. of 2010. It was only a week or so after finding out we were expecting that I began violently throwing up, and did so for about the first 18-20 weeks of my pregnancy. I was in the hospital at one time getting IV fluids. Being a nurse, I know all the in and outs about all of this stuff, but I HATE being in the hospital...

Around week 20 (after finding out we were having a BOY :baby: ),I FINALLY started feeling a little better and had about 5 weeks were I felt pretty good, despite the normal aches and pains. But around week 26, I started to feel pretty crappy-really tired and just not feeling "right". My doctor discovered that my BP was shooting up-getting in the 130s and 140s/90s pretty consistantly. My doctor wanted to watch it for a few weeks and have me come in twice a week to get checked. My BP stayed pretty stable in those ranges, but by the 32nd week, it skyrocketed to the 160s :nope: and I was hospitalized for three days. After the hospital stay, I was put on strict bedrest from then on, and was told I was probably going to be induced early...

I was having pretty regular contractions starting around week 35, and my LO had been sitting in the lower left side of my pelvis for weeks-PAINFUL. I was taking narcotics for it to help. I was still going to the doctor 2-3 times a week to get my BP checked and to have NSTs. I went in at 37+4 for a check up and was totally shocked to find that my BP was 188/100. :nope: My doctor simply said, "Well, it looks like you are going to have your baby this weekend." I couldn't believe it, even though I figured it was coming. I all of a sudden "wasn't ready". We hadn't packed our bags or anything. So we ran home, packed our bags quickly, and drove back to the hospital during rush hour traffic. (At the time, we were living in Seattle, WA, but have no come back home to Iowa to be near our friends and family!)

When we got to the hospital, we waited.. and waited.. and waited. When we finally got into a room, we were informed that we had gotten the LAST birthing suite, as it seemed that every woman in Seattle needed to be delivered. Because there were so many emergency deliveries that night, I got "pushed" back on my induction, and was given my pain meds and was told to get a good night's rest, as the next day was going to be a long one. Like I slept a wink... haha!

The next morning at 8 AM, (Friday) I was given my first dose of Misoprostol-a pill that is inserted vaginally to get you contracting. It usually takes 1-2 doses to get you contracting on a regular basis, and you are only able to be given it four hours apart. (When I was admitted, I was already dialted to 2 cm.) I contracted a bit, and around noon, they gave me my second dose. I was checked shortly after 4 PM, and was told I had dialated to 4 cm, but my doctor wasn't pleased with the consistantsy of my contractions. They then decided to insert a uterine bulb that expands your uterus and also gets your contractions going, as more than two doses of Miso isn't usually recommended.

Shortly after the bulb decision was made, I was sitting in my bed and I felt a POP around 6 PM. At first I thought it was a kick, but it didn't feel normal. :shrug: I then felt a gush of water come out of me and realized my water had broken. I told my husband to look to make sure I wasn't crazy and just hadn't peed myself, and he looked and stated, "Umm yep, it's your water, and your vagina looks like a broken drinking fountain!" :rofl: I lost it!

Because my water had broken on it's own, the bulb was put on hold, and my doctor started some Pitocin. My contractions REALLY picked up then! I held out as long as I could without any pain meds, but finally gave in around 11 PM to get an epidural. I MAYBE could have gone longer without any pain management, but by that time, I didn't see the point. Why sit in pain any longer than you have to? :winkwink:

After I was given my epidural, I was checked and was shocked to find out I hadn't dialated any more. I decided to try and get some sleep and let the Pitocin do it's job.

I was awoken at about 3 AM in pretty intense pain on my left side. It seemed like my epidural had worn off on one side. OUCH! I wasn't too keen on getting another epidural, so I decided to tough it out for a while. A few hours went by and I had had enough. I wanted another epidural. And after getting checked again and found to be only 4 1/2 after all of that time, I wasn't too happy. :growlmad: Around 6:45 AM Saturday morning, the anesthesiologist returned and I got my second epidural and finally got some relief.

Because of my slow dilation, my husband decided to run across the street to McDonalds. I sat, contracted, and was greeted by my doctor at 7:30 AM. She wanted to check me herself to see if I had made ANY progress. I was caught in total shock when I heard, "Well, my dear, you are fully dialated and ready to push!" :saywhat: I had went from 4 1/2 cm to fully dialted in about 40 minutes! I started freaking out because my husband wasn't there. How was I going to do this without him?

I started to transition into the pushing stage. I was shaking uncontrollably and was sweating. I wanted my husband there so bad. My doctor kept telling me I had time and he would return. Just as soon as she said that, here comes my husband waltzing in with an Egg McMuffin and a coffee in hand. When my doctor explained what was going on and I saw the look on his face turn to total shock, I had to laugh. The time had finally come to meet our little man.

As the nurse was getting everything prepared, I kept telling her and my doctor that I was ready to push NOW. I literally felt like I was going to crap my pants and knew he was RIGHT there. So my doctor let me start pushing. With one push, my son's head was already visible. I suddenly didn't feel too good and had to throw up. I couldn't believe how fast things were going. My husband kept telling me he had a head of hair, and he was "right there" and to keep going. This was it.

So....ten minutes later and three big pushes, our son Easton Douglas was brought into the world at 8:18 AM on September 18, 2010 at 37 weeks, 6 days, weighing 6 pounds, 5 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches. He is perfect, but was born with hypospadias-a common birth defect affecting the urethra. Basically, his peehole is offset a little bit, and because he has a pretty mild case, it can be corrected without corrective surgery. He was unable to be circumsized at the hospital, and has to wait until he is six months old to have his hypospadias corrected and to get circumsized at the same time by a urologist.

Easton is the light of our lives and will be 3 months old next weekend. I can't believe how lucky we are and being a mom has been the hardest, but most rewarding job I have ever had! Thanks for reading!


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Aww sounds eventful, your husband sure says some amusing things!
Congrats, his gorgeous :)
he's just gorgeous! Hope he has settled in well.
Congratulations he is adorable! xx

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