Our boy is here, unplanned home birth, very long, pics included


2 boys and Twin girls
Feb 5, 2010
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Well our little boy is here and it was very unexpected how it all went. He did arrive on his due date which we expected the whole time for him to be early. On thursday 17th nov I decided to go to town to get a few final bits for my craft stall friday evening at the middle school, I had stomach ache throughout the day and didnt feel great and assumed that it was a bit of a bug coming on. So I had a nap home once home and carried on making things for my craft stall throughout the afternoon and evening until about 11pm that evening and me and hubby called it a night and headed to bed.

The periods cramps came back and I also had an upset tummy but nothing to say that I was having contractions at all. I was up on and off till gone 3am needing the loo and bad tummy and new something wasn't right and felt in quite in a bit of pain and was getting regular pains, so I phoned the hosp and they wanted me in asap once wed sorted getitng my son to his granma's (my son Bryn is 20months) I then went and told hubby this and by 3.30am they started to get really strong and by this stage called my OH BIL to take us to the hosp and drop Bryn off at granma's.

I started contracting every 1-2 mins then suddenly they hit like 60 seconds and I was agony! I tried being sick and nothing come up and then decided I need the loo so sat on the loo inwhich I thought I was going to have a bad belly but when I had a feel of my vagina everything was swollen and I could feel a sac and the new I was going to have our baby and not make it in time to the hosp!!!! I shouted hubby and he thought i was panicking and i demanded his mobile to call 999 and hubby took over from there. We grabbed towels and headed to our bedroom, thankfully as this was going on BIL arrived so he was able to look after our DS who was down stairs laying on the sofa none the wiser! At this stage the midwife on the phone from 999 switchboard was guiding my OH on how to deliver our baby safely :wacko:. He looked so scared when he could see the head crowning, but we new we had to do it, there was no other options, we both kept saying wish the ambulance would hurry up.

Hubby was telling me to push down and grab my knees and push push push, so I was following his instructions and pushing and half his head come out, but then as much as I pushed it must have been stuck for about 4-5 mins and we were paniking and i knew we had to get him out so pushed with all my might and he flopped out into my OH hands, he still had the fluid over his head and face covering his mouth from breathing so I had to peel it off, almost like a sticky cap and then we panicked when we realised the cord was round his neck, arm and tummy and had to untangle. Hubby tried but was worried and panicking so much I took over and through our poor boy about but just did what we had to do to get the cord from around his neck! We managed to sort it and get it from around his neck, we then put his straight onto me and immediately wrapped him in a blanket to get him warm and clean him up and heard a cry, were both so happy. He had to stay attached to me as we were instructed not to touch the cord, roughly 20mins later the paramedic finally got here and helped me then deliver the placenta and my OH got to cut the cord which he didn't get to do first time around with DS. By this stage I was extremely exhausted and in a lot of pain and loosing blood but only still worried about our new baby boy. A further 10mins on, the ambulance crew turned up to make sure everything was all going ok and to wait for the arrival of the midwife.

Inbetween all this my OH went downstairs to see our soon off to his mums with his BIL, I didnt want him hearing or seeing anymore as there was a lot going on and didn't know what he'd think or understand, so my OH said goodbye to him and BIL took him straight to granmothers and he was none the wiser and BIL called to let us know he had settled straight back off to sleep thankfully.

The midwife arrived about an hour later to see to me and baby, upon arrival she sent the ambulance crew away as she was going to examine and stitch me at home but upon checking she was unable to do so as the birth had torn me quite badly and was loosing quite a lot of blood aswel so then had to recall for another ambulance crew to come back out, by this stage baby temp was dropping and getitng quite cold so he was swaddeled to keep his heat. The next ambulance crew arrived to assist in getting us to the hospital. They were very helpful and the older chap was helping me with baby, and trying to get him to feed whilst my OH was getting the stuff organised to go hospital. My OH then called upon a good friend of his who he has known for years to take him to the hospital Bob, and he was to us within mins to make sure OH could get to the hosp ASAP.

The midwife and OH then dressed baby in his clothes, got his snowuit on and in his car seat ready to travel in the ambulance. It was my turn to get dressed next or try to, I had assistance as I had a saline drip in to help me, but upon being dressed I felt very sick and they hurried me to the bathroom and I was violently sick in the sink but upon doing so I passed some more membranes from the placenta and was so painful! I then went dizzy and collapsed on the floor. It was due to the shock, blood loss, being cold and very weak. My poor OH come upstairs to find me laying on the bathroom floor with my legs in the air and an oxygen mask on, he looked very concerned but I was just bothered about my son and new baby being safe. They then got me back to my feet and I decided I could walk down the stairs with added help.
I then got down the stairs and was put straight onto the trolley in the ambulance and still had the oxygen mask to help me, my new son was strapped into the ambulance, the midwife attented with us and my OH had to go with his friend Bob in the car and meet us there with all the bags. On the way I started to feel more stable but very very fragile. We then got onto central delivery suite where I was met by my OH and Bob bless him offered to hang about until we needed to go home and even put off going to do his days work. I was then taken care of by a lovely midwife called Ann, she made me feel a lot better about things as I was tired and I suppose traumatised. I was then put onto the bed in central delivery so Ann could have a look at how bad my underneath would be and what stitches were required and her words were '' I had been torn apart and quite a mess.'' I was then given the gas and air so that she could numb my vaginal area with a local anithestic so she coulod start to sew and repair. It was unbeliveably painful and upsetting. The stitching must have lasted almost an hour and at the end said it was like a jigsaw puzzle down there, sticthes inside and outside, here there and everywhere. I haven't been brave enough to look yet but OH has and said doesn't look that bad pulling a funny face! I have a second degree tear with roughly 40 stitches! Very painful

We were sent home that lunch time which I was very happy about as I was desperate to get home and see my son because the last time I saw him I was rolling around the floor having contractions and then him hearing me screaming in pain trying to push his brother out! We decided he would stay at his granma's so we could all get some rest and get over the shock, plus our bedroom looked like a blood bath as we were unprepared for it to be a home birth! It was lovely seeing our son meet his brother for the first time ever, he looked suprised and straight away he said baby and brother. His brother was unamed at this stage as we hadn't quite decided. We returned home for my poor OH to have to clean our bedroom floor, bed and try and salvage our bedding, clothes and god knows what else. But inbetween this time my OH sister has posted on Facebook that we'd had an unexpected home birth and lost all bedding, sheets, towels and we had responses to this and had lots of new bedding, towels and sheets bought to us that evening.
It was so nice to be helped by people who didn't even know us, but wanted to help us out.

Our little boy is now named Isaac and his middle names are peter robert, peter after my late uncle and robert after the family friend who helped get us to the hospital, take us home and has been very good to us. His weight was
7ib 7 1/2oz. He is absolutely amazing, everything has fallen into place and our family is complete now, we couldn't be any happier and all are going to enjoy each day. Well thats my birth story, I have probally missed something somewhere so will add extra later on.


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Wow, that's quite an ordeal! Sounds like you all did very well to cope though! He's adorable, congrats. :)
Wow sound scary, well done to you and hubby and congrats on your wee boy. Lx
Sounds like both of you did an amazing job. What an incredible birth story! You are amazing to be able to just concentrate on getting him out okay despite the pain and shock you must have had! :hugs:
Wow, i am sorry about all your stitches but he is beautiful.

V xxx
Wow, you and your OH did amazing. Congratulations on the birth of Issac.
Wow what an ordeal but congrats he is adorable :)

Similar thing happened to me where my oh delivered our son in the bedroom being instructed by 999 on the phone. Got new bedding out of it though :haha:
wow, what a story! you did amazingly well though :) congrats x
Wow what an amazing story! Hope you are healing up and enjoying your new addition to the family xx
what a rough one you had! he is so beautiful though well done to you and your OH x
Sounded like you did amazing hun!!

Congrats on the beautiful little guy :) x x x

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