Our little Princess Abbigail Mae's arrival on 18.02.2010


Abbi and Alfie - My World
Oct 22, 2008
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Hey Guys,

I thought i would start my birth story as im starting to remember more and more each day... every time i think back it was such a positive labour (at the time i wouldnt have said so! lol) i was sooo lucky to have the labour i did for our first baby and with being induced.

It all started on Wednesday 17th February 2010... i was supposed to go to labour and delivery at 8am but when i phoned up at 7.30 they told me not to go up until 10am because they were busy. I sat nervous but soo excited on the sofa until we could leave for the hospital. When we got to the hospital they were still short staffed so we had to wait until about 10.45 before being shown to a room by a student midwife (i was only dealt with by this student even though in my birth plan i said any procedure had to be done by a midwife... never mind she was lovely!) so they put me on the monitor for initially 20 minutes but i was registering having contractions so they left me on it for about an hour and 15 mins and kept coming in to monitor the contractions... i was getting them about every 4 or 5 mins but only light ones then about every 15 to 20 mins a strong one would come. They decided they would examine me at about 12noon to see if i was dilating and if not they would put in the first pessary... on being examined my cervix was still high and closed so in went the first pessary and they monitored me for 2 hours... in this time the contractions had slowed right down and i started getting my show. I was moved to the ward at 2.30pm-ish and they said to get some sleep and i would be took back down to labour and delivery at 6pm for my next pessary. OH went home to check on the dog and said he would be back for 5.30 ready to go back down to L&D. I was feeling nothing at all, no contractions.. the midwifes popped in and kept asking if there was any change but nothing was happening! my mam turned up about 4pm and i decided at 5pm i would go on the birthing ball. The midwife came in and said to have a little bounce before i go down and was disappointed i hadnt had any signs...

5.30pm... after half an hour of bouncing on the ball OMG i got this overwhelming urge to have a number two!! (sorry tmi!) i kept saying to my mam i neeeeeed to go to the toilet or i will poop in labour lol! so i kept going but i couldnt go and my falulah was starting to hurt. I went back on the ball until OH arrived at 5.50pm-ish where i was in tears, contractions were coming every 2 minutes and lasting for 40seconds at a time!! OMG OUUUUUCH!!! they hurt so bad... we got the nurse and she said heres some paracetamol ... errr excuse me love!!! i dont have toothache!!! lol!! so at 6pm the midwife said she would examine me cause i was in tears with the pain, she said that my cervix was still high and i wasnt dilating... i was so devastated... what the heck was causing all the pain???!!! i remember feeling like someone was squeezing all my lower back and my pelvis, its such a distinct feeling...

I was supposed to go to L&D at 6pm.... errr.... 9pm came and i was SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAMING in agony!!! i hadnt been examined since 6pm but im sure the midwifes thought i was lying! all they kept saying was bounce on the ball... errr im in bludy agony here i kept telling them! all they kept saying was L&D was too busy and i had to wait! with no pain relief!! my OH was distraught cause i was crying in agony. To my relief a midwife arrived at about half 9 to talk me to be examined at L&D... she started off by telling me the pain was more in my mind cause i wasnt dilating and to breath through the pain. I had to stop 3 times on the way to L&D cause of the contractions. She hooked me straight up to the monitor and lone behold i was having strong contractions every 2 minutes (by this time i had been left 4hours without anything other than 2 paracetamols) apparently the prostaglandin (sp?) that was given to soften my cervix can cause you to over contract... she said because i was contracting so often they couldnt give me another pessary and she would 'try' to break my waters.. she examined me at 10pm and said i was 2fingers dilated!! :happydance: then POP!! gush all my waters, wow what a lush feeling that is! haha!!! it warmed my feet right up, there was tonnes of it! breaking my waters made my contractions stronger but i was getting about 4 minutes break instead of 2 minutes. She straight away gave me gas and air to help with the pain, what fantastic stuff!!! haha!! it made me feel like everything was vibrating when i stopped sucking it and i kepts thinking i was a horse!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: i had them all in stitches!

about 11pm my OH popped home to check on the doggy and my mum decided to come and sit with me... by 12pm i was in soo much pain they had to phone OH cause i was screaming that i felt like she was coming! the midwife said she wasnt going to examine me til 2pm but i was sure that she was coming! my OH got back about 11.45pm and i was in absolute agony! i remember keep looking at the clock thinking hours had past and realising it had only been like 5minutes!! it was sooo weird!!

From this point i cant remember times as its still quite blury! i remember screaming in pain sooo much and she said she was giving me Diamophine... i hate that stuff!! it didnt make the pain any better it just made me want to go to sleep! and i was sleeping in between the contractions that was now coming about every 2 minutes again. I felt sooo drunk but all the pain was still there. I also remember at some point an anethatist (sp?) came to see me about an epidural and asking me loads of questions and i was just looking at her as if to say ''comon women!! i dont have the sense to answer these, and OMG did she smell of garlic!! hahaha''

I had my midwife there pretty much the whole way through as i was high risk and with contracting soo much they had to monitor little princess, i kept getting paranoid they were plotting something behind my back but i guess that was the drugs haha! i remember about half 1ish i said that i could feel her coming, they decided to examine me and said i was 7cm dilated!! everyone cheered as they couldnt believe how quick i was labouring!! but unfortunately i had partially fell asleep and woke up to them cheering so i screamed out....

EEEE have i had her????!!! :rofl: :rofl:

Everyone roared in laughter, OH thought that bit was particularly funny! haha

So about 2amish i was told i should go empty my bladder ready for labour, i asked my mam to come with me, i remember sitting on the toilet and then running back into the room, i grabbed a midwife by her arms and shook her shouting aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh i need to push!!! she said well push then!! lol! so i let out one big push and they were like shit get back on the bed!!

I remember feeling like her head was coming out trying to sit and i was screaming so much! so they quickly examined me and shouted she was there all ready!!

I pushed for aboout 20 minutes... honestly the pushing wasnt bad at all... i think the most painful thing about labour is the contractions... i remember just feeling like i needed the biggest number two (sorry tmi!) i remember screaming at the top of my voice for them to get her out, then on biggggggg push and her head came out! my OH was fantastic, hes sooo screamish but was right there with me, think it scared him a little with her head out and nothing else... then i was told to give little pushes so i did and then wooooooosh then rest of her came out, she cried instantly and was placed straight onto my tummy! :cloud9:

She is the most beautiful little thing i have ever seen!!!!!!

My OH couldnt cut the cord because he is really screamish so my mum cut the cord... she was sooo excited! it has really made me bond with my mum soo much more too! we have always been kinda close but never this close, i love it!! And little princess took to the boob straight away suckling.

I was absolutley knackered! i think it took 9minutes to delivery the placenta but that didnt hurt at all and i can honestly say as soon as i had delivered i didnt get any more cramps other than when i was breast feeding.. but thats normal apparently! the pain just goes straight away and you have this gorgeous bundle!!

I was examined after the birth and was told i had a 2nd degree tear! my feet went in stirrups with my OH sitting by my side and they stitched me up... unfortunately as she was stitching me she caught me with the scissors and nipped an artery so i lost rather a lot of blood (oh and also because of an emergency i was left 2 hours before being stitched and before little princess was weighed and dressed!! OH and my mum were too happy at all, the nurses were really apologetic as u can get an infection if not stitched asap... i was asleep though i think haha!)

Being stitched was fine, i had local anesthetic and gas and air and im sure i fell asleep! it took her over an hour to stitch me up as the artery had to be stitched into my muscle. They have been rather uncomfy but sooo manageable!

I was all stitched by 5.30am and OH went home to get a few hours sleep, they wouldnt let me sleep in labour and delivery and told me to have a shower (didnt get any help.. i honestly thought i was going to pass out!!!) i fell asleep in the chair after and was wheeeled to the ward where i think i got an hours sleep before they woke me again.

To be honest its still all a huge blurr!! we stayed in hospital the Thursday night and then we went home on the Friday afternoon... unfortunately on the Saturday i was rushed back into hospital cause my lips came out in tonnes of coldsores and swelled and they thought i was having an alergic reaction to something.. i was kept in until Monday... it was horrendous being apart from our gorgeous little girl!!! i felt sooo down and she had to be put onto Formula feeding but she took to it no problem at all. Im still not right now, still really rather run down and my lips keep going up and down... hoping they will settle down properly quick.

All in all when i remember my Labour i Loved it!!! i couldnt have asked for a better labour (other than being left for 3 hours at the start) they classed my established labour as 4hours 26 minutes... i cant believe how quick it was! and i have totally fell in love with my OH again, he has been absolutley fantastic!!!! Abbi loves him to bits!!!

Sooo sorry this turned out to be so long i just tried to fit in as much as i could remember haha!

Heres some little piccys for you's to look at....

Introducing our gorgeous little princess!!

:kiss: Abbigail Mae :kiss:

Born 18th Feb 2010 at 2.26am weight 6lb 9oz

This is me and Abbi literally just after birth
Mammy and Abbi.jpg
This is Abbi just after her bath :flower:
Abbi after her bath.jpg
Here she is at just over a week old... i love this pic!!!
Abbi at 9 days old.jpg

Also thought i would add in my tummy pics.... i am soo pleased at how much my tummy has went down but i have lost quite a bit of weight with not being very well...

This was at 35+6 weeks pregnant (about a week and half before having princess)
35+6 week princess bump.jpg

This is today 1 week 2 days post birth...
10 days post birth tummy....jpg
Congratulations on your lil girl - she is absolutely gorgeous. Well done!!
Congratulations. Shes gorgeous.Hope your feeling better xx
What a lovely birth story! lol And a humorous read too. Congratulations on your darling baby and you look great!
Awww hunny!!! What a beautiful story!!!! She is such a beauty!!!! I'm so happy for the both of you!!! Love you tons hun!!!! xoxxo
awwww hunny she is lush and how fantastic do u look just after giving birth, i looked like a tramp lol.

check your tummy out, mines finally back to pre pregnancy....well apart from a little bit loose lol.

great story hun and i hope you are feeling better xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
congratualtions im so happy for you that shes here! sounds like you had a lovely birth x
Congrats and well done. You look fantastic in your post birth pic tootsy. xx
congratulations - she is adorable x and you look bloody fantastic for 1 week pp!
Congrats! She is gorgeous :cloud9:
wow your tum looks fab too! xx
Congrats :) She's so cute. Your labour sounds very very similar to mine, except I had to have constant monitoring so couldn't move. xx
What an excellent story, have been so excited to read it, am so preoud you did so well.She's Gorgeous!!!!
Congrats Mummy, Abbi is absolutely beautiful :happydance: xxx

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