Our New Arrival, Liam!


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Sep 28, 2009
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My Birth Story! Born: June 7th, 2010 (4 days overdue) @ 7:44 p.m.

It all started on Saturday night, I went to my OH's graduation. I had some slightly painful BH contractions and I literally felt like his head was in between my legs he was sooo low down. When I got home me and OH decided to try having sex. Thirty minutes after having sex I was having contractions I decided to lay down and get some sleep because I was exhausted. By 2 a.m. I was having pretty strong contractions. At 4 a.m I woke up my OH cause I was tired of trying to just breathe through them. We texted my mom that we were heading to the hospital, we got there at 5. They hooked me up and I was indeed having contractions. I was due to be induced on Monday night at 11. They checked my cervix and I was 2 cm and 75% effaced. They said they would check me in an hour to see if the contractions were changing my cervix. An hour later they came back and my cervix hadn't changed. :( So they sent me home. After I got home I went to bed and the contractions stopped. Woke up later that day and the contractions came again. By now it was 2 p.m on Sunday. I went all day with sore contractions. I decided to go for a walk on Sunday night and then I tried pumping to make me contract. Went to bed that night and then by 7 in the morning on Monday I was having STRONG contractions. I decided to go to hospital, they hooked me up and said the same thing. (See if it changes my cervix), well it didn't an hour later! I was so irritated. They called my doctor to see what he said...they came back and said that they could admit me then and start me on a pitocin drop or I could go home and wait till my induction at 11 p.m. and have a pesserary.(sp?) My mom said, "Either way their gonna induce you, you might as well do it now instead of contracting all day then being induced". So they admited me. I was still only 2 cm, and within the hour they started me on an IV and started my pitocin drop. I actually felt like the pitocin weakened my contractions but after being on pitocin for about an hour and half I was 4cm dilated!!! By then my contractions got bad! So they said I could get my epidural, I had my epidural about 30 minutes later, just breathing through the contractions until then. The epidural was nice, it went very quick and was not bad at all. My legs were instantly numb and I couldn't feel anything, I got my catheder put in. I threw up three times after I got my epidural. Not sure if it was what they called "my transition phase" or if it was just the fact that I was numb that made me naseuous. But then they told me to sit up and sit indian style to try and bring baby down into birth canal. I sat for about 2 hours in that position. I started feeling sooo much pressure that it felt like contractions again but they reassured me it was just VERY intense pressure. They checked me again and I was now 6 cm! The epidural made me relax and not tense up with every contraction so it made the contractions more effective I feel. The pressure got alot worse and they checked me again. When she went to check me my water broke all over her hand and it sounded like a river gushing out. LOL. They said I was 7-8 cm by now. Since my water broke it made him move down that much more and within the hour she told me to push slightly while checking me so she could move my cervix with her finger to get his head through. She called my doctor at that point who made his appearance at the hospital 10 min. later. By that point my dad got to the hospital and my mom and him went down stairs real quick to grab some food. As soon as they left she checked me again. She said I was fully dilated and I could start pushing. I threw up again while pushing and it felt better to push because with every contraction the pressure was sooo bad. I was only pushing for about 30 minutes and just as he started crowning my parents returned. My mom came in to make sure it was cool that my dad came in. But obviously it wasn't cause they didn't know I had already started pushing. My OH was GREAT! He encouraged me to keep pushing and to get our LO out! My doctor used a vacuum extractor. Which I thought would be a bad idea but it was just a little thing they but on his head pumped it a little and then pulled. It really helped get him out. My mom was there and my OH when he was born. I looked down at the last second and his head was out but not his body yet. It felt soo crazy coming out. But it was such a relief and he was put on my chest. OH cut the cord. And I cried. My mom did too. And we all thought he was beautiful. I didn't need to be cut or tear at all! Which I was sooo happy to hear. After they cleaned me up, my dad and aunt came in and my dad cried. :'( They cleaned him up and he weighed 6 pounds 10 ounces. He was 18 and a half inches long. I named my precious little baby Liam Carter Stanley. He is by far the best thing that has ever happened to me. I could not love him more. Its true that you forget about all the pain afterwards and it makes it so worth it. I got to feed him 10 minutes after birth and he latched on right away. He is a perfect feeder. I must say I had an awesome hospital stay. I was there from Monday to yesterday. (Thursday) They gave me everything I needed and the nurses were soo helpful At my hospital you labor, deliever, and recover all in the same room. And you have a one on one nurse that sits in with you during labor and delievery. I have an easy recovery so far other than VERY sore nipples due to my little man being in love with eating. He really is a good baby. My OH has been an amazing daddy and I've never seen a man take over and be the kind of father he has been these last 4 days. I really wanna thank you all for the congrats and hope you enjoyed reading my birth story as much I liked experiencing it. Here's some pics!

Congratulations, beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to the world Liam!
thank you!
and congrats ginasgemz, 2011 babies already!
he's a little cutie - congratulations!

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