I only post the good stuff (for the most part, sometimes I'll complain about being sick or something) on Facebook. My husband and I went through a very rough time when my daughter was first born, but there was no way I would post anything about that. To me, things like that should be kept private.
The way I see Facebook is it's just for fun, and it's a good way to keep up with friends and family that I don't see very often, or see what's going on with people I went to school with and haven't seen in ages, etc. I like reading funny statuses, seeing pictures, things like that.
I have some friends that will post about everything, good and bad. Fair enough, that's their right, but I don't understand why they would want everyone to know such things. One friend posted what her blood pressure was everyday! The same friend also posted about all the things her doctor told her she needed to fix (health wise, obviously) in order to get pregnant. She also posted a countdown to the day she was going to take a pregnancy test. Just things that to me, are private! I haven't seen her since high school, I felt like I didn't need to know those things!
Each to their own, I suppose. But for me, I like to keep it pretty superficial, if you know what I mean. Not too much info about my life, and certainly not the bad things!
But I have to say...the statuses that annoy me on Facebook are the ones that say something like "I can't believe that just happened!" And then when someone inevitably asks, "what happened?" they say "I'd rather not say on Facebook." Well then why post that as your status??? You KNOW people are going to ask!
Sorry, rant over.