But you wouldn't put on facebook and call looking after your kid's a over worked under paid job?
My reason for this post is my OH's EX chose to be a single mum(she kicked ex out, while pregnant, then after he met their daughter, a text was sent saying if we went near her again police would be rang) she refused to accept any money of him, which if she had wouldn't have effected her benefit's. Then went to the CSA which of course effects her benefits.
Now she is putting on facebook is over worked and underpaid, she's always complaining how she is struggling and never enough money, yet she's refusing my OH accses. Iv just seen on a group that she's after a bed for the LO, if my OH had contact, despite how we are struggling for money HE'D buy her the bed new!
Not having a rant, just annoy's me how she's chose this life now complaining about it and saying OH doesn't pay enough...he pay's what the CSA request he pay.s