Heres a bit of background info bfore i start. FOB currently sees LO 2 x a week, still supervised with me and hes always been happy at that me and FOB are now friends and get on a bit and have a laugh. Anyway for some time FOB has been going on about going into the army. Tonight FOB has text me wanting to start unsuperised contact and overnights... Now ive no problm with the unsupervised ive known this was going to come soon, and kind of worked myself up for it... BUT.. OVERNIGHTS>??? Theres no way LO (16 months) or myself is ready for that, we co-sleep and LO is a very bad sleeper, ive only ever left him for one night since hes been born with mymum and he was so unsettled. I think it would make me ill id be so worried. So what can we do, he hasnt even had him unsupervised on his own yet, hes never changed a nappy, and doesnt no LO's routine.And i just think overnights are too long! I can see were FOB is coming from with wanting to spend time with him but i dont feel any of us are ready for that. please tell me im not being unreasonable. I feel sooo upset x