I've never posted on here before but thought that I will share my experience and give you some hope.
With my first pregnancy I had CVS because of very low Papp-a results. My risk for downs came back as 1 to 43 chance and my bloods alone gave me a risk for 1 to 14 chance of chromosomal abnormality. After the results came back as all clear we were warned that the placenta might not be functioning properly which can cause growth problems, pre-eclampsia or high blood pressure.
At 21 weeks I had the fetal doppler scan and much to my relief the blood flow was fine but at 30 weeks my blood pressure did go up and I was put on medication which controlled my BP. I also needed a few growth scans as I was measuring small all the way through. My daughter was on the small side but still within the normal range. She was born on my due date and was absolutely fine.
A few months later I fell pregnant with my son but sadly we did not have a happy ending. Our beautiful son died because of a placental abruption after a problem free, low risk pregancy. I saw on the stillbirth forum that you also lost your precious son because of an abruption, really sorry for your loss. Once i feel a little stronger I will tell my story but it only happened very recently and dont feel ready yet.
The consultant confirmed that there might be a connection between problem I had with bloods in first pregnancy and abruption in second but I hope my story shows you that it is possible to have a happy ending with bad papp-a results. She also said that, with close monitoring, there is no reason why I can not have more babies and that she had other women who lost babies because of abruptions and they had a baby to take home in the subsequent pregnancy.
I have my fingers crossed for you that your results come back fine and that everything goes well with your pregnancy.