Paragard IUD?


Mommy to 3 beautiful girls & 2 adorable boys!
May 2, 2014
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I have my intake video appointment on Tuesday at 1:30pm, then after that I'll be scheduling my appointment to get the Paragard IUD. I just have a few questions for those of you ladies who've had it done:

What does it feel like when it's inserted?
What are the after effects when it's in place after you leave?
Can you tell it's still in place by feeling your vaginal canal or cervix?
Does it really cause pain during sex?
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It depends on who’s inserting it. My last one I didn’t feel anything. Sometimes there a lil pinch when it’s placed but after that, as long as it stays there you should be fine. You don’t feel it with sex or at all. I had one experience where my body rejected it and it started coming out, it makes you cramp but that doesn’t happen often. I’ve had at least 4 of them. No problems really except the one time. Other than that you’ll be fine
What does it feel like when it's inserted?
Insertion wasn’t painful or memorable for me. All super fast. Very underwhelming lol. Taking it out hurt like heck though lol. Super fast but I was sore and pouty that day. I’d say same pain level as when I had a vaginal biopsy. Which is odd they say it’s meant to hurt more going in than coming out.

What are the after effects when it's in place after you leave?
I only had mine in for one cycle. I don’t know if it’s related, but I had my IUD in for the full cycle then pulled it out mid cycle right before ovulation because I hated it so much. I remember my cycles being wonky for a long while but who knows it if was related to the IUD. I do have pcos and that was probably the first time in my life that I wasn’t consistently using bcp.

Can you tell it's still in place by feeling your vaginal canal or cervix?
I’m sensitive. TMI but deep BD has always hurt me. So I could feel the IUD, especially during BD. My ex at the time also insisted he could feel it and didn’t like it either.

Does it really cause pain during sex?
It made sex consistently more painful for me and significantly less enjoyable for my partner.

I know plenty of woman who swear by their IUDs. Just wasn’t for me. Upside is that you can always just remove it if you don’t like it.

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