I was just intrested to know how much do you do with your child/children at school? At my girls school they have a sponsered walked every summer and they do like for the parents to go but we dont have to. The last 2 years ive always had Millie at home being little and very demanding ive not been able to go with my eldest who was in nursery at the time. Now Millie is there at the nursery as its a school nursery i can go and when we get back in time for lunch the parents get a choice of having a school lunch or we can bring in a picnic. They have lots of things on normally which sometimes drives me crazy with what they expect the kids to bring in Do you just let the kids get involved with the activites on thier own at school or are you very keen to get involved aswell? Of course for the parents that work this makes it difficult to do these things and those with LO,s still at home.