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Paternity leave start date (UK)


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
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Everything I've read says that paid paternity leave only starts once the baby is born.
So, what happens if you have a really long labour, can they not attend to be your partner? For eg, if you get induced and it takes a few days to get going. Or, it's a stop-start labour/false start, and OH is called home too early...

Does the dad have to work as normal around the labour?! Is it unpaid leave? Does paternity leave start early, then get cut short at the end of the two weeks?

It's a bit different for us anyway, coz my OH is having two weeks paternity, then two weeks holiday, then 22 weeks of shared parental leave and pay. So I guess he could swap holiday and paternity around, that way he'd be getting paid but be present at labour. I'm self-employed and plan on working right through.

But just curious how it has worked out for other fathers in the past, and what the legal situation is - sounds like many would end up with unpaid days, or worse, being unavailable for labour?!
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Basically paternity pay is only payed starting from the babies day of birth, no labour isn't included which is absolutely rubbish! In this circumstance you just have to hope your OH has a very understanding job that will let him attend the birth without no implications! But I'm pretty sure companies do have to have some kind of right in place for dads when needing to attend labour! That's all I know on this I'm afraid!
I forgot to add my OH circumstance is hes working right up until I go into labour, and if I end up in labour I'm allowed to phone the personal works phone and he can shoot straight off, he will lose money for the hours he could potentially miss on a shift, BUT labour takes a long time to kick in for most people, so if I'm getting a few niggly pains here and there, OH will stay in work for as long as possible, when it gets too much which could take hours, he will either already have finish his shift or if im in labour before his shift, he will take that day as holiday pay, baby will be born sometime that day or next day then paternity leave starts. IF I'm getting induced or labour takes even longer, (I have short births so it should be okay) then OH will take them days as holidays that hes saved for labour or use them labour days as his usual 2 days off not to waste holidays, then paternity leave starts. That's just our plan at least hahaha
I forgot to add my OH circumstance is hes working right up until I go into labour, and if I end up in labour I'm allowed to phone the personal works phone and he can shoot straight off, he will lose money for the hours he could potentially miss on a shift, BUT labour takes a long time to kick in for most people, so if I'm getting a few niggly pains here and there, OH will stay in work for as long as possible, when it gets too much which could take hours, he will either already have finish his shift or if im in labour before his shift, he will take that day as holiday pay, baby will be born sometime that day or next day then paternity leave starts. IF I'm getting induced or labour takes even longer, (I have short births so it should be okay) then OH will take them days as holidays that hes saved for labour or use them labour days as his usual 2 days off not to waste holidays, then paternity leave starts. That's just our plan at least hahaha


That all sounds crazy to me! Surely 95% of birth partners are the baby's dads these days? So you'd think there'd be special - paid - leave to cover the day or days BEFORE baby.

We've been so lucky with our circumstances - he works for NHS and they have an enhanced leave scheme where blokes get equal rights to leave, so basically I'm giving him all my maternity leave and he gets half pay from work PLUS my statutory maternity benefit - we only lose about a hundred quid a month, and I can make that up working part time from home. On top of that, he's been able to attend every scan and appointment (pretty handy working right there at the hospital).

But it's just awful how most blokes are only getting two weeks off anyway, and yet they could lose several days' pay if they have to go be with their missus during labour. And it's not like they could lie and say they are off sick either is it, coz everyone will know baby is due!

That all sounds crazy to me! Surely 95% of birth partners are the baby's dads these days? So you'd think there'd be special - paid - leave to cover the day or days BEFORE baby.

We've been so lucky with our circumstances - he works for NHS and they have an enhanced leave scheme where blokes get equal rights to leave, so basically I'm giving him all my maternity leave and he gets half pay from work PLUS my statutory maternity benefit - we only lose about a hundred quid a month, and I can make that up working part time from home. On top of that, he's been able to attend every scan and appointment (pretty handy working right there at the hospital).

But it's just awful how most blokes are only getting two weeks off anyway, and yet they could lose several days' pay if they have to go be with their missus during labour. And it's not like they could lie and say they are off sick either is it, coz everyone will know baby is due!

No exactly it's a shit situation! Were lucky my partners boss is pretty good with things like this, he will let him leave regardless, and he won't lose much in terms of pay, for him I guess the potential losing a few days pay has got nothing on the birth of his child, hes on a good wage so it won't matter to him, but for people who are both of low wage to have to potentially lose out I think is shocking!
Can I just say I’m so envious of that! Here where I am in the states we dont have that! Whatever my husband takes off he has to use vacation time. Most companies only offer 1-2 weeks of vacation days so we’re lucky around here to have our dh be home at all with us.
Can I just say I’m so envious of that! Here where I am in the states we dont have that! Whatever my husband takes off he has to use vacation time. Most companies only offer 1-2 weeks of vacation days so we’re lucky around here to have our dh be home at all with us.

Even maternity leave is limited in the US, right? Seems a lot more people go back to work after two or three months, and young babies more likely to go to daycare or have a nanny.
It's insane really. Almost any government will tell you how kids thrive with the support of a two parent family - and children are obviously the future of the nation - and yet they screw over people who want to have a child by not offering state support. INSANITY.
Even maternity leave is limited in the US, right? Seems a lot more people go back to work after two or three months, and young babies more likely to go to daycare or have a nanny.
It's insane really. Almost any government will tell you how kids thrive with the support of a two parent family - and children are obviously the future of the nation - and yet they screw over people who want to have a child by not offering state support. INSANITY.
Yep! If you’re one of the lucky ones to get paid maternity leave you get 6 weeks for vaginal delivery or 8 for csection. Otherwise it’s unpaid or you have to use any vacation time you’ve saved up!
DH had to start his paternity leave from the day I went into labour. He could only take 5 working days too due the cut in pay , it’s horrendous !

Paternity leave should be longer god forbid if the woman has a bad labour / baby needs treatment / hospital stay / c section etc , the current time off just doesn’t cut it in the U.K. .

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