Pcos help!


K&A's Mommy
May 7, 2011
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Trying to see if anyone has gone through something similar.

I came off birth control the beginning of July. Got my period july 12th. Been temping and testing for ovulation. Had multiple lh surges. I ended up having an lh surge about 8/9 days ago. It came with a temp dip and a rise and fertility friend confirming with crosshairs.

Then 2 days ago I had a definite surge again. Like blazing positive opk and ovary pains and everything! But temp has stayed above cover, no dips, nothing. So what the heck is going on!?

Is this cycle just a bust?

I changed my peak on Premom because that was the darkest opk I’ve gotten this cycle

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Have you taken a pregnancy test? If it 9 days past a confirmed ovulation using opks and temping, the opk could be responding to hcg.
Though I will say your temps are quite low overall and yes there was a dip but with so many temps that range prior to the surge, I’m not sure it was truly ovulation. Any reason those first temps are high or those few days so low? The tears are positive and everyone is different. I know for me I can get positives for a brief period and not ovulate. I only O when it’s sustained and much darker. Sorry that wasn’t helpful
Though I will say your temps are quite low overall and yes there was a dip but with so many temps that range prior to the surge, I’m not sure it was truly ovulation. Any reason those first temps are high or those few days so low? The tears are positive and everyone is different. I know for me I can get positives for a brief period and not ovulate. I only O when it’s sustained and much darker. Sorry that wasn’t helpful

the high temps were due to using a new Ava bracelet. The first week is usually wonky
Ah ic ic well in that case I’m hoping it’s a good sign! I know some women say they got a positive opk before a positive hpt. For me it was after my hpt though fxed
I have pcos and it’s possible to have multiple surges in a cycle. I’ve had temp dips and everything, but no egg release. I also get positive opks before my period as well.

Also, if you just got off bc it may take a few cycles to regulate.

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