Blood Tests
A couple of blood tests will assist in making the diagnosis - one to check the level of androgens, such as testosterone. Another test will measure the hormones involved in egg development - in PCOS there is a characteristic rise in leutenising hormone (LH). A progesterone blood test 7 days before your expected menstrual period can check if you are ovulating. Prolactin levels may also be checked. But it is not just the presence of a hormone imbalance that your health care provider should be looking for.
Since polycystic ovarian syndrome is so heavily associated with insulin resistance , you can also expect to have your blood tested for fasting glucose and insulin levels. In some cases, though, blood tests may show that your glucose levels are normal, in which case you may be asked to do an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) to double check that everything is actually fine. This test is useful in identifying underlying insulin resistance issues even when a glucose fasting test has come back normal. Finally, your cholesterol levels may also be assessed. Women with PCOS often have high LDL cholesterol levels, which is the "bad" type of cholesterol. Since having high LDL cholesterol has been linked with heart disease, it is a good idea to make sure your cholesterol levels are healthy. "
I got the CD 21 test that determined mine (the one 7 days before AF), although technically it wasnt 7 days before my af was due more like 14 days