Thanks so much. I'm just waiting for my appointment for the ultrasound to come through although i reckon it will probably be after christmas now (which is driving me crazy but what can i do?!) Then after we know whats going on with my ovaries then they'll refer me to a gyno and we'll see where we get.
My problem is i'm so impatient and i've got to the point where i've convinced myself i'll never fall pregnant because we been waiting a year, i get low with it which makes it seem a whole lot worse and the waiting definately doesn't help especially now i've finally been to the doctors.
hun i am exactly the same, i am soo impatient now i know whats kind of going on, but its horrible because still not had a period, and for once in my life i think i would be glad to see one!!! lol
when your appt comes through , the appt date should hopefully be withing 2 weeks as my hospital had a 4 week waiting list but sent me the appt and it was the next week! hope you get the appt soon hun, and try not to get yourself down about it, it will not help you in the long run when TTC!!! try to enjoy xmas and keep your chin up