People offended when you dont take their names


Mother of 4
Aug 31, 2008
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I am in here looking for a girls name, I have loads of boys but never girls. My mum I dont speak to any more not becuase she ruined my choices when I had my son lots of other things though I said no one will know my choices till the baby gets the name. I dont like people disecting names on me :growlmad:

So my dad who i do speak to has suggested natasha which was his mums name, now William is named after other halfs dad so i think they think that seems fair and my OH is all for it but I am not. Its a nice name and all but it dosnt feel right? like not the right name. You know when one jumps at you and you know.

Unless I am having a boy that is but size indicates girl to us. So now my dad I think is and will be more offended if I dont choose his mums name and I know its my choice and to be honest theres going to be a row over something anyway and my mum will more likely start about it more than my dad.

I need girls names :wacko: our surname is Smith and baby brothers name is William James. Plenty of boys we have no girls.

Also others have suggested names and when i dont take them they get offended to. Not like I dont like em just not fitting with me at all.

I like Amelia but know loads called that to and OH isnt fussed on that. :nope:
I like Amelia too.

As for people getting offended - don't let it worry you. If everyone suggests a different name you will offend everyone except one person in that case and people can't be so ridiculous as to think they are the only ones to come up with a name for YOUR child.

When others suggest names I usually just say: That sounds like a nice name. And not commit to anything at all. In the end the choice is yours and they are the ones who will suffer if they choose to be offended - not you.
If I hear one more say Lilly to me lol

Emily is ok though not popping out at me at all.
I think I would just read a book of baby names if I hadn't decided so quickly.

I really like old fashioned names but they aren't to everyone's taste I think. I would buy a book I think, or look through loads of names online :P
I have been on google for months looking and I just cant settle on one at all. I dont know why this is so hard for me and easy for others. With my son we had his name the day before he was born we had a feeling then we knew for sure he was a boy. But never had a girls name then. I rather have a name for i know when i have baby in hospital everyone will be up doing my head in with names and getting offended. My mum got offended i wouldnt call my son Ruddolf last time. Like Ruddolf wtf?
you name your baby what you want dont feel obligated to name it after someone or thing your not keen on.
ah great now someone has started a facebook war with me because I said I didnt know their names and I wasnt shortening my baby name whatever it was. Now she is doing status updates nasty directed at me which I am not rising to. Sick of her anyway. I wanted strong English names and i get seasons and flowers instead. And i am not calling after someone i dont like or one of other halfs exs if you get me. Its not something to be taken lightly. I got bullied over my name all my life so i dont fancy my child having that also.;
You shouldn't feel guilty about not using names people suggest. It's a personal choice between the baby's parents. Others can offer ideas/feedback -- this can be very helpful bc choosing a name is a HUGE responsibility! But ultimately, you & OH have to decide!

Is there a variation of Natasha you may like -- Tasha maybe? Natalie (similar)? Sasha? Natalia? Or maybe grandma's middle name? Do you like Natasha as a middle name option?? (ex. Ava Natasha) Is there a feminine version of your dad's name that could be incorporated? Using a family name is a nice tribute -- but certainly not mandatory!

Some name suggestions:

I do like Robyn there. I may but that on my list actually . Natasha as a middle name is ok but not much goes with Natasha?? I cant think of a middle name for Robyn dont think that will go. but I do like it. People keep giving me names that are seasons , months and flowers it :(

I always liked Gabrielle but we have one in the family that my OH dosnt like. :(
I'm with everyone else. I chose a name for my little boy that no one had a hand in at all. I named my little boy after movies/TV. Maxwell (from Maxwell Smart) and Xavier for his middle name (after professor Xavier from Xmen). I also checked the meanings of the names. I wanted him to have something powerful that could be used in letterhead as well as football, etc.

Funny. My maiden name is Smith. My little brother is William James Smith. Coming from that name I now have to put in a few of my family names:

Tabitha (I was named for Bewitched)

It's a shot in the dark, but a few extra's to your list couldn't hurt. :flower:
You cannot make everyone happy, so stick to what's easier. Make yourself happy. :hugs:
If you like Amelia but know lots of people called that, how about Amelie? Its just a bit more unusual? x

I've really taken a liking to Edith recently, but my picked name is also an 'E' name and if I ever had another child and we all had the same initials I think it would drive me mad :P

Funnily enough, growing up I found that the kids with the wierd and wacky names were never a target for bullying, even now. I know a Cairo and she's very popular, never had any problems with getting picked on, yet I'm called Emma and was bullied for years for whatever reasons my classmates could come up with. If you stand out for any reason you get teased at school (worse in massive Primaries like mine) but I certainly wouldn't encourage my child to just 'blend in' where's the fun in that?

But no - am not arguing with you, names are so important and i'm sorry you're having a tough time :hugs:

I really like Sylvia, Delilah, Cynthia etc, old names.
Hope this helps:

Strong girls my opinion:


Middle name ideas:

Kate....Robyn Kate is cute!
Quinn....Robyn Quinn is cute!

I wouldn't let anyone make you feel bad for not choosing a family name.
Some suggestions:
Some nice names here but none that pop out. I like victoria but its someone that was nasty to me thats called that. And I always think of her when I think of that name. I have a name picked but OH isnt really happy. But have a name, may not be a list but I only need one.

I know no matter what theres going to be a row, I havnt spoke to my mum in months and dare she say anythnig when this child is born. I already feel bitter about her even daring to come and see it when she hasnt even paid any attention to William in months because she was asked to be civil on entering my house which she just coudlnt manage and is not allowed in now. But thats my fault she says not hers she should be allowed to say as she wishes, insult my sons figure, weight, height, smartness, call him stupid, insult my weight, parenting skills and pick on everything else she sees around her while ripping me out for just being alive and snapping at me. She will probably get annoyed the baby dosnt have her first name as she wanted william to have her surname for some weird reason!

I will take it as it comes, sure upsetting poeple seems to be easier than pleasing them.
Here are some suggestions (sorry for repeats):

I love William James, by the way.
Some nice names here but none that pop out. I like victoria but its someone that was nasty to me thats called that. And I always think of her when I think of that name. I have a name picked but OH isnt really happy. But have a name, may not be a list but I only need one.

I know no matter what theres going to be a row, I havnt spoke to my mum in months and dare she say anythnig when this child is born. I already feel bitter about her even daring to come and see it when she hasnt even paid any attention to William in months because she was asked to be civil on entering my house which she just coudlnt manage and is not allowed in now. But thats my fault she says not hers she should be allowed to say as she wishes, insult my sons figure, weight, height, smartness, call him stupid, insult my weight, parenting skills and pick on everything else she sees around her while ripping me out for just being alive and snapping at me. She will probably get annoyed the baby dosnt have her first name as she wanted william to have her surname for some weird reason!

I will take it as it comes, sure upsetting poeple seems to be easier than pleasing them.

Unfortunately, you can only love people where they are. You cannot change them. I love my Mom, but she is not in good mental health. She's not been diagnosed, but one of her sisters is bi-polar and the other is schizophrenic. Both of them have been diagnosed. It's not their fault. Just who they all are. My mother included.

With that said. I had a lovely childhood of being told I was dressing like a slut (even though she bought my clothes), I was going to be fat if I kept eating the way I did (I was 100 lbs wet at the time and only 115lbs now), and that every bit of my thinking was faulted. Well, absence does make the heart grow fonder. I certainly will not/cannot tell you what to do. All I can say is that by keeping our meetings brief, and agreeing with everything she says (it really is a game), our relationship has become fair.

My son, came from a previous marriage. My first husband I was married to for 5-1/2 years, but he got into a motorcycle accident when I was a couple of months pregnant. He's alive sort of. No knowledge of who he is, who we are, and not really capable of adult thinking. I still see him a few times a week. My LO has blonde hair like my dear ex husband. My mother tends to remember only the bad in people, and none of the good. She is bitter because my baby boy (4 years old now) has blond hair. What am I supposed to do about it?? Dye it?? Like I said. She's off.

I know it is tough on you. I really hope your Mom is not in the same mental capacity as mine. Just realize that you are not alone. It took me years to figure out what works (I'm 32), and even now it's tough. :hugs: I wish you the best of luck with her. Sorry for such a long post, and I'm sure you didn't need all of that detail. It's the best way I could think to demonstrate.
what about ur dads grandma or great grandmas names, are they any better maybe?

You have what u want hun :hugs:
Some nice names here but none that pop out. I like victoria but its someone that was nasty to me thats called that. And I always think of her when I think of that name. I have a name picked but OH isnt really happy. But have a name, may not be a list but I only need one.

I know no matter what theres going to be a row, I havnt spoke to my mum in months and dare she say anythnig when this child is born. I already feel bitter about her even daring to come and see it when she hasnt even paid any attention to William in months because she was asked to be civil on entering my house which she just coudlnt manage and is not allowed in now. But thats my fault she says not hers she should be allowed to say as she wishes, insult my sons figure, weight, height, smartness, call him stupid, insult my weight, parenting skills and pick on everything else she sees around her while ripping me out for just being alive and snapping at me. She will probably get annoyed the baby dosnt have her first name as she wanted william to have her surname for some weird reason!

I will take it as it comes, sure upsetting poeple seems to be easier than pleasing them.

Unfortunately, you can only love people where they are. You cannot change them. I love my Mom, but she is not in good mental health. She's not been diagnosed, but one of her sisters is bi-polar and the other is schizophrenic. Both of them have been diagnosed. It's not their fault. Just who they all are. My mother included.

With that said. I had a lovely childhood of being told I was dressing like a slut (even though she bought my clothes), I was going to be fat if I kept eating the way I did (I was 100 lbs wet at the time and only 115lbs now), and that every bit of my thinking was faulted. Well, absence does make the heart grow fonder. I certainly will not/cannot tell you what to do. All I can say is that by keeping our meetings brief, and agreeing with everything she says (it really is a game), our relationship has become fair.

My son, came from a previous marriage. My first husband I was married to for 5-1/2 years, but he got into a motorcycle accident when I was a couple of months pregnant. He's alive sort of. No knowledge of who he is, who we are, and not really capable of adult thinking. I still see him a few times a week. My LO has blonde hair like my dear ex husband. My mother tends to remember only the bad in people, and none of the good. She is bitter because my baby boy (4 years old now) has blond hair. What am I supposed to do about it?? Dye it?? Like I said. She's off.

I know it is tough on you. I really hope your Mom is not in the same mental capacity as mine. Just realize that you are not alone. It took me years to figure out what works (I'm 32), and even now it's tough. :hugs: I wish you the best of luck with her. Sorry for such a long post, and I'm sure you didn't need all of that detail. It's the best way I could think to demonstrate.

Sorry to hear about your first husband I ride motorbikes to (when not pregnant) .
You mum does sound a bit like mine, she is rather unreasonable and comes out with things poeple would think of, Very negative woman. Complains about everything, from where her spuds are on the plate to ripping my dad to pieces about the nice dinner he has prepared her because she dosnt lift a finger in the house. Says nasty things to me, i will not have her talk to me at all nothing good ever comes of it. Only so much being called stupid and huffed at I can take. Nothing pleases her,. she woudlnt ever admit she has a problem because she thinks she is perfect and we are all mad. She would make up stuff to my dad,m text me off his phone being nasty, spread rumours about me out of jealously pick on everything from appearance to what way I would be eating. You just cant be around the woman for a second! I get snapped at soon as I call my dad she takes the liberty of answering the phone just to snap of hiss at me. I stopped calling them then they stop visiting and blame me on it. :nope: Everyone has heard how she speaks to me and some have asked what her problem is as she is nice to everyone else just never me. She just sits there with a bitter twisted face on her. :shrug: I have stopped going anywhere where she is like family things, she never tells me about them as she dosnt want me to go instead bitches about me at them, then when i hear poeple asking why I am not there days later they all find out it was her doing again. So i get called directly now but cant do, woudlnt be fair her throwing nasty remarks at me and me rowing on my granddad. she has me painted in a bad light even now due to my parenting.

gwizz i dont know my great grandmothers name on my dads side they where all Russian. And my grans name here was Anne which is like my name and a bit boring.

I liked Gabriella but i don't thinks my other half does.

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