a quick run down of my birth story!
well i'll start at the beginning with my consultant appointment and scan.
i had my scan at 11 am wednesday morning and phoebe had dropped below the lowest centile on the growth chart again so my consultant decided to admit me to be induced for diminished fetal growth,movement and cos i was threatening labour.
4pm wednesday had my first prostaglandin pessery to 5 pm mild contractions started 10pm second pessery still getting regular mildish contractions and 3 cm dilated!
11 am thursday still mild contractions and 3cm dilated saw consultant who decided my wates should be broken,
6pm waters broken getting stronger contractions every 3 mins attached to a drip to make contractions stronger 10pm midwife check still 3 cm dilated!! 2am friday morning another check 4 cm dilated contractions so strong they were over what the monitor would register! had pethadine and gas and air pethadines useless lol but the anti-sickness in its great for the gas and air! 4 am felt things were going wrong asked for an epidural just in case! 5 am 5 cm dilated so going no where fast phoebes heart rate started to drop rapidly and regular consultant called consultant took blood from phoebes scalp to try find the reason for her distress but results were unclear 6am phoebes heart rate was getting worse consultant decided c-section was the safest option as i was still only 5 cm dilated and leaving things to go natural would be to dangerous for phoebe'
6:42 am phoebe born!!! i had a small bleed whilst on the table not to much but more then they would of liked! my body went into shock when they cut so i've hurt my shoulders with the shaking and my ribs are bruised from where they had to put so much pressure on to get her out as she was stuck. phoebe had bruised and swollen eyes and head but other than that was perfectly healthy happy and strong! i'm so glad its all over!!