Physical development at 11 months??


Now a mum of 6!
Apr 2, 2008
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This is a question to all preeemie mums who have little ones older or the same kind of age (11 months). Im a bit concerned about Evie's physical development. I know that you cant compare children, especially preemies, but I cant help but worry a bit. She does situp but will usually fall over after a few minutes unless supported, she can roll over and hold herself up on her arms, she can weight bear on her legs for a very short time (obviously whilst being held). There is no way she is anywhere near crawling stage, let alone standing up holding furniture etc, anyone think this is ok or should I be concerned?? :shrug:
I wouldnt be too concerned myself. Molly has literally gone from rolling everywhere, to commando crawling within about a week! She can move her legs on all fours, then head buts the floor because she cant move her arms yet :dohh:. She can stand holding on to something for literally a few seconds, and can sit up really well now, but again thats only within the last couple of weeks that she's been able to do so confidently. As soon as Evie gets mobile, she will definately learn the meaning of the word no (if she hasnt already), and you will be forever chasing her!
I agree huni, Evie will just amaze you that one day she'll be sitting the next she is off! Matthew is only coming up for 9 months, he has just mastered the art of sitting for longer than 30 sec and using rolling as a means of transport and think he may be another few months yet. Evie will just surprise you one day and she will be off.

It is really hard not to compare babies, I think we all do it its only natural, googlng on the other hand is not useful at all as I have learned the hard way x
Freddy is exactly the same and i am also concerened. He is 11mths and only just yesterday started to sit on own for about 5 mins then he forgets and falls over. He also never enjoyed bein on his front so if you put him on his tummy he struggles and never lifts his body up with his arms but flops down. All my friends little ones that arent preemies but 10mths (was 7mths when did stuff!) they lift up on front, strting to crawl and sit up unaided no prob and have done for months!!

So frustrating as you think something is wrong i just think well our little ones have been through so much in their little lives they just need a break and wanna be chilled.

So glad to hear you are in the same situation with Evie I thought I was the only one!
I would try not to worry about the development. My LO head control is not very good for her age, she is 3 months corrected, I try tummy time but she just won't lift her head, I have to do it for her, she just cries and cries, she hates being on her tummy. Everytime i see a HV they ask if I am doing tummy time because her head is still a little floppy.
Also she won't roll to any side. I have come to the conclusion her motor skills may be slightly delayed, however her social skills seem fine, she is smiling randomly, cooing, laughing and chatting.
It is so hard not to compare our babies, my OH sister's baby is so advanced for his age (4 months) and all I hear is how well he is developing, I try to ignore it as all babies are different. My LO will get there in the end, just like your LO will.
She is doing well considering her premature start in life...x
I agree with the others, our LO's will do things in their own time. xxxx
Hey, yep i agree too with all the other ladies! I know how hard it is not to worry, believe ive done it and still wont go to a mother and toddlers group as am worried about comparing etc.

My wee girl only really sat well by about 11 months and would not go on her tummy at all. Her motor skills are delayed but think she will do things when she ready. Will roll around and try and move when sitting but definatly will not crawl!! Her social skills are great though.

She attends physio every month, does your lo?? Please try and not worry too much hun i speak to professionals if you think that would help. Emmas docs are great her physio is so negative so i dont listen to her anymore. I remind her all that Emma has accomplished and came through as with all premmies.

Take care xxx

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