This thread has been so helpful.
I mentioned to my midwife at my antenatal class on Tuesday that I would like delayed cord clamping and a physiological third stage. She went on to tell me about the 'risks' of this, that I would experience heavy bleeding and that if I hadn't delivered the placenta within an hour I would have to be transferred to hospital etc etc..
I'm still going for it though and this thread has given me the strength to stand my ground.
Thanks ladies
Good for you! I didn't bleed much at all - MW estimates 300ml - with a physiological third stage, and it was easy and painless. LO got his full complement of blood, and I just sat cuddling him on the sofa until his cord stopped pulsing, then my sister cut the cord, MW said to cough and the placenta slipped out. Why did your MW at the antenatal class say you'd have to transfer after an hour if it hadn't made an appearance yet?