Lucas doesn't play out on the street but no-one else does here either. If we lived in a quiet cul-de-sac I'd probably let him but since I'm a bit of a helicopter I'd also probably take the opportunity to sit on the front path with a book the whole time
I'm terrible nervous though. I have anxiety and I try my best not to let it affect his childhood.
There used to be a boy who lived over the road from us and one day Lucas went to play in his front path for a little while. I went in for 2 minutes to put a wash on, came back out and they were both gone
I near passed out, ran over, LET myself into the house
(I still cringe), went through all the rooms and upstairs shouting his name til I found them playing happily in the kid's room, the mum in the next bedroom doing her hair. She nearly died herself when she saw me there.
So I really try hard these days not to be
that mum. I mean kids have been playing out since the dawn of time, the vast majority without any danger. I did myself from the age of about 3. We're all just a bit silly these days... myself included