Please answer these questions about your 12month olds sleep?


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
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I am doing something wrong as my LO is so overtired, grumpy and waking before 5am every morning and up to 8 wakings a night with overtiredness! She can self settle and puts herself back to sleep with 10mins for every waking except the 5am one but I am soooooo tired and working 3 days a week.

Can you please share -

What time does your LO wake for the day (do they STTN?)
What time does your LO nap and how long for (one or two naps?)
What time does your LO go to bed?

Any tips - problems you've overcome?
I am doing something wrong as my LO is so overtired, grumpy and waking before 5am every morning and up to 8 wakings a night with overtiredness! She can self settle and puts herself back to sleep with 10mins for every waking except the 5am one but I am soooooo tired and working 3 days a week.

Can you please share -

What time does your LO wake for the day (do they STTN?)
What time does your LO nap and how long for (one or two naps?)
What time does your LO go to bed?

Any tips - problems you've overcome?

My LO was 1 on 4th nov. He wakes anywhere between 6 and 7.30 for the day. He goes to bed at 7.30. He sleeps through about 30% of the time, he is teething at the moment. He usually wakes once or twice and he will have a bottle one of those wakes. Times of waking vary greatly so it isn't habit, I think he is genuinely hungry.

He has one nap which lasts 90-120 mins and is usually taken around 5 hours after he wakes.
I am doing something wrong as my LO is so overtired, grumpy and waking before 5am every morning and up to 8 wakings a night with overtiredness! She can self settle and puts herself back to sleep with 10mins for every waking except the 5am one but I am soooooo tired and working 3 days a week.

Can you please share -

What time does your LO wake for the day (do they STTN?)
What time does your LO nap and how long for (one or two naps?)
What time does your LO go to bed?

Any tips - problems you've overcome?

Lo is 2 now but i will answer based on how she was at 12 months.

Between 8 and 9am. She has a 'dream feed' at about 10pm each night. Other than that she will wake up about 4 or 5 times a night but is easily settled down again with her dummy.
She has 2 naps, one at around 10.30am and the other at about 3pm. Both last around 1hour.
She goes to bed at around 8pm.

We have always tried to promote the night. Therefore is LO was waking at 5am we would do exactly the same as we would at 2am. We would never get her out of bed and take her downstairs or play with her in her room.
My LO's 13 months and seems to be constantly tired. In answer to your 3 questions:
- he usually starts the day between 6 and 7. He doesn't sleep through the night (he's probably only STTN on 5 or 6 occasions)
- his naps are really variable. He was having two naps a day up until recently but now only has one a on most days. He's so tired by the afternoon that he really needs a second sleep but he keeps fighting it and stays awake. In terms of tge length of naps it can be anywhere between 20 mins and 3 hours!
-he usually is asleep by 7 most evenings then will wake anywhere between 1 and 10 times a night. He doesn't self settle and likes to be nursed to sleep so unfortunately I still don't get much sleep! It's really hard surviving on barely any sleep when you've got work the next day isn't it.

Sorry, I don't really know what to advise. I do find though that if DS doesn't nap much he then struggles to sleep at night through overtiredness. Dies you LO sleep much during the day?
captainj1 - our LO's share a birthday! doesn't your LO get really tired on 1 nap a day? Mine is horrendous by about 9am and I usually only last until about 10am before giving in and letting her have a nap, she has a second nap about 4pm and i wake her after 30mins but she is always so tired and unhappy :-(

RachA - the last time i went into my LO before 6.30am would have been around 3 months ago but she still wakes at 4.30-5.30 every single morning! she fusses or lies quietly in her cot until she starts getting inpatient between 6.30 and 7am. she has no toys or stimulation in her cot, the room is blacked out completely and there is no noise she can hear xx
My LO's 13 months and seems to be constantly tired. In answer to your 3 questions:
- he usually starts the day between 6 and 7. He doesn't sleep through the night (he's probably only STTN on 5 or 6 occasions)
- his naps are really variable. He was having two naps a day up until recently but now only has one a on most days. He's so tired by the afternoon that he really needs a second sleep but he keeps fighting it and stays awake. In terms of tge length of naps it can be anywhere between 20 mins and 3 hours!
-he usually is asleep by 7 most evenings then will wake anywhere between 1 and 10 times a night. He doesn't self settle and likes to be nursed to sleep so unfortunately I still don't get much sleep! It's really hard surviving on barely any sleep when you've got work the next day isn't it.

Sorry, I don't really know what to advise. I do find though that if DS doesn't nap much he then struggles to sleep at night through overtiredness. Dies you LO sleep much during the day?

Mine too! She never seems to get enough sleep and is always upset and tired! I don't know what I'm doing wrong. She's too tired to eat her breakfast at 8am, good at lunch at 12 after her nap and too tired to eat dinner at 5pm! She's so grumpy too and always rubbing her eyes, has big bags etc.

She sleeps 1.5hours in the morning (starting anytime from 9.30-10.30) and I let her have 30mins about 4pm.
Mine is now 14months and up until she was 12.5 months she was a horrendous sleeper. She now goes down at 7:00pm and sleeps through till 5:30/5:45am, we have tried everything to get her to sleep longer but based on our previous experiences we're taking her STTN even if it's he wakes a little early! She normally has one nap a day from about 12:15 - 2:30 (I have nursery to thank for that!).

We did everything to get her to sleep better including cc and in the end she just started doing it herself... Wasted a year of my life worrying about it fOr nothing! Ahh well maybe the next one will be better. :D
Mine is now 14months and up until she was 12.5 months she was a horrendous sleeper. She now goes down at 7:00pm and sleeps through till 5:30/5:45am, we have tried everything to get her to sleep longer but based on our previous experiences we're taking her STTN even if it's he wakes a little early! She normally has one nap a day from about 12:15 - 2:30 (I have nursery to thank for that!).

We did everything to get her to sleep better including cc and in the end she just started doing it herself... Wasted a year of my life worrying about it fOr nothing! Ahh well maybe the next one will be better. :D

I just wish she would sleep! Is he grumpy/tired on 1 nap? How is he by 9/10am if he's waking so early?

I wish I hadn't worried so much about sleep too, I have been obsessed with it for ages but she's not getting enough and is so unhappy.

We are NTNP number 2 (and AF is late eeeek) so I am hoping that the next one is a bit more chilled out with sleep! xx
captainj1 - our LO's share a birthday! doesn't your LO get really tired on 1 nap a day? Mine is horrendous by about 9am and I usually only last until about 10am before giving in and letting her have a nap, she has a second nap about 4pm and i wake her after 30mins but she is always so tired and unhappy :-(

RachA - the last time i went into my LO before 6.30am would have been around 3 months ago but she still wakes at 4.30-5.30 every single morning! she fusses or lies quietly in her cot until she starts getting inpatient between 6.30 and 7am. she has no toys or stimulation in her cot, the room is blacked out completely and there is no noise she can hear xx

Aw cute, hope your LO had a lovely day!

Don't wake her up so soon from her 4pm nap I would say. When my LO had 2 naps we found that as long as he had 2 hours between his afternoon nap finishing and bed time, we never had a problem getting him to bed. Maybe try putting her down a little earlier and let her sleep for longer?

He only dropped a nap a couple of weeks ago. He is at nursery full time and he moved up a room and I think there is just so much going on that he keeps himself going. He used to have a nap about 2.5 hours after waking, for about 40 minutes, and then another one after lunch for 45-90 minutes. But nursery started just putting him down at 12 ish and that seems to do him just fine. He is such a live wire, he never just drifts off to sleep, fights it like mad so he has to be knackered to sleep on a mat in a busy room!
What time does your LO wake for the day (do they STTN?): She wakes roughly 6.30/7am and yeah she sttn.

What time does your LO nap and how long for (one or two naps?): Just now, 2 naps per day. !st aroung 9amish after breakfast and 2nd 2/3pm ish both for around an hour

What time does your LO go to bed: a stretch 6.30pm

Any tips - problems you've overcome?: My LO has been in this routine (set by herself) for a long time hun so I'm not really sure how it actually happened. All i know is that we very very rarely break it. She went through a sleep regression at 4 mths until 6 mths and even during that we folllwed exactly the same routine. It's vital to my LO that she sleep at least once during the day...although she will still sleep but she becomes really miserable at bedtime which is hard on us all.

Sorry I cant be of more help but I can try and answer specific questions if you have them?

Mine is now 14months and up until she was 12.5 months she was a horrendous sleeper. She now goes down at 7:00pm and sleeps through till 5:30/5:45am, we have tried everything to get her to sleep longer but based on our previous experiences we're taking her STTN even if it's he wakes a little early! She normally has one nap a day from about 12:15 - 2:30 (I have nursery to thank for that!).

We did everything to get her to sleep better including cc and in the end she just started doing it herself... Wasted a year of my life worrying about it fOr nothing! Ahh well maybe the next one will be better. :D

I just wish she would sleep! Is he grumpy/tired on 1 nap? How is he by 9/10am if he's waking so early?

I wish I hadn't worried so much about sleep too, I have been obsessed with it for ages but she's not getting enough and is so unhappy.

We are NTNP number 2 (and AF is late eeeek) so I am hoping that the next one is a bit more chilled out with sleep! xx

If I let her she probably would nap earlier, but I find 2 naps worse for her as she dOesnt get as long a whole sleep period with 2 like she does with 1. I have to admit nightimes can be hard, she is generally fed up by 5:45.. So we have to keep her occupied till bath time at 6:20 and bed for 7.

Perhaps your LO needs a lOnger sleep earlier in the afternoon down at 3 for an hour (if she would do that?).

I am crapping myself at the thought of another non sleeper but it's the way it goes and they do grow out of it... Eventually... Well unless she is now sleeping through just to lull me into a false sense of security???
What time does your LO wake for the day (do they STTN?)

-Ours gets up all over the place too - I think his sleep is currently disturbed by teething (molars coming in). He will get up at 2:00am, 4:00am, 5:00am, 6:00pm -you name it. We just bring him into bed with us now and he usually goes back to sleep quite well. Though sometimes we can give him lay him back down in his crib and he'll fall right back to sleep. When he's feeling good he is capable of sleeping through the night in his crib and gets up around 6:00am.

-What time does your LO nap and how long for (one or two naps?)

-My son goes to daycare now so he has one nap at noon, usually lasting 1-1.5hr. It was hard for him to adjust to this and on the weekend when we are at home he is usually asleep by 10:30am and then needs a cat nap in the afternoon.

What time does your LO go to bed?

-He is usually very ready for bed by 7:00pm, though we sometimes stretch it out to 7:30pm if he seems up for it. We have to really be on top of dinner and have it in front of him by no later than 6:00pm to get evening routine done so he's not overtired.

Any tips - problems you've overcome?

-Well our son just isn't consistantly sleeping through the night. I think its a phase not helped by ongoing teething (though he's never been the greatest sleeper). I'm determined to just go with it at this point. We used to fret about it so much and try a million strategies. Bringing him into our bed to co-sleep has been really positive because a) We get more time with him now that we are both at work b) We have just dropped the middle of the night struggle to get him back to sleep which we now feel like we can't be bothered with considering we all have to get up at 6:30am and be out the door by 7:30am. I think this move has taken a lot of the worry and emotion out of the night waking for my husband and I. He just comes with us and we all go back to sleep....done and done. I don't know if this is setting us up for future problems but we've made peace with it.

Also, Elliot gave up his soother for about a month but now seems to want it back - trying to suck on everything in his crib. So we've given it back to him for bedtime sleep and that is improving things again too. I am not fretting about it - I'm assuming he'll drop it again when he's ready.

It is so tiring isn't it when your sleep is disturbed ongoing? I empathize and hope things get better for you.

Waking: Luke has just gone through a big change, he used to wake at 6.15am everyday but since mid October has started sleeping until 8-8.30am, though Saturday he had a new record and slept until 9.35am... It was AMAZING!! Most nights he sleeps through.

Naps: since he was 11 months he dropped his morning nap and now sleeps for generally 30 mins, a hour max after lunch, normally around 1pm. He refuses to sleep anymore than this and gets quite grumpy around 7pm

Bedtime: he goes to bed at 8pm every night but still falls asleep whilst having his bedtime bottle. I don't know how or if I should stop this!

When he does wake in the night, I never make a fuss providing he is not Ill of course! He always stands and cries so I go in, tell him everything is ok and mummy's here, lay him down and then I lay on the floor beside his cot and hold his hand until he goes back to sleep. I avoid picking him up or any light so he knows it's still time to sleep and this so far has worked really well for us. I really think the lack of daytime sleep is what has made the difference. It probably won't last forever being this lucky with the long stretches of sleep and the late rising but I'm making the most of it :)
What time does your LO wake for the day (do they STTN?)
Fin does STTN and tends to wake around 8am at the moment

What time does your LO nap and how long for (one or two naps?)
1 nap now. Normally 11-1. However some days can be shorter and he refuses a second nap no matter how tired he is.

What time does your LO go to bed?
Normally around 7:15 but he's only just dropped to 1 nap and so can get very miserable and tired come 5pm so some nights he goes to bed at 6pm now. I let him guide me. AN earlier bedtime never affects his wake up time xx
My LO sleeps 8 til 7, occasionally waking up once in the night. She has 2 naps during the day one at 10am for an hour and one at 3pm for upto 2 hours. My LO has had the same routine since we came home from the hospital so a long time and never deviate from her routine, when she is teething or going through sleep regression though she can wake upto 4 times during the night. Now if she wakes up I just ignore her unless she is crying then I will give her cuddles for 5 mins and put her back then she goes back to sleep xx

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