My hormones are raging the littlest thing just sets the the f*&^ off. I'm so tired of being patronized by other women. Especially women who have NO children. This girl on my facebook is sitting here telling me that if its a girl then I'm going to gain horrible weight, and I'm having horrible morning sickness and she keeps telling me "oh it will go away, it seems like its forever but after the first trimester it will go away" UGH! Its like listen, I have a child already. I know what the fuck is going to happen. You don't even have a child so don't sit there and give me advice on pregnancy and labor. Then she tries to tell me how she was in the room when someone gave birth so now she thinks she is a fucking know it all. UGH!!! Sorry for the rant. I just want to tell her off but I don't want to be mean.