Please help! Gestational diabetes questions...


Mom to 2 girls
Nov 23, 2014
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So I'm only 10 weeks tomorrow and during my routine blood tests, they said they saw some things that might indicate gestational diabetes :( I've never had it before, I am older this time around which I heard if your predisposed to diabetes (my father has it) can increase your odds of having it...

Anyhow anytime I look up any info I can't find a lot of symptoms but I've had an aversion to sugary things this pregnancy and the very few times I've maybe had a sip of soda or something like that, I feel awful for hours afterward...I also have had a weird jittery feeling lately even though I don't drink tea/coffee/soda...did any of you have symptoms before you were diagnosed?
I had insulin-dependent GD with DS and never had any symptoms. From what I understand, symptoms for GD are really rare. I'd just ask the doctor to have you do the glucose test now so that you know either way.
Thanks I actually really would rather not have the test with the glucola especially now that I know that my symptoms are likely just weird preggo symptoms so even though the dr wants me to have the test I'm going to decline it and tell them I'll do the a1c blood test for now which tests your sugar for the last 3 months, and if that comes back abnormal I'll do the nasty glucola test but I'm still going to ask for an alternative to the glucola when the time comes.
Hi, I had Gdm with my last pregnancy, hoping to avoid it this time but we'll see. Symptoms are supposed to be rare , I swear I actually felt good (energetic, a bit high) when my sugars were too high. Problem is of course its very bad for baby. But good control can prevent pretty much all complications. As you say the HbA1c will tell you how good your sugars have been for the last 3 months - which is reassuring if its normal that you don't have undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. However, if your not Type 2, then your placenta starts producing human placental lactogen hormone which is responsible for reducing insulin sensitivity and therefore causing gestational diabetes. The placental hormone increases from the 2nd trimester, so your sugars get more and more out of control unless your monitoring and/or treating. So I would be proactive about testing to make sure its diagnosed and treated if needed. Good luck, sorry about the geeky answer, did a LOT of googling last time! :)
Thanks babydreamers, I'm going to request that one along with the other test they ran last time and decline the glucola for now and just tell the dr that if my numbers are still bad then she can prescribe be a monitor and I'll just eat like I have it.
Hi, just wondering why,you are declining the glucose tolerance test? I have GD. This is my 4th pregnancy, and 4th time having it. I'm 32(33tomorrow) but was 25/26 on first pregnancy, slim/skinny, and no family history of diabetes. I also had no symptoms (at first) and never had sugar in urine. On first pregnancy I ended up with high blood pressure,too much amniotic fluid and a large for gestation baby. Ended up with c section due to fetal distress.( They never tested me for diabetes and it was only picked up on 2nd pregnancy when consultant insisted I get tested as at 8lbs 2 my first son was quite big for 37 weeks gestation. I thought the consultant was crazy having me tested as I was then only 27, slim etc).
The test isn't exactly fun,and with my bad veins it takes them,ages to draw blood, but id rather know, so I can take action ASAP with my diet.I think that other test even if it's clear doesn't rule out GD - at least based on my understanding of what nurse told me last week.
Fingers crossed it's all clear for you though, as it does suck having it...
the biggest reason I'm declining it is because I now know they messed up and the nurse basically lied to me...they had me do a regular blood glucose test, not the kind with glucola, you are supposed to fast for the regular blood test because it measures your fasting rate, I didn't fast because I wasn't told to, I know that GD is also not diagnosed this early most of the time, I just don't want to do a test if it's not necessary at the moment.

I know it's not the worst thing in the world but I do hate it and I'm not a fan of the ingredients or the amount of sugar when I don't even have soda except for the occasional sip here and there at a restaurant, plus I told them if my numbers still come back weird from the a1c (tests what your blood sugars have been for the last 3 months) then I'll take it and or just act as if I have it and be super stringent with my diet and I'd monitor and everything until the normal glucose testing time at which point is do it then.
Just FYI, a 147 is relatively high even if you've just eaten. Even with GD, the highest acceptable number is 140. I know MANY women who were diagnosed with GD in the first trimester. It happens. The a1c isn't all that useful of a test if you do have GD but it just started. Maybe get a cheap meter and monitor on your own for a little while if you don't want to do the GTT. Hopefully all is well and you're totally fine, but better safe than sorry. A nurse misleading you shouldn't stop you from doing what's best for baby.
Just FYI, a 147 is relatively high even if you've just eaten. Even with GD, the highest acceptable number is 140. I know MANY women who were diagnosed with GD in the first trimester. It happens. The a1c isn't all that useful of a test if you do have GD but it just started. Maybe get a cheap meter and monitor on your own for a little while if you don't want to do the GTT. Hopefully all is well and you're totally fine, but better safe than sorry. A nurse misleading you shouldn't stop you from doing what's best for baby.

Thanks, I keep reading different info, some say 140 an hour after eating and some say 180, I saw a maternal health nursing book online and it also says 180, it's confusing to say the least!
Hi jlw617. Just my little 2 cents: I had GD with my last pregnancy, and I definitely had symptoms. I fully expected it when they called me to tell me I failed the test. I felt weak, shaky, tired, and nauseous after eating anything with excessive carbs or sugars. So sometimes you can have symptoms of gd.
Hi jlw617. Just my little 2 cents: I had GD with my last pregnancy, and I definitely had symptoms. I fully expected it when they called me to tell me I failed the test. I felt weak, shaky, tired, and nauseous after eating anything with excessive carbs or sugars. So sometimes you can have symptoms of gd.

Ok thanks, I really appreciate it, I have had some symptoms but none that sound like what most people describe as GD symptoms, if I drink something sugary which is very rare and I only have a sip or two, I do feel quite sick, but I can have bread or other things that would be high carb/sugar and not feel that way so I just don't know? If my a1c test numbers come back wonky I'll definitely take the test or just act like I have it and eat accordingly...most people with experience with GD tell me the a1c is a pretty good test and from what I've read it seems like it.
Just FYI, a 147 is relatively high even if you've just eaten. Even with GD, the highest acceptable number is 140. I know MANY women who were diagnosed with GD in the first trimester. It happens. The a1c isn't all that useful of a test if you do have GD but it just started. Maybe get a cheap meter and monitor on your own for a little while if you don't want to do the GTT. Hopefully all is well and you're totally fine, but better safe than sorry. A nurse misleading you shouldn't stop you from doing what's best for baby.

Thanks, I keep reading different info, some say 140 an hour after eating and some say 180, I saw a maternal health nursing book online and it also says 180, it's confusing to say the least!

180 is the 1-hour cutoff during the 3-hour GTT, when you've had 100g of glucose, no water, no protein, no fat, no walking, etc. The GTT is designed to stress your body to the max to see if you have any issues. When you eat, however, it's very unlikely that you'd just have 100g of pure glucose, so your levels should NOT be that high. When someone is diagnosed with GD, she then has to keep her 1-hour numbers below 140 (some doctors say 120) and her 2-hour numbers below 120. Again, hopefully all is well, but that 147 is a bit worrisome.
Just FYI, a 147 is relatively high even if you've just eaten. Even with GD, the highest acceptable number is 140. I know MANY women who were diagnosed with GD in the first trimester. It happens. The a1c isn't all that useful of a test if you do have GD but it just started. Maybe get a cheap meter and monitor on your own for a little while if you don't want to do the GTT. Hopefully all is well and you're totally fine, but better safe than sorry. A nurse misleading you shouldn't stop you from doing what's best for baby.

Thanks, I keep reading different info, some say 140 an hour after eating and some say 180, I saw a maternal health nursing book online and it also says 180, it's confusing to say the least!

180 is the 1-hour cutoff during the 3-hour GTT, when you've had 100g of glucose, no water, no protein, no fat, no walking, etc. The GTT is designed to stress your body to the max to see if you have any issues. When you eat, however, it's very unlikely that you'd just have 100g of pure glucose, so your levels should NOT be that high. When someone is diagnosed with GD, she then has to keep her 1-hour numbers below 140 (some doctors say 120) and her 2-hour numbers below 120. Again, hopefully all is well, but that 147 is a bit worrisome.

Ok thanks, that clears things up for me a lot, now I'm worried :/ I'll talk to my dr about it on Monday and probably just assume I have it and eat like I have it :(
I developed GD at 28 weeks with DD and 11 weeks with DS and this baby. I had a gtt with my dd but the other 2 they just tested my on a normal bs monitor an hour after eating breakfast, maybe that is an option? As well as the HBA1C
Just FYI, a 147 is relatively high even if you've just eaten. Even with GD, the highest acceptable number is 140. I know MANY women who were diagnosed with GD in the first trimester. It happens. The a1c isn't all that useful of a test if you do have GD but it just started. Maybe get a cheap meter and monitor on your own for a little while if you don't want to do the GTT. Hopefully all is well and you're totally fine, but better safe than sorry. A nurse misleading you shouldn't stop you from doing what's best for baby.

Thanks, I keep reading different info, some say 140 an hour after eating and some say 180, I saw a maternal health nursing book online and it also says 180, it's confusing to say the least!

180 is the 1-hour cutoff during the 3-hour GTT, when you've had 100g of glucose, no water, no protein, no fat, no walking, etc. The GTT is designed to stress your body to the max to see if you have any issues. When you eat, however, it's very unlikely that you'd just have 100g of pure glucose, so your levels should NOT be that high. When someone is diagnosed with GD, she then has to keep her 1-hour numbers below 140 (some doctors say 120) and her 2-hour numbers below 120. Again, hopefully all is well, but that 147 is a bit worrisome.

Ok thanks, that clears things up for me a lot, now I'm worried :/ I'll talk to my dr about it on Monday and probably just assume I have it and eat like I have it :(

Aww don't be too worried! If it is GD, it's totally manageable in one way or another. And on the plus side, it will force you to have to eat better, which is good for you and LO no matter what. It might not be GD though. Only way to know is to test! Fingers crossed for you! :hugs:
I developed GD at 28 weeks with DD and 11 weeks with DS and this baby. I had a gtt with my dd but the other 2 they just tested my on a normal bs monitor an hour after eating breakfast, maybe that is an option? As well as the HBA1C

Yes that's what I'd like to do, Thankyou!

Just FYI, a 147 is relatively high even if you've just eaten. Even with GD, the highest acceptable number is 140. I know MANY women who were diagnosed with GD in the first trimester. It happens. The a1c isn't all that useful of a test if you do have GD but it just started. Maybe get a cheap meter and monitor on your own for a little while if you don't want to do the GTT. Hopefully all is well and you're totally fine, but better safe than sorry. A nurse misleading you shouldn't stop you from doing what's best for baby.

Thanks, I keep reading different info, some say 140 an hour after eating and some say 180, I saw a maternal health nursing book online and it also says 180, it's confusing to say the least!

180 is the 1-hour cutoff during the 3-hour GTT, when you've had 100g of glucose, no water, no protein, no fat, no walking, etc. The GTT is designed to stress your body to the max to see if you have any issues. When you eat, however, it's very unlikely that you'd just have 100g of pure glucose, so your levels should NOT be that high. When someone is diagnosed with GD, she then has to keep her 1-hour numbers below 140 (some doctors say 120) and her 2-hour numbers below 120. Again, hopefully all is well, but that 147 is a bit worrisome.

Ok thanks, that clears things up for me a lot, now I'm worried :/ I'll talk to my dr about it on Monday and probably just assume I have it and eat like I have it :(

Aww don't be too worried! If it is GD, it's totally manageable in one way or another. And on the plus side, it will force you to have to eat better, which is good for you and LO no matter what. It might not be GD though. Only way to know is to test! Fingers crossed for you! :hugs:

Awww thank you, I appreciate the encouragement, the more I think about how I've been feeling lately, the more I think I have it but you know what I'm some how very confident that I will be able to manage this! For one thing this baby is too important for me to take any risks and for another I haven't really had a taste for sweets this time around, more so protein!
bugger! Im positive again. Spent a day throwing a tantrum (wasnt overweight for 2st GDM pregnancy and worked very hard to lose another 10kg before this pregnancy) but am feeling better about it a few days later. At least it will stop me piling the weight on during 3rd trimester. Now 29 weeks, fasting sugars borderline post meals ok as long as I make good decisions. Will probably end up on night time insulin although a night time snack does seem to help keep sugars lower in the morning. Its hard work thinking of something to eat every 3 hours! But should be easier this time, I worked out a few tricks last time. Here we go again...
Babydreamers-sorry you have it again! Even though I'm overweight not hugely I think mine has to do more with my age since I'm the exact same weight I was when I was pregnant with my girls but now I'm almost 33 :/ anyhow I've done a lot of research and I can tell you with my own numbers that raw coconut oil everyday, 4 times a day is very good for you and can help keep your blood sugars down-something about healthy fats helps to keep them balanced, also I was looking for a protein supplement that I could take because I hate making breakfast in the morning! I found something all natural and it tastes great and best of all it has lots of protein, I think 26g, no sugar and only 1 carb! It's called jay Robb, I don't know if you can get it where you're at or not, I buy mine from Amazon ;)
Just FYI, a 147 is relatively high even if you've just eaten. Even with GD, the highest acceptable number is 140. I know MANY women who were diagnosed with GD in the first trimester. It happens. The a1c isn't all that useful of a test if you do have GD but it just started. Maybe get a cheap meter and monitor on your own for a little while if you don't want to do the GTT. Hopefully all is well and you're totally fine, but better safe than sorry. A nurse misleading you shouldn't stop you from doing what's best for baby.

Thanks, I keep reading different info, some say 140 an hour after eating and some say 180, I saw a maternal health nursing book online and it also says 180, it's confusing to say the least!

I was recently diagnosed with GD and the nutritionist told me it should be 90 before breakfast and 120 2 hours after meals.

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