Please help! Gestational diabetes questions...

Just FYI, a 147 is relatively high even if you've just eaten. Even with GD, the highest acceptable number is 140. I know MANY women who were diagnosed with GD in the first trimester. It happens. The a1c isn't all that useful of a test if you do have GD but it just started. Maybe get a cheap meter and monitor on your own for a little while if you don't want to do the GTT. Hopefully all is well and you're totally fine, but better safe than sorry. A nurse misleading you shouldn't stop you from doing what's best for baby.

Thanks, I keep reading different info, some say 140 an hour after eating and some say 180, I saw a maternal health nursing book online and it also says 180, it's confusing to say the least!

I was recently diagnosed with GD and the nutritionist told me it should be 90 before breakfast and 120 2 hours after meals.

Thanks I know this now ;) this thread is a couple months old. Although I will add that different OBs, midwives and even nutritionists say different things especially on fasting numbers-I know a lot of them are fine as long as it's below 99 which mine have been and though I've spiked a few times after meals, it's few and far inbetween :)
Oh I didn't realize it's an old thread. I was recently diagnosed and even when I cut sugar and most carbs, I'm struggling to control dairy and fruit. It makes me feel awful. My numbers are high but I'm not even eating junk!:wacko: Oh well... !
Oh I didn't realize it's an old thread. I was recently diagnosed and even when I cut sugar and most carbs, I'm struggling to control dairy and fruit. It makes me feel awful. My numbers are high but I'm not even eating junk!:wacko: Oh well... !

No worries ;) it does get harder the more pregnant you are! It does stink to have to cut the dairy and fruit and I haven't completely done that, I usually have some milk in the morning and eat fruit very sparingly! I just want to do everything possible to try to avoid any medication
Thanks jlw617, Ill try the coconut oil, I have it in the cupboard as I found it useful for constipation in 1st trimester. Mine is probably age related as well, was 33 1st pregnancy, 35 now. Not much we can do about that! Mum has type 2 diabetes but shes always been very overweight so I always thought it was due to that. Im bummed that I seem to have the diabetes gene as well. My fasting sugars are crazy and getting worse since diagnosis 2 weeks ago, will see dr on wednesday but pretty sure she'll start me on night time insulin again. Its very demoralising when your numbers are not hitting target and theres not much to do about it, bedtime snack helps a bit but morning sugars are still above target. Feeling a bit grumpy and petulant today wanting to eat what I want as I cant seem to control my sugars anyway (post meal sugars are ok at the moment, but last preg they got worse as time went on despite me being obsessive about diet), so I imagine Ill end up on mealtime insulin again. I ate a biscuit today. I didnt get away with it according to my reading! Ill have to be induced at 38 weeks same as last time as I need insulin, that sucks too. Feel like my body is totally crap and has failed me. Sorry for the bitch, feel like I need to stamp my feet a bit, get it out of my system and then get on with it.
Thanks jlw617, Ill try the coconut oil, I have it in the cupboard as I found it useful for constipation in 1st trimester. Mine is probably age related as well, was 33 1st pregnancy, 35 now. Not much we can do about that! Mum has type 2 diabetes but shes always been very overweight so I always thought it was due to that. Im bummed that I seem to have the diabetes gene as well. My fasting sugars are crazy and getting worse since diagnosis 2 weeks ago, will see dr on wednesday but pretty sure she'll start me on night time insulin again. Its very demoralising when your numbers are not hitting target and theres not much to do about it, bedtime snack helps a bit but morning sugars are still above target. Feeling a bit grumpy and petulant today wanting to eat what I want as I cant seem to control my sugars anyway (post meal sugars are ok at the moment, but last preg they got worse as time went on despite me being obsessive about diet), so I imagine Ill end up on mealtime insulin again. I ate a biscuit today. I didnt get away with it according to my reading! Ill have to be induced at 38 weeks same as last time as I need insulin, that sucks too. Feel like my body is totally crap and has failed me. Sorry for the bitch, feel like I need to stamp my feet a bit, get it out of my system and then get on with it.

Awww I'm sorry you're feeling bad about it :( I definitely have my moments as well. Today a lady from our church brought a cheese Danish which are one of my favorite things in the world!!!!!! I was so sad I couldn't have it :haha: I know I've said it but I always notice a difference if I have a high amount of protein and or fat with whatever I'm eating plus if you're having problems with your morning numbers are you testing early enough? Are you having some sort of protien with it to help carry you through the night? Hope you feel better Hun!
thanks, yes, always try and eat protein/fat with carbs. Tried coconut oil last night with nighttime snack (crumpet, butter + peanut butter) but still no good with morning sugars. Generally testing pretty early - 5-6.30am ish as have a toddler that likes to get up and look at the moon!

It sucks when your absolute favourite food is offered and you have to refuse. Never had a cheese danish! Is it like a danish pastry but savoury? Strange, I have a super sweet tooth and love all things cake but since being diagnosed I hardly feel tempted at all - sweet treats seem to be just not an option, its more that I want to eat as much and when I want (curry + naan + poppadoms + rice was not a good choice!) Of course I did have that melting moments biscuit - toddler wanted it, licked it and decided he didnt like it! I couldnt STAND to throw it away although that is what I should have done.

I will stop throwing myself a pity party and suck it up now! I think Ill feel better once Im on the insulin and get my numbers under control - then I know Im looking after bub as best as I can. Plus really dont want to be pushing a 10lb baby out of my you know what! EEKS!! :)
Bummer about your fasting sugars :( I'm really hoping mine won't go up but I also know they're likely too the further I get :/ I've been blessed I guess because I haven't had really bad cravings for sweets this pregnancy but I have had some things I wish I could a giant bowl of ice cream or even just a bowl of cereal!!!! My DH even feels sorry for me because he sees how I have to eat, all my sandwiches only have 1 piece of bread, I can only have half of a small ice cream bar if I want a's pretty sad :haha: so he said as soon as you have this baby we are having an all carb day :happydance:
Oh I didn't realize it's an old thread. I was recently diagnosed and even when I cut sugar and most carbs, I'm struggling to control dairy and fruit. It makes me feel awful. My numbers are high but I'm not even eating junk!:wacko: Oh well... !

No worries ;) it does get harder the more pregnant you are! It does stink to have to cut the dairy and fruit and I haven't completely done that, I usually have some milk in the morning and eat fruit very sparingly! I just want to do everything possible to try to avoid any medication

I know the general instinct is to want to avoid medication, but I promise you, medication is not bad. I was on insulin with my first, and the shots seriously hurt WAY less than the finger pricks...sometimes I couldn't feel it at all. It was such a relief to be able to relax a bit when I ate, and I knew it was what was best for my LO. I'm currently 16 weeks with this one and have been basically diagnosed since the beginning. My numbers have been ok so far, but I'm fully expecting to be on insulin soon...and that's ok!
Oh I didn't realize it's an old thread. I was recently diagnosed and even when I cut sugar and most carbs, I'm struggling to control dairy and fruit. It makes me feel awful. My numbers are high but I'm not even eating junk!:wacko: Oh well... !

No worries ;) it does get harder the more pregnant you are! It does stink to have to cut the dairy and fruit and I haven't completely done that, I usually have some milk in the morning and eat fruit very sparingly! I just want to do everything possible to try to avoid any medication

I know the general instinct is to want to avoid medication, but I promise you, medication is not bad. I was on insulin with my first, and the shots seriously hurt WAY less than the finger pricks...sometimes I couldn't feel it at all. It was such a relief to be able to relax a bit when I ate, and I knew it was what was best for my LO. I'm currently 16 weeks with this one and have been basically diagnosed since the beginning. My numbers have been ok so far, but I'm fully expecting to be on insulin soon...and that's ok!

Thanks I appreciate the thoughtfulness but I'm a little more of a natural mama and I don't like the idea of having to take insulin unless I absolutely have to so I'm doing all I can (even though I know sometimes it's unavoidable) to prevent it.
Oh I didn't realize it's an old thread. I was recently diagnosed and even when I cut sugar and most carbs, I'm struggling to control dairy and fruit. It makes me feel awful. My numbers are high but I'm not even eating junk!:wacko: Oh well... !

No worries ;) it does get harder the more pregnant you are! It does stink to have to cut the dairy and fruit and I haven't completely done that, I usually have some milk in the morning and eat fruit very sparingly! I just want to do everything possible to try to avoid any medication

I know the general instinct is to want to avoid medication, but I promise you, medication is not bad. I was on insulin with my first, and the shots seriously hurt WAY less than the finger pricks...sometimes I couldn't feel it at all. It was such a relief to be able to relax a bit when I ate, and I knew it was what was best for my LO. I'm currently 16 weeks with this one and have been basically diagnosed since the beginning. My numbers have been ok so far, but I'm fully expecting to be on insulin soon...and that's ok!

Thanks I appreciate the thoughtfulness but I'm a little more of a natural mama and I don't like the idea of having to take insulin unless I absolutely have to so I'm doing all I can (even though I know sometimes it's unavoidable) to prevent it.

I hear you. However, if you want to stay natural, insulin is as natural as you can go! It's literally human insulin--the exact same stuff your body makes. It's not like taking Tylenol or other synthetic drugs. Cutting carbs to the extent you are can actually be MUCH more dangerous than going on a little insulin. Have you at least been checking to make sure you aren't spilling ketones? Ketones are linked to learning disabilities, and they're caused by not getting enough carbs.
It's just my preference based off the research I've done and the effects insulin can have on your body even after baby is born ;) I'm not terribly worried about the carb thing-I really do think that the reccomendendations carb amount is far too high and don't believe the hype just because doctors reccomend it, I've seen far too many women who eat the way I'm eating and even less carbs and go on to have perfectly healthy babies, the way I look at it/compare it is many Drs will say what a mother eats has no effect on baby if breastfeeding however so many moms including myself would argue that with actual experience/proof...I still eat carbs for snacks and such and I think of women who have hg and can barely eat anything their whole pregnancy and still go on to have healthy babies

I hope you know I'm not trying to be offensive/argumentative and I appreciate your advice and I certainly don't knock those that have to be on insulin, I know it basically comes down to hormones and I will go on it if need be but I just really prefer not to if I don't have too ;)
Can I ask what the effects of insulin on the body are in terms of what you've researched? I have to see an endocrinologist, and he assured me there are zero risks to me or the baby with insulin (unless I take too much, don't eat, and get low, of course). The "insulin dependence" that some talk about does NOT happen in GD patients--it happens in people with Type 2 who are on insulin for years, and even then it's extremely rare. And I've also thought about the women who can hardly eat during pregnancy who go on to have perfectly healthy babies. But there are also women who drink and do drugs during pregnancy who go on to have perfectly healthy babies--doesn't mean it's a good choice. I'm also not trying to be argumentative...promise! I've literally just researched, asked questions about, etc, this diagnosis EVERY day for two years (after being diagnosed with my son...I'm kind of obsessed), so I've seen pretty much every angle and really learned a lot. The bottom line that I've seen and heard from the experts (and I'm not talking about OBs...I'm talking about endocrinologists whose specialities are diabetes), getting enough carbs when pregnant is essential. I just want to make sure other women are truly informed, by asking true experts in the field, and are doing what is best for their babies. Again, I totally understand you not wanting to go on insulin, but I'm thinking it might be for some not-quite-accurate reasons. Plus, you might not even need it with the recommended carbs! Just something to think about. :)

P.S. Anecdotal evidence ("I know lots of ladies") really isn't evidence at all. There are MANY peer-reviewed studies that have shown the link between ketones and brain issues. Would you consider at least testing for ketones? If you don't have them, that'd be a really good thing and probably way less of a concern.

P.P.S. I'll stop being an annoying grandma now! ;)
I do have ketone strips and have tested but again I feel that it's not a risk...basically I'll just say this because you and I have very different points of view when it comes to the medical world which is fine and I used to be where you're at now but as I've gotten older, I have changed my point of view a lot on the medical side of things ;) and yes I know statistically speaking "a lot of women" is not what any doctors would take into consideration but I believe experience trumps opinions even if they feel they have eveidence...I'm sure hundreds of thousands of moms who have breastfed would argue that what they eat does effect their baby...
I got this excerpt from wellness and it basically sums up why I'd prefer to avoid insulin.
The problem is, diabetes is a problem with the body’s regulation of insulin, caused by a resistance to insulin and an overproduction to remove toxic amounts of glucose in the bloodstream. Insulin is also dangerous if it is left circulating the the blood. Somehow, treating too much circulating glucose and insulin with more insulin doesn’t seem like the right approach…

I'll leave it at that, Thankyou for the friendly discussion, I believe what I believe and would much rather try to naturally battle this as opposed to taking something unnatural, whether it comes from a human or not ;)
Actually, I do have a question though because I'm truly trying to learn all I can. Let's say you're hardly eating any carbs and still getting high numbers. What do the people from the resources you've seen consider "the right approach" to dealing with it?
Sure, basically there's treating through high fats (but good fats such as coconut oil) which helps your body to balance out sugars better, there's remedies that are natural that can be taken when discussed with a homeopath and there's also herbs and such that can be discussed with a naturopath, also for some women just doing multiple bouts of exercise to include light weights is enough to keep their numbers down...and I am still getting a fairly good amount of carbs...just not what's reccomended, I still get anywhere from 80-90 carbs a day but I'm careful to spread them out thoughout my day, trying not to exceed more than 15 carbs in a meal or snack.
I just wanted to add my thoughts into the debate.. I can see there's quite a bit of discussion going on regarding the use of insulin. For those out there who are newly diagnosed, this is not something to be afraid of & isn't always within your control. GD is controlled by your hormones, so you can eat perfectly & still need to use insulin & that's ok. Ketones are dangerous for you & for your baby.

I am newly diagnosed myself, a week in, in fact! I found a great group of ladies on Facebook who have helped me to understand the condition & how to manage it effectively. If anyone in the UK is reading this, then send me a message & I'll give you a link to the group :D

Anyway, I've found that I can still eat relatively normally as long as I pair my carbs up. Everytime I want something with carbs in it, rather than telling myself no & risking my baby's development, I look for the best carb option & then pair it with some protein & some fat. So, for example.. For lunch today, I had a toasted egg mayo sandwich (using burgen soya & linseed bread, full fat mayo & butter), with a chunk of cheese & a packet of Fridge Raiders (chicken pieces). So you can see, I have my carbs still, but by pairing them with some fat & protein, it helped to slow the processing :)

Also, drinking plenty of water with meals & going for a walk afterwards helps to process the sugar.

Whenever trying a new food or snack, I make sure I test more frequently, so for example I just had a snack of some kettle chips & nuts (carbs + protein) so I made sure to test after that to make sure my body can tolerate it well.

I'm still learning about this myself, but having the support of the FB group has been absolutely amazing. If anyone wants any advice or tips, then send me a message :) I was so upset & frustrated after my diagnosis, the nurses were no help whatsoever. I feel a lot better since finding the group & really understanding how to manage this properly now.

I might end up on insulin in the future, that depends entirely on my hormones. But I refuse to cut out carbs as they are very important for baby's growth. If it becomes that I can't tolerate them as well in the future, then that's when I'll know it's time to turn to medication for help. x
Also - just wanted to add, that carbs are usually better tolerated later in the day. So try to eat accordingly.. Less carbs in the morning (but still have some!) and more carbs in the afternoon/evening :) I probably eat more bread products now than I ever have!! They're just spread across the day x

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