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Please help me with naps!


Active Member
Oct 2, 2011
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Okay, I’m really hoping people have suggestions for me, as I’m at the end of my rope here. My daughter is 7 months old and HATES to take naps. She obviously needs them, but HATES them and fights me on them, literally. She takes a nap in the morning for about an hour and 15 minutes, another in the afternoon for about an hour and a half, and another in the late afternoon around 3ish for about 30 minutes. Bedtime is 7pm. Whenever I try to put her down for a nap, she flails her arms and legs, cries, pushes, and tries to get out of my arms. She knows the signs of nap time (curtains drawn, dark room, me beginning to rock her). The SECOND she realizes that it’s nap time, she flips out. Finally after about 15 minutes or so (sometimes more), she calms down, and gives in and falls asleep. If I place her in her crib awake, she REFUSES to nap, she will cry hysterically until I come and get her. So, I have resorted to rocking her. This used to work for a short time, however now I can’t rock her AT ALL because she associates it with nap time and she flips out if I begin to rock her. So, it’s sad because I can’t rock her anymore. :( Now, I put lullabies on, read a story, and get her to wind down. She begins to yawn and rub her eyes, but then when I try to rock her, she flips out. I have tried everything that I can think of to not get her to get hysterical on me for naps. I hold her close to me and snuggle her, again, this used to work briefly until she realized it was me trying to prime her up for nap time. Now I cannot snuggle her close because she thinks I’m trying to put her to bed. ;( I then tried other things, like just putting her in her crib to cry it out, but I’ve waited up to 30 minutes and she doesn’t stop crying, so I just go in and get her and try for a nap later when she’s way overtired. I’ve tried putting her in her swing, rocker, nothing works. She won’t go to bed on her own. At night, I nurse her to sleep, and then put her in her crib after she’s in a deep sleep. A few times during the day I’ve nursed her to sleep, but I shouldn’t have to do that every time! Currently, I cradle her, draw the curtains, dim the lights, put lullabies or white noise on and walk around the house with her while she flails, cries, and fights me. This goes on for about 15-20 minutes until she finally gives up and falls asleep in my arms, which I then place her in her crib. Problem is, she’s getting bigger. I’m a very petite woman and her flailing and pushing and kicking are beginning to hurt me. My back hurts, my arms hurt from trying to hold her, and my ribs her from her trying to push me away. I can’t do this much longer. I feel like I am getting beat up every day, 3 times per day. I wish I could just place her in her crib and have her go to bed! I have tried waiting until she’s REALLY tired to put her down for a nap, and she doesn’t fight me as badly, but she’s WAY overtired and then she’s really grouchy at night because she didn’t nap enough during the day. I’ve tried putting her down the FIRST signs of fatigue (rubbing eyes, yawning, crabby…) and she still fights me. She will not go to sleep by herself. I have to be the one to put her to sleep, or she will stay awake the whole darn day, despite being dead tired! I have looked into trying the Ferber method, which is crying it out with periodic checking intervals. A lot of people swear by it. I’m desperate. I hate having my baby daughter push me away and fight me with every nap, and honestly my body can’t take it too much longer, She gets bigger every week and I’m afraid I won’t be able to contain her any longer. I don’t want to endanger her by dropping her because she’s flailing so hard. Please, I would love to hear some suggestions! Thank you!
May not be what you want to hear, but I'd nurse her to sleep, yes, for every nap. It's better then both of you getting upset multiple times a day. My lo is almost two and nurses to sleep at every nap and bedtime, its not a big deal. :shrug:
I agree with the pp. My little guy is nearly 2 as well and still nurses to sleep for every nap and every night (also every time he wakes at night). Actually, you're very lucky that you can get her to nap in her crib! My guy wouldn't nap anywhere but in my arms until after he turned 1!

Nursing to sleep is comforting to your baby and way less stressful for you. I'd say it's a win win.
I would nurse to sleep too. I did with my son for 17 months and it is a blessing! My daughter never nursed to sleep and I missed it so much.
I agree with nursing to sleep. My LO is almost three and we still do this :cloud9:
I nurse my 19mo to sleep every night. And any nap that happens at home. (Otherwise she tends to fall asleep in the car then I carry her to her cot)

Boobs rule!
Agree with pp, had to nurse to sleep 3x day and hold for the entire nap for a year - I will admit though I grew to hate and resent it pretty quickly, so I will also ask: would LO sleep in the pram or carrier IF the walk was long enough/if the preceding activity was fun or tiring enough? This was a game changer for me as I used the pram not carrier (can't move LO asleep as he wakes), so once asleep and in the house I had some time free for first time in a year! It did have to be a genuine journey though ie coming back from baby group or shops or whatever; if I took him out just specifically to nap he smelled a rat lol!

If you can nurse to sleep and then move to the cot once asleep though I would do that in a heartbeat!!

Good luck!
I still nurse to sleep for every nap and at night and have to lay there with my LO the whole time. She's almost 20 months. It's not so bad. We went through a phase where she was fighting her 2 naps and bedtime every day right around 10-11 months old and I was having to rock her, nurse her, rock, nurse, and so on- apparently she was ready to drop to just one nap. When I dropped to one, the nap fighting and bedtime fighting stopped. Could it be that your LO is ready to drop to two naps from three?
If it helps to hear another side of the story, I used a method with my son when he started to get too heavy (about 6/7 months) when I primed him for nap time like he was used to (like you said, curtains drawn, wind down time) then placed him in his cot with a kiss and left the room. A few times he did start to cry and I went in every minute, then 2 mins, then 3 mins, then after about 4 mins he would settle and fall asleep. Nap no1 done. After a day (3 naps) of this he pretty much started settling by himself! Might not work with every child but it worked for him. He didnt have a dummy, just a comforter. If he got majorly overtired when out and we couldn't help it then id still rock him a bit but it didn't happen often.
I agree with the PPs who say nurse to sleep. DS is 2 and I still nurse him down for naps when I'm home and bedtime. He is rocked to sleep by DH or MIL for his nap if I'm at work, or takes it in the car.

We never tried to get him to sleep without it when I'm not home. We used the same muslin swaddle blankets every time we put him down or nursed him to sleep, and they still use those same blankets to calm him down to sleep now.

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