Please help, urgent advice - Polyhydramnios/too much fluid


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Has anyone any experiences of this?

I've been told I'm not allowed a HB (I'm 36+3 now) because I have (mild) Polyhydramnios. I was only just over the boarder line at my last scan just over 2 weeks ago, but the water has increased so they've said no to a HB.

Now I know that it's my right to give birth where ever I choose, but realistically what are the risks? are there any? The consultant wasn't helpful just gave me the usual "we'll monitor you & may induce you" - but I wasn't given any info what so ever. TBH I just wanted to get out of there, because I had all of this last pregnancy when they thought I had IUGR (had to be monitored twice a week from 30 weeks), then magically at 38 weeks they changed their mind so I don't really have much confidence in what they say right now.

I've had all the tests & there is no reason for the extra water - just one of those things! The sono/midwife that actually scanned me was very pro HB & told me to basically fight for a HB as it's my right if that's what I want & she said obviously I need to make an informed decision, but to her the risks are minimal. However I just googled & found a list of possible risks :dohh:

This is my 4th baby & I'm not even all that big, baby currently weighing approx 7lb 10oz (according to scan) so the growth isn't being compromised (in fact baby has gained over 2lb in 2 weeks???). Outwardly I do not look like I have Polyhydramnios, when palpatated by MW's I do not appear to have it, baby is head down & has been for a few weeks. The extra water was only picked up by chance when I was sent for a growth scan because I was actually measuring SMALL!!! (which I have done in all my pregnancies, dispite having 8lb++ babies!).

Ahhh, I'm so frustrated! A hospital birth would mean birthing alone, as we have absolutely no-one to look after our other children (long & unpleasant story), I've had such a stressful time over the past 6 months & this is just the icing on the cake. Not only that but my last labour was recorded as being just 35mins of active labour - I managed to get into the pool 5mins before baby was born, from start to finish labour was 2 hours max (2nd baby was a 4 hour labour), so that was a factor in wanting a HB originally too.

Sorry for the huge rant ladies - really hope someone can give me some advice, I'm seeing the community midwife tomorrow & I'm planning to tell her I will NOT be going to hospital. But just wanted some info from you ladies if possible.

Huge thanks in advance x
I had excessive waters with my last pregnancy, to be honest i still don't know why it was considered a problem. I had to go see a consultant, i'm not sure what for, i could barely understand him lol And i was never really told about risks etc. I always found it odd that they made a bit of a fuss about it to be honest, i was more concerned about my spd and thought that was why i was seeing the consultant in the first place. He felt my belly and said stuff that i couldn't fathom lol But that was it. I went into labour around my due date and it started with my waters breaking and yes there was a lot of it! But otherwise everything was fine. I don't see why you can't have a home birth, it seems like such a small thing for them to be concerned about but maybe you have an incredibly high amount? Is there risk of preterm labour maybe?
I'm still in the 'mild' catergory, so no not really excessive.

Do you mind if I ask, were you allowed a normal birth? No extra monitoring etc? Were you told to go in as soon as your waters went?

From what I understand the risk is that there is a higher chance of a cord prolapse, that's why they are telling me I cannot birth at home. Were you not informed of that?
I wasn't informed of anything really, i've investigated further and i'm pretty annoyed that i wasn't told more. Apparently once your waters break you're supposed to ring an ambulance because you have to stay laying down, no one told me so i just waited until my contractions got strong and i ended up nearly having the baby in the car! I wasn't monitored as i'm pretty sure they didn't know, i didn't tell them as i wasn't told to tell the hospital. It's actually very lucky that everything turned out ok for me considering how little they prepared me! To this day i didn't know the reason i had such a quick labour was because of excess fluid. I wasn't told that as soon as labour starts you're supposed to go to hospital. I shall be having words with my midwife when i see her next week, i'm pretty annoyed about this and i'm going to ask to be checked to see if i have it again because checking the symptoms online i seem to have all of them, might just be a coincidence though.

Do you know the reason for your excess waters? Apparently it could be that something's wrong with the baby, although that is rare. I don't know what to suggest regarding a home birth now that i've looked into the dangers myself, i guess it would depend on how excessive your waters get and whether there's an underlying cause for it. As far as i know there was no reason for mine, just 1 of those things i guess. There's also a risk of bleeding excessively after the birth, another thing that was never mentioned to me. I do remember the after birth was in pieces and bits of it kept coming out days afterwards, which can happen with excessive waters, yet another thing i wasn't told. I'm starting to think we should do away with midwives altogether and just rely on the internet to inform us of these things lol

If i was you i'd speak to my midwife about this in detail, especially as she might not tell you everything you need to know unless you ask.

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