Signed. And I loved the article too.
It's ridiculous that in this day and age we can't just say "this is how we're doing things and I don't have to justify why" on any of our pregnacy, birthing or parenting choices and whatever method we use to feed our children.
And it's ridiculous that a high street store or supermarket feels so intimidated by guidelines that they are telling people it's against the law to give loyalty points to a customer buying baby food or allow them to purchase baby food with the points they already have.
It's not like we are trying to buy crack cocaine for our babies, we are buying them food.
The last point in the article made me nod in agreement, I honestly believe Joseph would have starved to death if we didn't have access to formula because breastfeeding did not work for us.
I don't shop in Boots for other reasons but if I did I can't see that them offering me a few store loyalty points would chance my mind about breast feeding and convince me to formula feed instead.
But they might make me think it was worth the slightly higher price they charge for the formula we use and buying it from their store rather than our local supermarket.
Joseph needs the formula no matter what and with no incentive but price I will buy it at the cheaper store but if the loyalty points were allowed I might just be loyal to the store offering them and that's what they are there for.
Loyalty points are not an evil scheme by the makers of formula milk when you can buy everything else in the same shop from a lipstick to a bathmat and get the same reward.
But I think I might be preaching to the choir, so sorry, rant over.