I drank coffee as normal while TTC and also all through my pregnancy. I was comfortable with the guidelines (<200 mg a day). I'm a health scientist, so I searched for the studies on caffeine and pregnancy and I was comfortable that there wasn't any risk at the levels I was consuming it (there was one study that didn't show added risk until like 7 cups a day! I would have a stroke if I had 7 cups a day - so my feeling was if I felt fine, my baby would be fine).
I would have a cup of coffee/shot of espresso pretty much every day, on occasion, I might have two. Espresso actually has less caffeine on average than a cup of filtered/pressed coffee, so I often opted for espresso drinks (just be sure to ask them to only use one shot or ask for one shot of regular and one of decaf if you want it stronger, lots of places use a double shot in their espresso based drinks).
I got pregnant easily (2nd cycle off after 13 years on BC). I was 32 at the time. I had an easy pregnancy and a healthy baby. I plan to do the same next time. Incidentally, the week I got pregnant was over a bank holiday and we had off most of that week, so I went out drinking almost every night and drank way more than I normally would have (plus the coffee).