Plus size c section?


Nov 18, 2015
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I had an awful birth with my last two babies. Which ended up me needing surgery when my youngest was 1.

I was told I would need to have a c section next.

6 years later I'm pregnant. And pooping myself!!

Please someone explain what happens?!

I had an epidural but was in labour, terrified of doing it "sober".

I'm scared of having staples. Scared of needing a pump thing that sucks out the blood!!

Scared of my scar ripping opening

Scared of an infection

I'm terrified!!

I'm a size 18/20 and in the uk.
I don't know how much help I can be. But I am what doctors call "Morbidly Obese" I am quite overweight.

With my DD, My first pregnancy and birth, I ended up having an emergency cesarean at 41weeks due to failure to progress. And it was a very traumatic thing for me... The entire thing not just the cesarean. I do not know how the process may differ between the UK and the US..

But despite it all, I was fine. I did end up getting an infection. But it was easily treated with antibiotics. No big deal.

One of my Best Friends, who is much larger than myself ended up having a cesarean because her baby was breech. She did just fine, no infection, and was up on her feet sooner than I was (which might of been because her OH didn't force her to walk up and down two flights of stairs every day)

Anyway. What I am trying to say is. You will be fine. It is scary, but you will be okay.
I had an awful birth with my last two babies. Which ended up me needing surgery when my youngest was 1.

I was told I would need to have a c section next.

6 years later I'm pregnant. And pooping myself!!

Please someone explain what happens?!

I had an epidural but was in labour, terrified of doing it "sober".

I'm scared of having staples. Scared of needing a pump thing that sucks out the blood!!

Scared of my scar ripping opening

Scared of an infection

I'm terrified!!

I'm a size 18/20 and in the uk.

Could of wrote this myself !!

I was hurrendous after my section mainly the scar ripping open I was traumatised!!! However other than the psychological stuff ... Medically I was fine no infections, was out of theatre at 4pm and up and walking by 10pm.
I healed really well considering I was a size 16 then (7 years ago)
I was a UK size 24 when I had my son by emergency section and a size 26 when I had my daughter by elective section. Nothing at all bad happened either time due to my size. Epidural went in fine with my son, spinal took a minute to find the right space with my daughter but everything went very well.

I'm a size 16 now and will have another c-section in July.
With my son everything went perfectly infection, no ripping, just got to remember to keep it clean!!!

Having another csection in February :)
I was a size 24/26 australian by the end of my pregnancy so that would be 22/24 UK & besides a clotting problem (I was on blood thinners & bub came early) my c section went without hitch. I had glue not staples & no wound drain (had those for other surgeries & they don't hurt too bad coming out, so don't worry). I did get an infection in my wound but it was middle of AUSSIE summer & 41c the day I was released from hospital so it didn't surprise me. Antibiotics cleared it right up.
I was a US sz 24 when I had my on by C-Section due to the fact he was so SO large. 10lbs 3oz, and no GD. I can't imagine how large he'd have been if I'd had GD.

It was EASY. I metabolize meds FAST so I wound up burning through the spinal and requiring a hit or toradol, but in the grand scheme of things it was insanely easy. I was up and walking within 5 hours of surgery, allowed to shower the next day, and things went swimmingly. I DID get a yeast infection around the scar, but that was easily treated and totally to be expected in Arizona and working around horses. Staples were a piece of cake. No ripping, no tearing, and I totally disobeyed my doctor's orders by starting to ride horses before those staples came out.

I'm a US size 20/22 now and will be having another C in March.
Had a c-section 10 months ago at size 16. And honestly ,it was by far the best thing which could have happened. No issues with spinal, was fully aware and relaxed when baby was being pulled out.. and spinals are so good..u dont feel a thing..i was walking the next day..had a very quick recovery..i was scared like u, but trust me, its a breeze..
i'm size 16 and had a section, i was fine so much so i was up and walking around after 8 hours x
I'm a size 18 and had a section with my son 4 years ago. He was born at 6pm so I wasn't up and around till the next morning but there was very little pain, the wound was practically healed by the time I left hospital 3 days later (I had to stay in for a blood transfusion)

I was out doing my Christmas shopping on day 5 - there was no infection, the wound never even bled at all, no drain and it only had 5 stitches which the community midwives removed at home after a week or so

Please try not to worry - the worst part of the whole thing for me was the nasty stuff they made me drink before hand!
I had an emergency c section on the 14th. I have an over hang due to being overweight so my main concern has been about getting an infection but as long as I keep it clean and air it as often as I can, there should be no problems.
I had no problems with getting the spinal in despite there being issues with an epidural whilst in labour.
I am a bit sore still but the pain lessens each day and I had half of my staples taken out on sunday, the other half today.

Try not to worry too much. As scary as it is, the procedure itself takes little time at all, the longest part is them stitching you up and then your recovery afterwards and as long as you're looking after yourself, you should encounter no problems :) x
I'm probably the exception to the rule but I ended up with a terrible infection in my c-section wound. I had to have a second surgery, be on IV antibotics for 4 days, then very strong oral antibotics for 10 days at home, and I still have an open wound 8 weeks later. I don't say this to scare you just to warn that if you do end up with a c-section and you suspect the incision is infected, make sure it is followed up with closely by your doctor.

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