Plus Size Women ?


Waiting To Try (WTT)
Feb 4, 2010
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I'm not really sure where I should post this question. In a section where there are women trying, or where there are women who are pregnant, or already gave birth. But hopefully it will get seen here.

My question is for those of you plus sized, are you waiting to ttc until you have lost weight, or if you already have a child or are pregnant do you wish that you would have lost weight first?

I ask because my husband and I were going to wait a year to ttc so that I could work on losing weight (I'm 5'6, 260lbs, size 20) first. After thinking that I could be pregnant this cycle (surprise), but the test so far came up bfn we got really sad and started thinking that maybe we don't want to wait to start our family.

Aside from me being overweight and hypothyroid I am in good health. I guess I'm just scared that if I "try" to get pregnant at this weight and something goes wrong I'll beat myself up thinking it could have been prevented if I lost weight first.
I am probably about the same weight and size as you but am 5'11". I know that some ladies have struggled to get preg and then found it happened after losing weight, for me it took 6months with my first son i then had two mmc(which my dr reassured me would have been nothing to do with my weight) and then after 3months got preg with my second son. Both my pregs were fine, i was under consulatant care due to my weight but nothing ever came of it. I had an emergency c-sec with my first due to the babys postion and a natural birth second time.
For me my weight didnt seem to cause me a problem and my only regret was it took a long time for my bump to appear-obviously if you can lose weight first it will be easier for your body and you will have less risks of various things but ultimately its your choice
good luck with what ever you decide
I was 5'5" 230lbs when I got pregnant with my daughter. Through the whole pregnancy I never once had anyone walk up and ask me about it or congratulate me unless I told them I was pregnant. The thing is because of my size, nobody could even tell. Even when I was 9 months gone. It just looked like I was getting fatter. At the end of my pregnancy I was 270lbs. My daughter is however, perfectly healthy. I'm not sure if there are any health problems associated with overweight pregnancy. I know it can be harder to get pregnant when you are overweight though. It's really up to you. :shrug:

Cora was a surprise so I didn't decide whether to lose weigh first or not. I am not sure i I had the decision, what I would pick. There are up sides and down sides. It would have been nice to look pregnant, and also not to have been winded the entire pregnancy. On the other hand if I worked so hard to lose it all, it might have been depressing seeing it all come back. :shrug:
im about the same size as u height and weight !! and we are TTC i am hoping to loose some weight but i am moving house atm !

I was a 16 ish when i had my first it had to be a personal decision xx good luch either wayx
I am 5'4 and 210 and this has been a huge issue for me. But age is also a factor too. We want two more kids. Hopefully a boy and a girl. But I also do not want to have any more babies after I turn 37. I am 34 now. I don't want to be older running around after teenagers. I would rather be able to relax once I am in my late 50's for the most part. Plus I want to be able to have the energy to keep up with our babies as they grow. Personal decision I know. But I also hate my weight. So I will be exercising while pregnant. In a healthy way of course. So that I am already in the routine for when the LO is born and can get down to a healthy wait faster.
I was 5'5" 230lbs when I got pregnant with my daughter. Through the whole pregnancy I never once had anyone walk up and ask me about it or congratulate me unless I told them I was pregnant. The thing is because of my size, nobody could even tell. Even when I was 9 months gone. It just looked like I was getting fatter. At the end of my pregnancy I was 270lbs. My daughter is however, perfectly healthy. I'm not sure if there are any health problems associated with overweight pregnancy. I know it can be harder to get pregnant when you are overweight though. It's really up to you. :shrug:

Cora was a surprise so I didn't decide whether to lose weigh first or not. I am not sure i I had the decision, what I would pick. There are up sides and down sides. It would have been nice to look pregnant, and also not to have been winded the entire pregnancy. On the other hand if I worked so hard to lose it all, it might have been depressing seeing it all come back. :shrug:

unfortunately yes...

diabetes, pre eclampsia, high blood pressure, SPD, DVT, pulmonary emboli

I was 5'5" 230lbs when I got pregnant with my daughter. Through the whole pregnancy I never once had anyone walk up and ask me about it or congratulate me unless I told them I was pregnant. The thing is because of my size, nobody could even tell. Even when I was 9 months gone. It just looked like I was getting fatter. At the end of my pregnancy I was 270lbs. My daughter is however, perfectly healthy. I'm not sure if there are any health problems associated with overweight pregnancy. I know it can be harder to get pregnant when you are overweight though. It's really up to you. :shrug:

Cora was a surprise so I didn't decide whether to lose weigh first or not. I am not sure i I had the decision, what I would pick. There are up sides and down sides. It would have been nice to look pregnant, and also not to have been winded the entire pregnancy. On the other hand if I worked so hard to lose it all, it might have been depressing seeing it all come back. :shrug:

unfortunately yes...

diabetes, pre eclampsia, high blood pressure, SPD, DVT, pulmonary emboli


Well, then DJ's wife, because there are health risks involved with being pregnant and obese, the I would suggest losing the weight first for the health of you and your baby. I was lucky nothing went bad with cora, but I will say it was still miserable at the 1/2 half of the pregnancy, being that huge. I was just hot and constantly catching my breath.

Also, one can easily gain 40lbs during a pregnancy (some of my friends gained up to 60!) and I think being 300lbs would be really hard on you and the baby. Surgery is much more dangerous the heavier you are. Worse case scenario if there was an emergency and they couldn't find a vein or there were troubles putting you under... I mean I don't know. :shrug:
I was overweight when I got pregnant. And I didn't like it. And I feel like it's going to be harder now.
I know if I were to have another, I would definitely want to be at a healthy weight before even trying!
i would have liked to have lost weight before i got pregnant, mostly due to it beeing hard to find clothes, high blood pressure that lead to pre eclampsia and a c section, and that it must be easier beeng pregnant when your thin.
i also had problems with my hips, somedays i couldnt even bend down or lift my leg, i dont know if weight was the blame but i think it was.

im 5'7 size 16-18 i hardly gained weight during pregnancy because i already had extra weight.

i would advise lowering weight before ttc if thats possible because when your pregnant the weight of the baby will add to yours and the bit you gain as well, its best to be as healthy as you can :D
I made a deal with myself that i would lose 2 stone before ttc,best incentive i ever had :D
I am VERY glad i did lose the weight cos the only thing which controlled my morning sickness(All day sickness started at 4+2 and carried on till 2 weeks after saffron was born) was eating every 2 hours and due to this i put on 5 stone!!
It was a real struggle to carry all that weight,but since having Saffron i have lost 3 stone of it,mainly due to having her and also breastfeeding,so i am only 2 stone heavier then when i started ttc.
thanks for all of your replies ladies. I met with one of my dr.'s yesterday and she has set me up on a nutrition/exercise plan and would like to see me at 200lbs come August when we are going to start ttc. She felt completely comfortable with me trying at that weight.
I'm pregnant and a pre-preg size 22/24. 5'2".

I've struggled through this pregnancy and I believe a lot to do with my weight - HOWEVER, I've had no medical issues in pregnancy due to my weight (no diabetes, perfect BP all the way through, no urine infections etc). I just find it harder to walk, motivate myself etc with the extra weight. I'll definitely be losing weight prior to #2!! Also, I've had to compromise on my birth preferences as my BMI is so high they won't consider a home birth for me and I may even be refused a water birth at the hospital which is quite miserable.
Im 5'4 and size 16/18 bottom, 18/20 top. I did lose some weight before we started TTC but I found it very hard. I eat properly but for me it was booze and lack of excersise!

I got pg after 3/4 months of coming off the pill but mc in Oct 09.....nothing to do with weight.

We started TTC again in March and fell pregnanct straight away. I know there can be risks associated with being overweight and one of my friends did have gestational diabetes and carpal tunnel but my other friend who is the same size also had nothing.
My sister in law who 'got fit' and was slim etc.....had a difficult birth and had all the sickness etc,,,,in the 1st tri we all do.

I think it is each to their own. Id likes to have got more off but I am generally fit and healthy and didnt want to wait any longer to TTC.

Good Luck and baby dust xxxxxxxx
I am 5'2 and 180 and I wanted to lose before getting a BFP but just got one a few days ago. This is the first time I've been overweight while pregnant but plan to enjoy it all the same while taking a healthy approach. I hope you all do the same.
This was an unplanned pregnancy for me and at 104 kilos (230 lbs) and only 5 foot 2, it means my bmi is 41/42. I really, really wish I was thinner and I wont consider trying for #2 unless i've lost weight.

For me, my weight has really affected me. I felt really uncomfortable very early on, my back and hips have really felt the pressure even though I haven't actually gained any weight yet. I have a large pronounced bump but no weight gain as I lost weight due to MS. But I am certain I wouldn't struggle as much if I were thinner. Also it causes so many extra problems in labour... I can't have a water birth, will need extra monitering and am much more likely to need intervention- very depressing statistics. And on a more superficial note, finding clothes has been a freaking nightmare- plus size shopping is hard enough but plus size maternity is like water in a desert. I don't feel nice or 'blooming' or any of that, I just feel fat and whale like.

That's just my opinion- my point is while it is totally doable to get preggo at this weight, if I had the option you have of waiting till you lose some weight before ttc, I would. And I definitely will in the future!!
I'm 205lb and 5ft5.. I fell pregnant after missing 2 pills so didn't find it hard to conceive. I put on 14lb during pregnancy. I'm dieting right now but am wondering if it's worth it as I could put all the weight back on when I fall pregnant again! I had a perfect pregnancy (Loved it) although was on daily injections of clexane due to high BMI - had no problems though! Could tell I was pregnant, wasn't tired, didn't get out of breath.. :shrug: everyone is different x
Iv been pregnant when i had was in normal weight range & when ive been overweight.

If i was ever preg again, i would have to be in normal weight range!

My first pregnancy i started at around 10st, waas 14st before i gave birth... i said to myself i will lose weight before my next baby well i didnt, i was 15st 4lb at first mw appt. I hit 17st 2lb few days before having her

My second pregnancy was much much hard due to the extra weight i had to really watch closely the amount of weight i gained. I developed SPD in my 2nd pregnancy at around 23/24wks its something u certainly dont want to have it is agnoy in worse cases can be in a wheelchair for ya pregnancy.

My first pregnancy was a breeze i was hell of alot lighter.
I went up to 18st during my pregnancy. Pre Preg I was about 14st, then at about 20 weeks I was about 15.

My biggest problem was the heat! I was so hot in the summer.

Also this isn't a dig at other people as I'm the biggest culprit, putting on almost 4 stone during pregnancy! But loosing weight just now does not mean you'll put it all back on during.

A girl I went through antenatal with lost 4 stone before she got pregnant with her son as she was struggling conceiving, she was 12stone when she got pregnant, once she had her LO (2 weeks later) she was 12st3lbs. She controlled her eating, didn't use pregnancy as an excuse to eat, or 'eat for 2', and is now 5 and a half months on at her targer weight of 10st8lbs! She really is my motivation LOL
I was 92kg pre pregnancy, and I'm around 5 ft even. At around 20 weeks I had put on about 8-9kg which I was unhappy with as I had intended to gain only 10ish the whole pregnancy. I stopped weighing myself, so no idea what I'm at right now. I'll probably weigh myself once more around full term.
I haven't really grown out of any clothing except in the obvious areas. I do have one pair of pre-pregnancy pants that stopped fitting around 24 weeks or so. I haven't had any issues at all because of weight. I was a 3-5 times a week gym person before becoming pregnant and a very healthy eater (I went from 1600cal+ gym to around 2000 cal no gym with the pregnancy though). I lost a fair amount of muscle mass in first tri as I was eating really poorly. I did have to stop going to the gym in 2nd tri as I had horrible shortness of breath (hormonal).

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