Hi, I'm really worried and need some reassurance.
My mw measured my fundal height this week and i hadn't grown in two weeks, so she sent me for a growth scan just to be safe. I was still in the middle of the normal fundal height range.
However, when I went for the scan they found I have polyhydramnios (excess fluid). My afi is 29.7 and the deepest pool is 10.3. I had scans at 33 and 34 weeks that were fine - normal fluid. The midwife I saw after this scan (at 38 weeks) just said "I don't know why it wasn't picked up in the last scans". So does that mean they were wrong or could this be a new thing? I've googled loads but no one seems to develop it at this late stage. She gave me a home glucose test thing that has been fine so far, so no GD. But now I'm so worried that something is wrong with the baby.
Also, what tests am I supposed to have now? I've read about non stress tests and extra scans but she didn't mention anything about them.. I don't know if I'm being fobbed off with it being Christmas time etc.
Also... I am down to have a home birth but she didn't say I couldn't have one... I'd have thought she would have said if I couldn't seeing as I am so close to my due date?
Oh I'm just so worried. Maybe I should call my midwife and try to get her advice. She's really good. The one's in hospital are less so.... in my experience!
I am so stressed!!!
My mw measured my fundal height this week and i hadn't grown in two weeks, so she sent me for a growth scan just to be safe. I was still in the middle of the normal fundal height range.
However, when I went for the scan they found I have polyhydramnios (excess fluid). My afi is 29.7 and the deepest pool is 10.3. I had scans at 33 and 34 weeks that were fine - normal fluid. The midwife I saw after this scan (at 38 weeks) just said "I don't know why it wasn't picked up in the last scans". So does that mean they were wrong or could this be a new thing? I've googled loads but no one seems to develop it at this late stage. She gave me a home glucose test thing that has been fine so far, so no GD. But now I'm so worried that something is wrong with the baby.
Also, what tests am I supposed to have now? I've read about non stress tests and extra scans but she didn't mention anything about them.. I don't know if I'm being fobbed off with it being Christmas time etc.
Also... I am down to have a home birth but she didn't say I couldn't have one... I'd have thought she would have said if I couldn't seeing as I am so close to my due date?
Oh I'm just so worried. Maybe I should call my midwife and try to get her advice. She's really good. The one's in hospital are less so.... in my experience!
I am so stressed!!!