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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2009
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i was wondering if anyone got a bfp after taking a break from clomid and/or an anuovulatory cycle.

all my cycles on clomid have produced follies (1-2) and i ovulated.

this cycle, the follies he saw one day went away 3 days later. the doctor said based on my blood work, this is an anuovulatory cycle:nope:

just wanted to see if there's hope. i'm thinking about taking a break from the meds and going au natural.

No advice Hun just wanted to send some baby dust your way and I hope you get a BFP really soon :dust:
I can't claim any natural success, but just wanted to say taking a break from the medical stuff here and there was really good for my sanity. It's worth it just for that I think. Good luck.
Can't really give much advice either as I didn't experience a "break". I had Clomid for 3 cycles. The first one, I got a couple days off due to misinterpreting what was my "real period" vs spotting. The second one failed. The third one failed. The fourth one - I was put on double dosage. Instead of once a day, I had twice a day, and it was a success.

Prior to all of this, I had low progesterone and two cysts on my ovaries that I was told would cause me to have a little bit harder time getting pregnant. I had a BFP just about a year of TTC (actually, the first few months or so were just "playing by ear", especially since I was off the pill, then I got the ovulation kit and realized that I ovulate 4-5 days later than normal).

Sending :dust:!!
What I'm going to say may not pertain to what you're experiencing as with the exception of when I was NTNP with my ex-husband, I have never been anywhere close to TTC, so I've never done anything medically to help me conceive. What I did do was naturopathic remedies as I previously had suspected endometriosis (never had a biopsy to confirm, had no insurance, but was hospitalized about 10 times for it over the years) and I wanted to have a better chance of conceiving in the future when I was ready, so I started drinking raspberry leaf tea and a tea called conceptions tea which the herbs damiana, red raspberry, scullcap, licorice root, ho-shou-wu, ashwagandha, dong quai, burdock root, wild yam, yellow dock, and ginger, all associated with helping with the entire reprodutive system in some way (was already in a prepared tea so I just bought it and didn't have to go find and mix the herbs myself.) I then did a naturopathic supplement program that involved a few liver cleanses and became pregnant immediately after this without trying.

So I think pregnancy occurs best when nutritional systems are tried over medical systems simply because I went the medical route and didn't conceive for 9 years, and then I suddenly try nutrition and naturopathy and suddenly become pregnant without trying. The body can heal SO many diseases and malfunctions if it has the right nutrients and hydration - it really is an incredible machine. Sometimes medicine is necessary but I think overall just focusing on herbs and a good diet and nutrition will do more for anyone than prescription synthetic chemicals and/or surgeries. THEN I think the other element that helps women get pregnant successfully is not even bothering to chart, not stressing with OPK's, not over-analyzing ovulation symptoms and CM, because I personally think that MUST heighten the stress hormones in the body and I can imagine that alone acting almost like a contraceptive. I think I've heard LOTS of stories of women who were going nuts, seeing fertility specialists, charting, temping, using OPK's, being very clinical about the whole thing for YEARS without success, and then the couple decides, "Screw it, let's just have fun" and then becomes pregnant within months lol

This is just my opinion and like I say I've never been on clomid. I DID have problems with cysts and hormone imbalance and what was suspected but never diagnosed with biopsy as endometriosis that I struggled with for about two decades. I went through years of pain and agony, so when I say that as far as fertility and reproductive problems are concerned, I SWEAR by naturopathic methods efficacy over traditional western medicine's approach, I know a thing or two about what I'm talking about lol. There were p-l-e-n-t-y of little "Oops! The condom fell off" moments or things like it for me over the past decade where by all rights and where I was in my cycle I should have gotten pregnant, but didn't. I only became pregnant after starting nutritional therapy and that is also, incidentally, when I stopped having crippling periods that would last for four months straight and land me up in the hospital.

So I'm not sure exactly what you're facing with your reproductive health but I had some pretty gnarly stuff going on and I'd encourage you to try some natural remedies and also to just try to relax about ttc and have fun with your partner because I think with those two things you have a better chance of conceiving faster and with less stress :)
I have not been on clomid, but DH and i did not conceive after 1.5 years of trying and we were told it was unlikely we would get pregnant naturally. We decided not to have kid because we didn't want to do fertility treatments. I went on the pill to clear up some acne. I was on the pill for two or three months and got tired of taking it and quit. Pregnancy was no even on our radar anymore at point and we didn't think anything about using protection...but we got a BFP a mont after I went off the pill. I'm 16 weeks now. The only things that changed for us during that time were that we weren't actually trying anymore, and we had both lost a lot of weight and were exercising quite a bit and eating healthy. You never know what could happen - good luck!
thank you mamas.
i really appreciate you taking the time to reply.

I tried clomid for 1 cycle and didn't ovulate. I took a break the next cycle and took fertility blend instead. Ovulated on CD 18 and BFP 9 DPO. I highly recommend fertility blend if you ever take a break from clomid.
I took a one cycle break from clomid then started it again and got my bfp! I think the break helped and made it stronger again. Ive done 6 rounds of clomid and got bfp on 2nd and 6th cycle. I was ltttc xxx
I took a one cycle break from clomid then started it again and got my bfp! I think the break helped and made it stronger again. Ive done 6 rounds of clomid and got bfp on 2nd and 6th cycle. I was ltttc xxx

thanks. my gut is telling me to take a break from the meds.
i just had my second round of acupuncture. i started herbs this eve.

i'm sorry to see you lost your little one in april

I tried clomid for 1 cycle and didn't ovulate. I took a break the next cycle and took fertility blend instead. Ovulated on CD 18 and BFP 9 DPO. I highly recommend fertility blend if you ever take a break from clomid.

thanks. i'm going to check with my acupuncturist to see if it's ok to mix the herbs with fertility blend.


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