Possible endometriosis? *UPDATE*


Mum of two!
Jul 19, 2010
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Hi ladies,

Looking for a little bit of advice please.

Early last year, after 4 months without a period, I was sent for some blood work and a scan to see if i possibly had PCOS. The day I had the blood work done, I had finally taken a period the day before so my hormone levels came back normal.

The scan was normal too with just a few follicles present that were normal for my age apparently. So it was concluded I did not have PCOS.

Anyway, I later got married and was busy with work so all tests to see why I was having such irregular periods were haulted. After I got married we decided to TTC. I got PG on our first attempt but m/c at 6 and half weeks.

We were upset but took the Dr's advice, that it was just bad luck and to try again. We did, the very next time I ov. after m/c and surprise, surprise got PG again. Everything seemed to be going well this time but at early scan at 9 weeks we found out our baby had died at 7 weeks.

Sorry for the long post but my question is with irregular periods with pain that is extreme on the 1st day of period (more painful at times than either of my m/c's have been) and a heavy flow with clots for the 1st couple of days, could it be possible I have endometriosis? I also suffer from anxiety, prob around same time periods began and i found an article which indicated that anxiety can be brought on by endometriosis.

Is it possible to get pregnant with this condition as I know from what i have read that it can make conception difficult? But could this condition lead to m/c?

I spoke with a midwife at work who said it is likely that edometriosis could cause m/c as implantation would occur nearer the cervix due to it finding difficulty implanting anywhere else. Because of low blood flow near cervix, the pregnancy would not be able to be sustained.

This makes sense as when we had early scan, the baby was sitting just at top of cervix, but what I don't know is if this was because I was expelling the baby and it happened to be there at scan, about to come down or if it indicates that baby was possibly implanted there.

Sorry for rammbling on and if anyone takes the time to read this and offer some advise on whether I could have endo, it would be greatly appreciated xxx
I have endo, but I have regular periods. Not sure if it's common to have irregular periods with it. The pain sounds likely. Do you have the pain at other times? Do you have any other symptoms?
The only to diagnose endo is through a laparoscopy. It might be wise to get things looked into again to see if they can offer any ideas?.....
Sorry for your losses x x
I'd personally think endo sounds more likely than PCOS, though the irregular periods is definitely something to look at. If you were about to get married and slightly stressed this could have mad them irregular too though.

The PCOS hormones will come back irregular no matter what time of the month it is if you have PCOS. They'll still come back irregular if you've started your period for first time in months, and same with the ultrasound. It'll still have the "pearl" appearance and huge amount of follicles (everyone does have follicle as it's a normal part of a woman's cycle/fertiity, PCOS people have more). I'd suspect that if your hormones/scan was saying you didn't have PCOS, then the likely thing is that you didn't have them.

As for endo, pain is a big symptom as well as heavy cycles, but I'd be wanting to go to a good doctor who was willing to look into it for you. Then I'd be going to a gyno who specialises in Endo care, not just any gyno. This way you'd get it excised when you have the diagnostic lap, rather than just "diagnosed". It can lead to more miscarriages but not all will miscarry (and not every pregnancy either!), and it "can" mean there are problems with concieving but this doesn't happen for everyone either.

I'm not sure how "accurate" this is, I personally haven't heard of it, but I guess it could be true:
I spoke with a midwife at work who said it is likely that edometriosis could cause m/c as implantation would occur nearer the cervix due to it finding difficulty implanting anywhere else. Because of low blood flow near cervix, the pregnancy would not be able to be sustained.

I personally have been diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16 (24 now) and endo about 3 months ago (but been certain I've had it for the past year, as I literally had all the symptoms...).
Hi hun

I have severe endo and its quite aggressive and i had no symptoms at all. M
Have you been referred to a gynae Susy? That would be the first thing I would do. It took me 8 years to get diagnosed with endo but my problem was cysts and pain. It's unusual to have irregular cycles with endo so there may be another cause for that. If you did have endo then yes it can increase the risk of miscarriage, in some people it can make conceiving difficult, it all depends where the endo is and how severe it is. Try not to worry (easier said than done I know) as that's not going to help your cycle settle down (just a thought but have you recently come off contraception as that can screw up your cycle).
Hope it's not endo and the doctors help you x
PS I keep getting told that there's still a good chance we'll get pregnant naturally and have a healthy baby
Thanks for all your replies. I'll def get back to Dr to have it looked at. I suppose I'm in a good position at the moment to have further tests done as I'm due at hospital to have a few tests done to see why pregnancies ended in m/c so could push for further tests to be carried out.

The irregular periods have been there since I was in my teens but I was on the contraceptive pill for 10 years as I couldn't cope with the pain and it def helped when I was on it. I came off pill 3 years ago and didn't have a period for almost a year. It kicked in again when I lost my mum 2 years ago. Think it may have been the shock of her death that caused cycle to start back up again.

Anyway it seems to be every 6 weeks usually between periods but there are times when I have had months between cycles. It had seemed to regulate around time we got married and we were able to conceive twice.

It is odd how my cycles work. The pain and heavy flow are really what causes most concern but i do have pain when having a bowel movement around period time. Nausea is another symptom i seem to have at times throughout my cycle, not sure if it is connected but mostly the pain i am aware of. Back pain off and on also.

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and I suppose getting a dr to proceed with tests to have problem looked at is all i can hope for. I'm 30 and want kids asap, so hopefully it won't take years to diagnose as it may be too late to have kids if it takes too long. I know I'm not over the hill yet but feel we have to have a successful pregnancy in the next 5 years otherwise there may be more complications that come with age xxx
Your symptoms sound similar to endo, I also have pain on BMs and had a real problem with nausea. It is quite common for endo to only be diagnosed when women start ttc as the pill masks the symptoms (or reduces them, sometimes docs put endo sufferers on the pill taking three packs in a row). You definitely have grounds to have a gynae investigate a cycle over 35 days is generally considered a potential problem. The miscarriage team should be able to refer you. Sorry for the loss of your Mum.
I am also 30 so understand the feeling of time marching on. Keep pushing for the help you need. There's a checklist on endo uk charity website that you can print off and take to the docs with you.
Hope you get the help you need
Hi again. For those of you who had replied to my earlier post, I had my follow up appointment at EPAU today and wondered if you could suggest further advice?!

I had blood work done given its my 2 m/c. Won't get results for about 8 weeks when I see an early pregnancy specialist which is good news. I might have some help if we decide to try again.

Anyway my reason for the post is that I had a scan to check the m/c had completed and although the baby, placenta etc had passed, the sonographer noted that my womb lining was still pretty thick around my cervix. She kept asking if I'd had anymore bleeding to which I said no, not since the m/c.

My question is, could it be lining that has not shed during m/c and will probably sort itself out during next period? Or could this indicate endometriosis? The fact that the lining is obviously quite thick 3 weeks after the m/c would suggest something isn't right.

I did ask the midwife who couldn't really comment but did suggest I discuss this with the specialist when I see her in a couple of months time.

Whats your thoughts? I've felt ill all day. Quite anxious and down, with an upset tummy and I burst into tears the moment I got through the door from work. Could it be a build up of lining remaining from the pregnancy or could it be endometriosis? Just wondered if anyone could shed any light.

Thanks again xxx
Glad things are moving forward. The thick lining is unlikely to be anything to do with endo (as far as I know) endo is endometrial tissue outwith the womb. When was your last pregnancy? I know it can take a while for your body to settle down after a m/c. It's hard not to worry about every little thing but as long as you are not in pain, having really heavy bleeding or weird discharge then try to relax (as far as possible, easier said than done I know!!!)
The m/c was 3 weeks ago so I suppose its most likely lining left over from the pregnancy.

I had wondered if having endo would make your lining thicker ( i assumed the endo could affect the uterus as well as attaching itself to other parts of the body... as you can see I'm pretty new to all this) and would explain my heavy periods where a lot of clots and heavy blood flow are always present.

Either way it would appear my next AF is going to be hell with so much left to come away.

Thanks for your reply. I noticed you've had 4 early m/c's. So sorry for your losses. I hope you are able to conceive and carry to term soon. Its so difficult wanting so badly, something that your body won't allow to happen.

Thanks and :hugs: xxx
From what I understand the heavier seeming/clotted AFs with endo are due to an imbalance in one of the clotting hormones (or something like that, can't remember exactly how it works) which means the blood flows out before it has a chance to become runny (sorry for being gross). You can be prescribed something to help reduce the bleeding (tranexamic acid), my new gynae mentioned it, will need to ask GP for a prescription when I next go in.
I've only been diagnosed with endo for 2 years but have done a lot of reading in that time. The m/cs have been heartbreaking and I do have my moments but there's no point in letting it rule my life so we keep trying! At least in this time I have learnt much more about my cycle so can normally pinpoint ovulation quite well!!!
Thanks for the :hugs:, I send some back to you too! :hugs:
PS where in Scotland are you? I'm in Fife.
Yeah you are right about trying to keep positive and keep trying. I'm fairly scared to try again to be honest but maybe in time that will change. I've also managed to pinpoint ovulation quite well, despite irregularity of cycles, which can only be a good thing.

I'm in ayrshire on the west coast of Scotland. I really hope all works out for you soon. You deserve a wee bundle of joy! I've been a bit up and down this week and spoke to my cousin's wife, who has very seriously offered to carry a baby for me (my egg, hubby's sperm) if it turns out my body just cant carry a baby. I thought that was really sweet of her... but for now I guess we keep trying until we know more.

Thanks for your replies. You have been very supportive and I really appreciate all the info and advice etc you have offered. It's nice to know someone is listening. If you ever need a rant or an ear, feel free to unload on me!

:hugs: xxx
Ah we were down in Ayrshire last weekend, my hubby is from that part of the world so we go down to see his family.
That was sweet of your cousin's wife, but hopefully you won't need it!!!
It's totally understandable to be up and down, sometimes it just hits you, but you pick yourself up (over and over again) and carry on. I get the fear that we do conceive again and I miscarry, but I would rather have that than not try again, if that makes sense.
Glad to be of help, it's hard with friends and family sometimes if they haven't been through it (like getting sympathy from my sis in law who had her second baby a couple of months ago).
Hope you have a more positive day tomorrow!

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