I've been ttc for 9mths now but me and my partner hadn't been protecting for 2 yrs before this .. I have had previously had an ectopic pregnancy (march o3) and only have my left tube & i also had a miscarriage in sept 05.After suffering with pains in Jan this yr i was sent for scans to check my ovarys and kidneys etc.Slight follicles were found on my left ovary but as i was having regular 35 day cycles my gp said i was more than likely ovulating,Well since then my cycles have ranged between 28 and 46 days,i have had bleeding between cycles 3 times since,my hair is falling out really bad although i'm not balding so i visited my gp who didn't seem that concerned but he's booked me in for day 21 bloods on cycle day 23 but if i do ovulate on day 21 which is in 3 days time baring in mind i've had a + opk today (cd18) the results won't be accurate?? I'm confused because from what i've read there meant to be done 7 days before your expected period!! Do you think i have pcos? And am i right about the test not bein accurate if done 12 days before my expected period?? Sorry if this confuses people.. Im confused myself lol!!
Status: Online
I've been ttc for 9mths now but me and my partner hadn't been protecting for 2 yrs before this .. I have had previously had an ectopic pregnancy (march o3) and only have my left tube & i also had a miscarriage in sept 05.After suffering with pains in Jan this yr i was sent for scans to check my ovarys and kidneys etc.Slight follicles were found on my left ovary but as i was having regular 35 day cycles my gp said i was more than likely ovulating,Well since then my cycles have ranged between 28 and 46 days,i have had bleeding between cycles 3 times since,my hair is falling out really bad although i'm not balding so i visited my gp who didn't seem that concerned but he's booked me in for day 21 bloods on cycle day 23 but if i do ovulate on day 21 which is in 3 days time baring in mind i've had a + opk today (cd18) the results won't be accurate?? I'm confused because from what i've read there meant to be done 7 days before your expected period!! Do you think i have pcos? And am i right about the test not bein accurate if done 12 days before my expected period?? Sorry if this confuses people.. Im confused myself lol!!
Status: Online