Possible sepsis infection. Anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2011
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My poor little baby is now dealing with possible infection. He is usually very good off cpap and copes well but since last night he has been having major desats and bradys. This morning they got blood results which showed an infection as there was a slight increase in one of the blood tests. Now they have him on antibiotics. His temp is good bit he's not very active just tired and sleeping all the time. Anyone else been through something similar. I'm so scared for him ;(
sorry to hear your little one struggling a bit. My little boy was about 2 weeks old ( or -8 weeks!) and he got an infection from the long line they put in through his umblilcal cord. He was quiet and just lay there but the antibiotics dfid the job. About 3 days or so later he looked much brighter...they had stopped his feeds and everything. I think he had antibiotic s for 10 days and then he was so much better. Hope your little one feels better soon
Sorry to hear your lo is unwell unfortunately infections are extremely common with prems. My lo had sepsis at 4 weeks old which resulted in her being reventilated. She was initially on 3 antibiotics until the cultures came back and then they stopped 2 of them and left her on vancomyacin. At the beginning she was nil by mouth but they introduced them after about 5 days.

I hope your lo recovers soon xx
sorry to hear your little one struggling a bit. My little boy was about 2 weeks old ( or -8 weeks!) and he got an infection from the long line they put in through his umblilcal cord. He was quiet and just lay there but the antibiotics dfid the job. About 3 days or so later he looked much brighter...they had stopped his feeds and everything. I think he had antibiotic s for 10 days and then he was so much better. Hope your little one feels better soon

Thank you for the reassurance. I just can't believe how lethargic and tired he is.
Sorry to hear your lo is unwell unfortunately infections are extremely common with prems. My lo had sepsis at 4 weeks old which resulted in her being reventilated. She was initially on 3 antibiotics until the cultures came back and then they stopped 2 of them and left her on vancomyacin. At the beginning she was nil by mouth but they introduced them after about 5 days.

I hope your lo recovers soon xx

Thanks 25weeker. Was your LO quite tired and inactive at the time too? Was she having more desats and bradys than usual?
my lo got group b infection at 10 days old so 27+1 weeks. He was very lethargic and grey in colour, he was not peeing either (his kidneys has shut down tho due to the infection) he was then reintubated for 6 days most of that was on the high frequence oscollation (cant think how to spell it)and was nil by mouth for 5-6 days,He was initially on 2 antibiotics until the blood cultures came back then was switched to the one best suited for group b strep.

Sorry your lo is not well but these little guys can recover very well from infections. My little guy was severely ill, and we were told they had done all they could for him and offered us to stay in the hospital and he turned it all around, with a little help the antibiotics started to kick in

My LO was treated for possible infection infection although nothing grew on her cultures, she had 5 days of two different antibiotics.

They made her bum so sore it bled so if they don't have any cream at the hospital it might be worth picking some up just incase. They had a barrier cream that the nurses could use but I had to pester to get some metenium.
Thanks 25weeker. Was your LO quite tired and inactive at the time too? Was she having more desats and bradys than usual?

Yes she just really lay there and we could see she was struggling to recover from her desats and bradys. They put her on a different cpap which had higher pressures but it didn't work and it was actually a relief when they ventilated her as it wasn't nice watching her struggle. She came back off the vent 5 days later and was actually on lower pressure and oxygen on her cpap!

At the time it felt like a lifetime but she was really back to herself within a week.

Hopefully the antibiotics will work quickly xx
Thanks 25weeker. Was your LO quite tired and inactive at the time too? Was she having more desats and bradys than usual?

Yes she just really lay there and we could see she was struggling to recover from her desats and bradys. They put her on a different cpap which had higher pressures but it didn't work and it was actually a relief when they ventilated her as it wasn't nice watching her struggle. She came back off the vent 5 days later and was actually on lower pressure and oxygen on her cpap!

At the time it felt like a lifetime but she was really back to herself within a week.

Hopefully the antibiotics will work quickly xx

Thanks for the reply! Xxx
Just came from hospital. My LO is still having scary bradys and desats but today he's got some swelling too I'm his groin and leg and face!? W
The nurse hasn't told me much they never do. All she said was its because he was not feeling well. I waited for 2 hours for a doctor to show their face but nothing. Any advice please?
Hi, sorry your LO is poorly.
Jonny had a couple of bad infections in hospital all treated with antibiotics. The IV fluids can make their faces look puffy - especially noticeable round their eyes.
Holly was full of fluid with her sepsis and she looked like a different baby. (I had forgotten about this until i seen your post)This will contribute to his bradys as it can make it harder for them to breathe. My lo was put on diuretics for it and she remained on them for about 5 weeks as they dry out the lungs and make breathing easier.
Connie had a couple of infections while she was in HDU. Both times she swelled up but only once require the diuretics.

The swelling can really affect their breathing as the fluid can sit on their lungs too. Like 25weeker connie took about a week to recover from both but once she did she always bounced back with style. It was always 2 steps forward 1 back with connie but the steps back always felt much much harder than her achievements.

Hope your LO feels better soon xx
diuretics do help reece was put on them when he ballooned up when his kindneys stopped working due to the group b strep. He was put on them but took a few days to work then he began peeing and thankfully the swelling went down

my son had sepsis too... in fact I still have trouble looking at his video from that day. He was barely moving, looked so weak and pale. They tried to collect some spinal fluid to make sure he didn`t have meningitis; it`s a difficult, painful procedure so they asked me to leave teh room. My son was desatting so badly they had to cut it short, and they messed it up. The sample they ended up collecting had blood in it so it was useless.

That was almost two years ago and just writing about it makes me upset again... good part is he looked better within 3-4 days and eventually made a full recovery.

*gentle hug* I know it`s very, very hard... but do ask a lot of questions. If you don`t understand the answer, ask them to repeat it in different terms. I personally was comforted by knowing what was going on

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