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Post Baby Blues or Depression??


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2014
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Just had my first child 8 days ago. Was very excited for him to come and I love him like crazy and am still very excited he's here. But I've had this awful emotional feeling for DAYS! First few days I assumed it was because I had only had 6 hours of sleep in 4 days not even sleeping after 24+ hours of labor... but now that I am not so sleepy I still find myself being sad, emotional, and crying alot! Cry when hubby leaves for work because I'm sad not mad he's leaving, cry when I think of not breastfeeding my baby (not producing enough and decided to do formula since going back to work eventually) and I feel very guilty for not breastfeeding, or sometimes just cry and cant even say why...My husband and I have the best relationship I could ever imagine so there isn't a problem with us. We are MADLY in love and even more so now. I have feelings that I miss the hospital/doctor. Wasn't even a fan of the doctor and now I have this overwhelming feeling that I miss her and the thought that I won't be seeing her anymore now that I'm no longer pregnant makes me super sad... These feelings are overwhelming me many time this past week. Is it hormones? What?? Thanks in advance!
My sister went through this - she was very emotional and cried at the beginning. I think it's pretty normal and is related to hormones. Probably no need to worry unless it persists or your thoughts turn negative.
Hi, I don't think it's unusual to feel completely overwhelmed tbh. More so with your first I think because it totally changes your life and I think the responsibility of parenthood is the biggest of all. Be kind to yourself and don't beat yourself up over bf. As long as baby is fed and loved it is getting all it needs. Take it easy if you can but if you continue to feel like this or start having negative or intrusive thoughts then speak to someone. Hope you're having a better day today x
It is normal, I promise you, and you will feel better and more like your usual self eventually. Give it time, don't be hard on yourself.. You've been through a massive, life changing event, so be gentle on yourself mama 😊
It's exactly how I felt, hormones are all over the place! I remember crying that I won't get to see her for the first time again, crying because she wasn't inside me so now I had to share her and most stupidly crying and telling my dh he didn't love me anymore. The poor bloke didn't know what to do and o had no reason to feel like that whatsoever but I remember feeling convinced of it! Nearly all of my friends with children went through the crying emotional phase after giving birth. It's totally normal but if carries on too long then consider talking to someone :hugs:
Most defiantly normal Hun. I can remember trolling the internet to see if all my thoughts where ok. My little one was a very difficult baby, not naughty just difficult. A lot of screaming/crying as she was in pain, didn't sleep well. Sleep deprivation is horrible, making a very new life changing situation even harder & given our hormones how do we stand a chance.
It takes time to feel normal & you again. You will have good & bad days for a good while but I promise it will &'does get so much easier xxx
Keep strong Hun & keep talking, you might not realise it but it helps so much
I had this also the first weeks. I gave baby the breast but she actually wanted milk immediately and I ended up giving formula to supplment because my milk wasnt enough to tame my baby's hunger. And she was cluster feeding back then too so I was exhausted. I also had my MIL who was SO disappointed I gave formula and bottle already to baby and was telling me my milk supply should be so much more than what I had. Her comments made everything worse, along with a "friend" who I thought I could vent to about breast feeding & quickly realized she wasnt the "cry on my shoulder" type. So I basically got some bit of ppd from this. But it will get better, each day you feel like a "mom" and see your baby's beautiful face, it makes you stronger and you let go of the pains in this journey.
:hugs: it will get better. Make sure you talk to your doctor about how you are feeling as they can help you know if you have the blues (crummy but totally normal thing that passes "soon") or Post Partum Depression (seriously crappy medical condition that needs immediate intervention or you very well may hurt yourself or your baby) I have PPD with DS1 and DS2 and I literally felt like I was insane! (I had STRONG urges to hurt myself with DS1 and STRONG urges to hurt DS2 with DS2 - I did nothing to hurt either one of us either time. I immediately sought out help and they just put me on meds and counseling until it passed. No one even acted like I was a bad person for even having such urges as it is just something that happens with PPD.) Had Baby Blues with DS3 and felt silly to be so weepy and emotional but it was nothing like the crazy I felt with PPD.

Hope this helps you some. PPD is nothing to play with. Talk to your doctor about all those feelings so they can make sure you just stay in Baby Blues land until you get better
Thanks so much ladies!! You all were very right and I just needed some time to adjust. Baby is 3 1/2 weeks old now and I feel alot more like myself and don't get the random crying emotional feelings anymore. So happy for that!! Of course I'm super tired still LOL!! After his 2 week checkup and them being shocked with his good weight gain I wasn't to bothered about not breastfeeding and also the doctor who circumcised him mentioned baby had a "tight tounge" which could make breastfeeding more of a challenge he said.

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