Post pardon depression


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2012
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Is real and kicking y ass. How do I shake this??? I feel like a terrible mother. I feel like I've been hit with. Mac truck. I'm so depressed :nope: what do I do?
Hi hun:) ive had ppd with my first two babies. Im now on meds so havent experienced it this time. Talk to your doc for sure, and take advantage of resources that are out there. I had a ppd councellor come to my house once a week to talk, i went to a lactation consultant to allieviate my anxiety about bf. Get out of the house a take a walk everyday, the fresh air will help. if youre still feeling down, you might needs meds just to get you over the hump, dont worry alot of us need this! Dont ignore ppd as the longer you let it go, the worse it will get. Good luck hun:)
thanks so much. its gotten really bad the last two days or so. I have another health problem Im dealing with that is making it feel worse. every minute of every day feels like a struggle. but im trying.
are u sure its not baby blues as they can hang about for a few weeks :hugs:
uv had a csection and this being ur first ur bound to be tired and fed up x

have a chat with ur doctor. if u do have ppd dont ignore it tho

mine come on around 4 weeks pp and didnt get help until 6 months
Hey Jcliff! I delivered 2 days after you and I'm right there with you. I have never been a hormonal person, never had PMS, didn't have any hormonal meltdowns during pregnancy, so I thought I would escape the Baby Blues and PPD. Boy was I wrong. 2 days after giving birth I had a meltdown and cried and was depressed because I wasn't pregnant anymore. That the life and body change I had spent 9.5 months getting used to was gone overnight. Such a traumatic and drastic change from one way of life to another.

I was okay for a few days but now I'm getting sucked in to mourning my old life. I'm a FTM and DH and I planned this pregnancy. I truly believed this is what I wanted and was ready for. But now the reality is sinking in that it will NEVER be just DH and I again. And that breaks my heart. I feel like life will never be as good as it was before she came along and I am scared that I am regretting having her. Not pretty but there it is. I miss our old life. I miss our freedom. I hate that the thought of leaving the house makes me anxious. I hate feeling trapped.

Although I will say that tonight, DH and I took DD to grab a few groceries and picked up a nice steak take-out meal (first decent thing we've had to eat since she was born). And I really do feel a bit better now. Who knows what tomorrow will bring but I'm just trying to make it through each day and pray things will sort themselves out here soon.

Sorry to hijack your thread...Just wanted you to know you aren't alone. :( I do hope things get better for you here soon. I'll be checking in with you.

Does anyone know how long the Baby Blues are supposed to stick around before you start considering the possibility of PPD?
I think its something you have to take on one day at a time. I had baby blues the first couple of weeks I was home with my daughter I was always so worried about her and scared that I didn't deserve her I thought of a million ways I might disappoint her in life and I was just stressed and weepy all the time. I also worried about whether my relationship with OH would survive parenthood. My stress was making me crabby and mean which made him speak out and it would leave me feeling like if I didn't stop he'd leave me..which wouldn't happen. I told myself at the end of each day that everything will be fine tomorrow is another day and its just hormones this will pass I have a beautiful daughter and an amazing OH my life is becoming perfect and I should stop being sad..eventually things were better idk when but I just stopped crying I didn't feel that horrible ache in my heart anymore. Things will get better you just have to believe it yourself.
thanks all. Breastfeeding has been one of the hardest parts of this. my baby never latched so i have been pumping every three hours and feeding from bottles. I have decided to stop BF this week and formula feed. the decision is breaking my heart but its the best thing for me and baby right now. Pumping was taking over my life. Also, there has been a cyst found on my pituitary gland after I got an MRI for constant headaches. I am so afraid. I went to a neurosurgeon yesterday and basically was told they can come on or enlarge during pregnancy due to hormones. They are NOT dangerous or life threatening just annoying. I do have to see an eye doctor and hormone specialist just to make sure nothing is being extremely affected. So basically im just being monitored, but the entire thing has been scary for me. I also have been finding myself missing being pregnant if that makes sense? Anyway, thanks for all the inputs. I hope everyone feels better soon.
Hi JCliff. I was a sometime poster and lurker in the third trimester board and recognise your name. My baby is 3 weeks old.

I really hope that you start to feel better soon.

I have been feeling really down and have been crying almost every day since the birth. I feel like for me it is the hormonal changes, like there is a big hormonal cloud over me. My local nurse said that by six weeks after birth the hormones start to settle and said she will see me at six weeks to consider whether I might have post natal depression or whether it could have just been hormonal changes.

Like you, one of my major anxieties has been breastfeeding. It has not been going well and I have decided to exclusively pump. I still feel sad when I hold my baby and he moves his head towards my breast as if to breastfeed and then I give him a bottle instead. I feel like I am letting him down in a way.

I went to my mum's house the other day and she has my wedding photos on display. Seeing the photos made me wonder if I would ever feel as happy as I did on my wedding day. I worry that I won't ever feel that happy again.

I also have been anxious that I am ruining my relationship with my husband. I have always been independent, doing my own thing and with my own career and friends. Now I am being overly clingy to him and asking him to stay at home with me to help and pleading with him not to go to work. I worry that he will find that unattractive.
Oh man I could have totally written this post after the birth of my first daughter! Your feelings are so normal, this is baby blues to the tee. I was weepy and sad for weeks after she was born. I remember just crying when friends came over and asking them "When does this get fun???"

All to say, it is a horrible combination of hormones, fatigue, pressure to figure out things you've never done, and yes mourning your past life. But it gets WAY WAY better! In just a handful of weeks you are going to start feeling happy, confident going out and about, and your little one will start sleeping longer stretches. Do get outside and go for walks! Watch funny shows, find distractions!!! Right now you just have to ride the emotional roller coaster till the gloom passes, but I promise it gets better! I think it has to be quite prolonged before it is considered post partum depression, but do seek help if it persists. But most of what you're describing sounds like baby blues.
Hi all. Just wanted to sneak on quickly and say thank you. Today was a little better. Its 4th of JUly here in the states. We spent the day at my parents house grilling and swimming in the pool (I did not however, due to my c section boo). But My family is a really big help. I have pumped in about 48 hours. Breasts are starting to feel alittle better. Baby has been fussy most of the day but Im assuming its her belly getting used to the change. I hope it passes soon.I hate seeing her upset, when I feel like its my fault. I also bought a new car today! Ive been car-less since my accident 4 weeks ago, which has made my depression deeper being home-bound for so long. So yes, I feel better now. But for some reason, my depression is worse in the morning. and lessens as the day goes on. I hope I feel better tomorrow morning. How is everyone else doing?

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