Well we were hoping for a girl, but I'm pretty sure it's a boy, I've felt like it was a boy all along! But we're still excited! We have a little boy now, and he's our world

We find out for sure like a week before Christmas! How bout you? What are you hoping for? When do you find out?
That is good! It will be so interesting to see the different potty shots. I have heard that they mostly get it wrong saying it is a girl at 12-13 weeks and then baby grows a wiener in a few weeks.

Omg a week before christmas?! I am losing my mind now lol. I just want to know. I am not good with waiting to find out stuff. I always ruin all my surprises haha. We truthfully will be happy with either, but I know DH is hoping for a boy, and I just have always pictured a little girl for us. I am hoping to find out at my next appt I will be almost 16 weeks... so even if Dr does not want to guess, I will just ask for fun! If not, we are going to an elective place at 17 weeks right before DH's b day and will be finding out then. We have another US on Dec 30th, but that is way too long to wait lol. I am impatient. It is life changing to find out! I am so thankful for either way, but I want to pick names and all that.