Potential Mucus Plug or...???


Recent Mommy~6-13-13!
Feb 1, 2013
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Sorry, no pictures this time (phone wasn't with me in the bathroom this time, LOL)

But (tmi) my husband and I had sex yesterday afternoon, and I haven't really "felt right" since, and today, I noticed two dime sized amounts of clearish globs on my toilet paper after wiping. Mind you, when I've had discharge after sex with him, it usually is whiteish/Slightly yellowish and comes out in a long stringy glob (sorry, I really am!) but these were plump, clear globs, and normally I have that discharge within hours after sex, not well over 24 hours later!

We were in the restaurant today and I had 5 contractions/Braxton Hicks (but these were PAINFUL!!!) within about an hour, and they lasted for about 25-30seconds apiece, and we had to leave the restaurant, but I wasn't sure if they were real or just BH, so I walked around a store a little, and had three more WHILE walking around.

They did FINALLY go away after I got home and took about a 4 hour nap, but prior to napping, I did pee, wiped and saw the 1st of the two globs. The second glob came after my after-nap pee. Now, I'm not getting GLOBS, but I am getting smears of clear mucus, almost snot like.

Contractions are gone, but I have this constant feeling of "having to make a bowel movement" but can't???

Any idea what could be going on? Husband isn't taking me seriously at this point (had a bunch of Braxton Hicks that sent us to the hospital last week, so...) so I thought I'd come an ask you lovely ladies :)
I have had this mucous stuff last Wednesday and then the globby gluey stuff this Wednesday. So its possible that ur starting to lose ur plug. Unfortunately it doesnt mean labor. Bh are annoying but if u.start getting pain with urn contractions time the pain from start to finsh and time between them. Paim lasts usually btw 30-60sec and time btw should be 5-7mins apart for.2hrs to be considered in labor. Unless ur waterbreaks then call asap. I think this is the hardest part but seems.like ur body is.preparing!! :) i was actually in labor last Tuesday and then after a few hrs it slowed down and hospital sent me home so do feel bad for calling obgyn with questions rather be safe then sorry.
Oh about bm yes lossing mucous plug definately felt like a bm to me also! So ur not alone there!

I also realized u only going on 35 weeks. The plug can regenerate but since urn experiencing this and urn not full term please call urn doctor.tomorrow esp if u had any blood.brown or.pink with ur mucous plug mention u hard painful.contractions as well even though they where irregular. Best to be safe! Wishing u the best!
Thanks Jen! Just a little nervous, wish she'd hang out a little longer, especially seeing as she's still breech (so doc is pushing c-section for the future)

I know from start to finish, the grand total of time the contractions/BH were going was about an hour and a half, in 5min intervals, with strong pain between 25-30seconds, but it just started SO randomly, it wasn't as if I had contractions getting closer together beforehand, these just randomly started and equally randomly stopped?

Thanks again!
Please call ur doctor to be safe and advise them of real contractions that can make u start to efface and Dilate. As for her being breeched do u have a exercise ball? U can lean over it on ur knees to give baby room to move or just get on all fours. They also say babys move toward warmth and light. So u can use a bag of ice on top part of tummy and something warm on lower part if u can use a couch to let gravity help her by putting your legs up and resting them while u on floor that could help. As for light move it from top of tummy to area u want her to be in slowly. It helps it u can feel her moving. They also say using a iron board slanting it against something and placing u butt up 12inches off ground with legs resting on board and to play music (headphones) by urn private area. This can also be used for the heat/cold one too. Its what they taught us in birthing class as my baby was breeched til 36weeks. Dont be talked.into anything just yet. This is ur baby amd pregnancy nature will take its course.
I've asked hubby to pick me up an exercise ball for the last couple of weeks, it's still not here, guess I'm going to have to go get it myself.

Soon as my doctor opens, I'll give him a call and see what he says. I think they're pretty much sick of me at this point, but humor me because of the number of complications we've had with this pregnancy.

Thanks again, Jen!
No problem! Also they are there to help its their job to keep u and baby safe so no question is stupid. Lmk what they say!
Well doctor sort of blew me off, which I expected, but told me to rest a bit, avoid being on my feet unless I have to and to keep a small notebook and pen to time contractions and record them. He said if they keep giving me issues to just go into L&D triage, that we'd rather be safe than sorry.
Just to be safe pelvic rest til 37weeks no sex. Thats what he should have said! Im sorry ur doctor doesnt take u serious but this is ur baby and i care i want you to make it to.full term. Ur body is already preparing so i think if u take it easy next two three weeks ull have an easy delivery with what ur body is already done and will continue to do til then.
That sounds like what i had on my last daughter at 34 weeks and went on and off when i wiped for the almost a week. She was born at 35 weeks after a 20 minute labour. I would get checked out just to be sure, if it happens me again i will be requesting the steriod injection like i got on my first daughter, born early also.
Thanks ladies, lost another two globs today! Have a new weird symptom to run by ya, if you don't mind?

I am having a TON of spazms/pressure on my perineum area...and having a bowel movement doesn't alleviate it much. I called the hospital (not doc, this time) and they basically said they don't "give advice over the phone, so you should just come in." which is sort of what I expected.

I've been crampy for two days, but no blood, baby girl is still moving (not very much though) so I'm not sure WHAT to do?

I feel like a hypochondriac at this point, I'm sick of going in and them just telling me I'm basically wasting their time. *sigh* it isn't encouraging to go in when you just get scolded for taking up a room for "a woman in real labor." :(
Your not wasting any ones time, this is your baby and your priority and don't let any one let you feel a nuisance for ensuring all is well. I kept away from the hospital on DD2 as i did not want to be bothering them and also because i had a toddler at home i did not want to be leaving. Big mistake.

Go in and get checked out. Tell them all your symptoms.

By the way i went to the hospital for no movement on DD1. Nothing else only no movement and constantly going to the loo. I was told i had a kidney infection and to given a pain killer and told to sleep. She was born less than 2hrs later.

There is no harm getting checked out. It is in your babies interest. It is never a waste of time. You sound to me like i did on my second daughter. The mucus started on a Monday evening. Blood in mucus on a Wednesday evening. Felt terrible for the next few days. Saturday i lived on the loo. Tightenings in my stomach but no pains Saturday night and early Sunday morning. She was born fast and furious on the sunday morning.

Get checked for peace of mind.
Thank you AllGirls!
You do make a very compelling point, I'm so worried about making my self an inconvenience for the hospital (which are paid VERY well for dealing with me!) that I may put myself or my daughter at risk...that, is just stupid of me.

My husband gets home in a couple hours from work (we only have one car) so we'll take off when he gets home, and if anyone gives me crap at the hospital, I'll just tell them that this is our first almost term baby, we lost our first, have had TONS of complications and there's NOTHING WRONG with making sure we're progressing alright!

Thanks again!
So glad ur going. They need to check u. Also no sex anymore til ur full term and rest rest rest. U are almost a mommy to a beautiful baby girl that will be here with u on earth! I know exactly how urn feeling as Im feeling same thing. <3
So glad ur going. They need to check u. Also no sex anymore til ur full term and rest rest rest. U are almost a mommy to a beautiful baby girl that will be here with u on earth! I know exactly how urn feeling as Im feeling same thing. <3

Thanks so much, Jen!

Hubby gets home in about an hour (he works 12hour shifts and has an hour and a half drive one way, poor guy!) and assuming I'm not in a life or death situation, I'm going to try to let him get at least a few hours sleep before heading in.

I was told that orgasm and sperm soften the cervex, so yeah, I agree, no "funny business" for a while, not that it's been enjoyable lately anyway :nope:

Little one is still moving, but just not very much, so I'll be happy to hopefully get some peace of mind this morning!

Thanks again!

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