Praise for the men


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2013
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I know they can be annoying, the do things to wind us up. But, I want o start this thread so we can say something nice about the men in our lives.

My dh has been fantastic recently. We both work full time and I've been struggling with the work, travelling and pregnancy being so tiring. Im also ill with a chest infection at the moment. He comes home from work, cooks dinner most nights, has cleaned the whole house the last 2 weekends and does all the ironing. He does so much bless him and just tells me to go rest.

I have one more full time week, then a week off, then four weeks working 2 days so will have more energy to help him. Xx
It's not that my DH does anything in particular, but he is being so understanding when I need time out from our toddler or just need a sit down etc :) there hasn't been too much I can fault him for during this pregnancy :) it's nice to have a thread to appreciate them..
My guy went out of his way to bring me onion bhajis last night, I'm always craving them lol
Hooray for a thread where we can love our men <3

Mine has been amazing recently with sorting out babies room, it looks amazing (just needs some furniture now!). He's clearing a load of rubble and crap from our garden this weekend and I'm not allowed to lift a finger (he's organised for one of his friends to come help him), he's cooked dinner loads in the last few months and is generally really lovely and sympathetic when I'm sore! I just adore him, I know I'm so lucky to have him.

Also last night I came home and he'd been learning songs on his guitar to play for baby, so bump got serenaded after dinner last night. It was so lovely :cloud9:
Also, my dh reads to bump every Sunday. We have a chill out half hour and he reads things like the gruffalo to bump <3
My husband has been to every appointment with me, and there have been a lot of them! He came to all the ante natal classes with me and got involved in the class discussions and socialised with the other men in the group. He has also been reading several baby books.

I've had a couple of crying meltdowns this pregnancy due to the hormones and he has been so caring and understanding.

It's been lovely having his support.
There is no reason as such I just love him and makes me so happy were gonna be a family very very soon :) xxx
Hooray! This is a good idea for a thread.

DH has a new job which means he has to move away from us around baby's due date for a month before we go and join him. He is organising our move himself, packing all the boxes, will drive up and back with all our boxes in a delivery van and renovate the new flat with a mate before we get there. He also takes LO out and about when I need a rest and sings to bump at night :D

Today he explained to LO that he will be moving away and for one month will only see him at the weekends, but that after that we'll all be together again.
super thread!

I love my OH soooo much and its times like this during the day when he is at work that I realise so much more! I wish I could just call him and declare my love :haha:
but by the time hes home at night im tired and miserable and I feel like I don't show him enough really how much he means to me, ill make more of an effort to do so!

I cant pin point singular things he does, as a whole he is just perfect. we have our moments but I wouldn't change a thing about him! I love how interested in my pregnancy he is, I never thought he would be. He's doing our little boys nursery all himself, regardless of several offers of help, he says HE wants to do it which I find totally sweet!
We aren't the kind to constantly shower each other with compliments and gifts, but he always makes sure he asks me several times a day 'is the baby ok?' 'has he been moving?' .. again, just simple things but they mean so much!
he talks about when baby is a little older and he can take him on days out etc, and it really makes me proud. my boy is going to have the best daddy ever!!!! x
My OH is just my best friend. So understanding, loving and brings me back down to earth with a bang when I need it haha!

This is a lovely idea for a thread.
My OH has been amazinggg throughout this pregnancy:D comes to every single appointment with me, talks to my bump and kisses it all the time, done all our garden and re painted our living room for when we bring him home, always makes dinner, he never fails to make me happy hes my bestfriend:) and i need to start showing more apreciation as iv been a snappy bitch throughout this pregnancy:( cant wait for us to be a family of 5!:D
DH been amazing throughout the pregnancy - reassuring me in the first 3 months of pregnancy - me panicking if baby was ok due to last ectopic pregnancy, to him looking after me and taking over the housework despite him still working and me being on maternity leave now.
had a few meltdowns due to no sleep and pains in my pelvic area, but hes been understanding.
love how he talks to baby and strokes my belly when baby moves..hes so fascinated when he feels a leg/hand poke out.

dont think men get enough credit sometimes
Great thread. So glad theres lots of good men out there! My husband has been amazing but I knew he would as he is with everything!!
I don't even work full time but he works long hours then usually goes to gym, but still finds the energy to come home and help me with things around the house. He also praises me all the time and has been so patient with me, with things I know a lot of men wouldn't have been. He's going to be the most amazing dad and I'm so excited to see him with our baby, which fingers crossed will be in just a couple of weeks!!
Kudos to my husband for taking turns and doing things for me and our son. Nuff respect!
Awww yay love this thread!! I can't pinpoint just one thing that he's done for me - he's just been genuinely awesome throughout this whole pregnancy even though there were times when I wasn't the nicest person in the world. Whenever I've had particularly emotional moments where I've just laid down and cried, he's been right there with me, either rubbing my back or just holding me while letting me cry it out. He makes me laugh when he knows that that's just all that I need to do. He's all around my best friend and I wouldn't have him any other way! :)
My DH is my rock. We both work opposite shifts. He watches the kids all day and goesto work after i get home. He's a complete hands on dad...fully supports my breastfeeding, does all the changing/burping/other duties the first month and watches the older kids so I can focus on baby and breastfeeding . He cut out all his 'fun money' and has saved up enough to be able to take off eight weeks (unpaid) when baby is born! He accepted with joy this unexpected pregnant from day one, even when I was still having a hard time dealing with it.
My husband has been fantastic too! Being pregnant is life threatening as I have a blood disorder and he has been a saint! He gets up early with our older 3 children, feeds children, cleans litter trays, makes sure our older 2 are ready for school, Makes me a coffee (decafe of course) takes big 2 too school. Then comes home and does all the housework. I must say I find it frustrating not being able to do everything a mummy should be doing but I am so grateful for everything he does for us. Not only does he do all that he is younger than me so makes me feel very smug :haha: xx

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