I'm so sorry. The meds will kick in quick and he will be on the mend. Kids, specifically babies, are so resilient. I know what it's like to have a baby that young very ill.
Praying for God's healing hand!!
My son was in Nicu for 5 days after he was born. I know its hard to see him in there but it make you cherish every moment!
So sorry to hear this. As a PP said, babies are tougher than we give them credit for. The medicine will help him soon I'm sure. Keeping u all in my thoughts x
My 35 weeker preemie had this a couple of weeks ago when he would've been 5 weeks adjusted age - we panicked with him being so tiny and young but he spent a night/day in hospital and now he is absolutely fine! They really are tougher than we think. Prayers and best wishes for your family x
Sending tons of love! My 6 week old has had whooping cough for the past week. We've managed to avoid a hospital stay (so far, fingers crossed), it's bad enough seeing her poorly at home, nevermind in ICU.
Our little ones are tough, much tougher than their tiny bodies would have us believe. He's in the best place to get the best care, he'll be home with you before you know it.
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