Pre clampsia - due on Monday a bit worried about what happens next?


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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Went doctors today and was told I had protein in my pee , swelling and high blood pressure 132/91.

Doc said he will get midwife to call me tommorow. Doc seemed worried and a welekend midwife call must mean it's serious.

Has anybody had this?????

I've had friends who were omitted to hospital and had to be induced??

Any thoughts , help or experiences would be fab as feeling alittle anxious.

I had pre-eclampsia and had to have an emergency C-section with my DD... I was at 176/110 and her heart rate was 210 bpm... they said they could calm me down but since i was scheduled for a c-section in a week anyway they didn't.
Symptoms i had was something that felt like a very bad sinus headache that would not go away and of course a hot flushed feeling. Just stay as calm as possible, don't get stressed that will only make it worse. Keep your heart rate as low as possible and rest as much as you can.
The midwife will be coming to see if there has been a further rise in your BP which at the moment is just borderline. How much protein was in your urine? If he was overly concerned you would have been admitted to hospital so until the midwife comes and checks your BP don't be too worried. Obviously watch out for symptoms such as a tummy pain under your ribcage and a headache/flashing lights that doesn't go away with paracetamol which are a sign of pre eclampsia. Hope your check goes ok tomorrow x
i was admitted to be induced on my due date two days after they told me my BP was too high (after 3 weeks of monitoring in hospital as an outpatient and 3 days in hospital admitted)

I had home visit from midwife today higher blood pressure and even more protein in pee. Suspected pre clampsia!! So had to go in for further tests and possibility to be induced! been on a trace monitor and had loads of test , i was so close to be kept in overnight but they said I could go home but gotta go back monday - found out I'm 1cm dilated only 9 to go!! Ha ha xxx
I was monitored for the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy, including a home MW visit every other day for a BP check (including weekends) - which 9 times out of 10 would result in me being send into DAU for assessment again. There I was prescribed Labetalol to try and control my BP. My only noticeable (to me) symptom was swelling in my feet and hands, although each time I was asked whether I have experienced other PE indicators.

In the end I was induced 2 days before my due date and pre-eclampsia was officially diagnosed after 15 hours of labour. It began to affect my kidneys - they had me on a drip and I was nil by mouth so they could monitor how much was going in and how much was coming out, which it turned out was not very much, so I ended up having an emergency c section. All throughout those 15 hours I was attached to a monitor as my waters contained meconium and they always stressed that the baby was doing really well, it was me who was the cause for concern.

Please try not to stress too much - if your doctor thought it was desperately serious he would have sent you straight to the maternity ward for assessment. I realise this is easier said than done though. I went in for assessment dozens of times during my last pregnancy and was only kept in for overnight observation once - that was a couple of days before they induced me.

On a practical note, if you do get sent in for assessment, take plenty of snacks, drinks and a good book, because it can be very long and dull hanging around for hours while they wait for results.

They found protein in my urine, and high bp at 25 weeks - I had to have daily monitoring and scans so they could deliver the baby as soon as it became a risk to either me or Sophie. She ended up being born by emergency c-section at 27 weeks. As soon as they get really concerned, they will deliver. They do whatever is the safest option for both the mum and the baby.

Good luck xxx

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