preclampsia help.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2008
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hi, ive had 10 children and never had preclampsia before but ive got high bp this time partly hereditory , i went for a consultant appointment today and my bp is rising , i am on 200 mg of labetalol at the moment, there was also + protien in my wee i had bloods done which came back fine at the moment, she has said if things stay stable they will sweep me at 39 weeks and induce on due date, but i have to see mw weekly now and if bp carries on misbehaving i will have to be admitted i was wondering, if its just my bp rising will they up my meds or induce early? and if they induce early how long will baby be in for around 35-37 weeks , also how long would they monitor bp for before they take action? as they seem to think protien was maybe caused by a dirty sample bottle as they tested again an hour later and there was no protien,the mw said that if baby came now with steriod injections he should be fine breathing but it could take a couple of weeks to establish feeding,and when he was feeding fine he could come home,she also said she wanted my bloods done today as a base line, does this mean she will be repeating them to see if there is any change? i dont have another appointment with the consultant until 37 weeks unless my mw thinks i need to go due to bp, do they induce early on bp alone? im sorry this is long im a little confused, is it likley they will leave me until term or medicate more? as i dont think my bp will come down having to look after 10 kids while dh is at work,lol,thank you for any help or experiance in the
I have had preeclampsia with my first two pregnancies. I am currently on the look out for it and taking labetalol 600mg twice a day. My pressure have been going up and they tend to keep increasing the dose of my medications as I have very little protein in my urine. So sorry to hear that you are having this problem. Another great site is the preeclampsia foundation website. They also have a forum if you wanted to post a question there.
In answer to questions about being induced unfortunately it all depends on how well you respond to the meds. Some ladies get weeks and others have to deliver the same day with diagnosis. I think that the average from diagnosis to delivery is about two weeks. I know that this is hard but try to rest as much as you can.
It's rubbish isn't it :( I had pre-e with my first and delivered at 36weeks and he was perfect, required no help and came home from hospital with me. My BP started rising about 33 weeks that time and I never did have any protein in urine however at 36w they checked my bloods again and liver tests where off just slightly so figured it best to deliver rather than wait for things to get worse!
My sister had her DS at 35weeka exact and he had no problems either and home with her within 2 days.
We both had the steroid shots.

I'm worried this time tho as I'm 27weeks and been in hospital everyday this week as BP just wouldn't go down, I'm now on 600mg labetalol which has finally got it stable I'm jut hoping it keeps it there! I still don't have protein in urine but didn't the first time either so I'm just hoping I get to 36weeks again, they have said if by a miracle my BP doesn't rise again tney'll let me go to 38w but no later.

Fingers crosses for us all, good luck! X
I know what you are going though :( I had high blood pressure pre-pregnancy. It was controlled on 200 mgs of Labatalol until 30 weeks, when it skyrocketed to 180/110. I was admitted to the hospital then and doctors began playing with my meds. There was only trace protein in my urine and my bloods were fine, but they just couldn't get it controlled no matter how much they upped the labatalol. So, toward the end of my pregnancy, I was taking 1200 mgs of Labatalol and 60 mgs of Adalat. A "good" blood pressure for me was 150/90. If it spiked, they would give me an injection of hydrolazine. At 31 weeks they decided to give me the steriod injections just incase they had to induce me in the next two weeks. At 32 weeks my proteins started creeping up and I was doing 24 hr urines. In 1 day it went from a 3 (which had them concerned) to a 6. Needless to say, I was induced that night and my babies were born at 32 weeks and 6 days. So, for me, they kept playing with my medication (IN HOSPITAL..which sucks, but they were able to CLOSELY monitor babies - daily ultrasounds and NST's). It wasn't until my protein started going high that they induced me. So Avery was born at 3lbs 12 oz and Brook was 3 lbs 2 ozs. They were in the hospital for 3.5 weeks. They were sent home when they were taking their full feeds by bottle (breast was too much for them, so I pump and bottle feed). Avery was just over 5 lbs and Brooke was just under. Good luck with everything!!!
Just jumping in from Third Trimester - you have asked all the same questions I wanted to know the answers too!

Just got diagnosed with pre-e a couple of days ago (at 35+6). My bp was pretty high and they found protein in my pee, so am now being monitored with NSTs & AFIs twice a week, as well as a growth scan. They said they will induce me sometime between 37-39 weeks depending on how he is doing in there.

Horrible isnt it?!
Yesterday hubby and i brought home our 35 week old bubba after she was born by emergency csection due to pre-e at 32+5 weeks. She was only in neonatal unit for 2 weeks 3 days and i thoroughly believe her outstanding progress and early release from hospital was due to the steroid injections they managed to give me 4 days before she was delivered.

I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia on the Monday 2nd July at a routine midwife check due to hi BP, protein in my wee and swollen hands and feet, i felt absolutely fine...they put me on labetalol and told me id be induced at 37 weeks and they would not let me go full term. By Friday the 6th the pre-e had spiraled out of control and i had severe epi gastric pain and a bp of 185/107 and rising, they decided to deliver me that night at 32+5 weeks pg.

Our daughter Ava Lilly has shocked everyone at the unit of her progress and so glad to have her home after what was a truly horrific and traumatic experience! :thumbup:

just a heads up to look out for the stomach pains, i had pain that friday morning but i thought it was heart burn / trapped wind!! It was my liver starting to fail and is very serious! If you experience any pains just under your boobs call the hospital asaps as i did not see it coming nor experience any headaches / blurred vision!
I had pre-eclampsia with my LO, it was discovered at 25 weeks. At that point it was just high BP, but then protein started appearing in the urine, the daily scans showed that the blood flow to Sophie wasn't too good, and then my blood tests started coming back showing liver problems. They kept me in and Sophie was delivered by emergency c-section at 27 weeks exactly.

I had no symptoms that I'd have noticed up until overnight the night she was born, when my fingers got so swollen I couldn't bend them, and I had the most blinding headache.

Hope you all get on ok xxx

PS Sophie is now 2 past March and doing great :) She had 12 weeks in neonatal.

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