Preemie baby Milestones


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2009
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Hey guys!
I wsa just wondering how you guys gage what stuff your little ones should be doing.

My lo was born at 35w and is now coming to 16weeks old. Her corrected age means she will be around 12weeks. She weighs around 9lb at her last HV weigh in two weeks ago

She is cooing and talking- and I see her trying to roll too. so some things she is doing. She is also sleeping less during the day and going longer spells at night (5hr) I just cant seem to figure out if she should be going longer at night. She gets up at around 3.30-5am and then has a feed. She is is taking say an ounce or two (normally her full feed is 3) and then back down. This then has the knock on effect at her morning feed! Should I be trying to get her out of the early morning feed and then let her have a bigger feed at say 7am. How should I do this?

Also around 2-7/8pm at night she does this cluster feeding thing where every two hours I give her 2 oz- She wont take more and pukes all over the place if I try more- is this normal? Can it be another growth spurt (she is having lots of them!LOL)

And finally- I will stop soon!! :wacko: She pukes and it comes out of her nose and everything. She is doing that at least once a day. SHe normally has that when a burp is there- so we are using infacol. I just wonder if it is normal.

Any advice, comments and thoughts are appreciated!!:kiss::kiss:
I go by Elias' is corrected age, which is 3 months and 2 weeks. He was born 11 weeks early, at 28 weeks and 6 days gestation.

So far, he's babbling loads, and is starting to copy sounds and vowels. He's just started grasping and playing with toys, towels, blankets, etc. He smiles and giggles, and can hold his head up during tummy time, and roll over onto his back. And he sleeps through the night (with 1 or 2 "dream feeds" but he never wakes up completely). He still eats every 1-1 1/2 hours during the day -- which is probably why he's 14 pounds. :haha:

Oh, and he can also see pretty darn far! Farther than I expected! He follows people around the room, and has recently started to make loud babbling and screeching sounds at someone when he wants their attention. :haha:

It sounds like your LO is doing great. Spitting up is normal, but if she's throwing up forcefully, she might have reflux. Elias is demand fed, so I unfortunately can't help you with your feed question.
Thanks Srrme! It seems by my calculations she is not taking in enough milk. She needs to be taking at least another 4 oz through out the day! :/ I am just too afraid she is bring it up. We have to see her HV and have a weigh in tomorrow so I will ask them. Also we shall see how much she has put on :)
This is so confusing!!!

Thanks again!!
Thanks Srrme! It seems by my calculations she is not taking in enough milk. She needs to be taking at least another 4 oz through out the day! :/ I am just too afraid she is bring it up. We have to see her HV and have a weigh in tomorrow so I will ask them. Also we shall see how much she has put on :)
This is so confusing!!!

Thanks again!!

Are you still going by the hospital routine and amount?
Srrme - her routine has changed somewhat. She is not on a four hour routine at all. She tends to eat every three hours and goes through a late afternoon early evening 2h feeds. She has increased the amount from 50ml at each feed to around 90-100ml at the moment. She was 4lb when she left SCBU and is now around 9lb.

At SCBU they calculated the amount by her weight and that is what I am doing.

Since my post I have increased her feeds and she has been pretty good taking in roughly the amount she should be. The only thing is she is taking it across around 6-8 bottles a day. Last night she fed at 10.30, 2.30am and then up again at 5.30 where I gave her cooled water and then full feed at 7.30am :shrug:

BTW- we never made her weigh in this morning :(
Srrme - her routine has changed somewhat. She is not on a four hour routine at all. She tends to eat every three hours and goes through a late afternoon early evening 2h feeds. She has increased the amount from 50ml at each feed to around 90-100ml at the moment. She was 4lb when she left SCBU and is now around 9lb.

At SCBU they calculated the amount by her weight and that is what I am doing.

Since my post I have increased her feeds and she has been pretty good taking in roughly the amount she should be. The only thing is she is taking it across around 6-8 bottles a day. Last night she fed at 10.30, 2.30am and then up again at 5.30 where I gave her cooled water and then full feed at 7.30am :shrug:

BTW- we never made her weigh in this morning :(

It seems like she's doing fine. I (like most other parents on this forum) tossed the hospital routine out the window as soon as Elias came home. We began exclusively breastfeeding on demand. As long as your little one is making enough wet and dirty nappies (6-8 a day) I wouldn't worry!
srrme- well she certainly is making some dirty nappies LOL. She has been feeding more the past few days and her nappies are good! Thank you for the replies and your time and I hope you and your little one are :hugs:

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